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Anne Bubnic

Explanation of "Maintenance of Effort" (MOE) - 0 views

    Maintenance of Effort (MOE) is a federal requirement that requires grant recipients and /or sub-recipients to maintain a certain level of state/local fiscal effort to be eligible for full participation in federal grant funding. Grant recipients or sub-recipients not meeting MOE requirements face loss of a portion of their federal funds.
Anne Bubnic Enhancing Education Through Technology - 0 views

    Details related to assessing the EETT Program
Anne Bubnic

A conversation with Arne Duncan, US Secretary of Education - 0 views

    Charlie Rose's interview with Arne Duncan (Mar 2009).
Anne Bubnic

Nearly $4 Billion in Funds Available for California - 0 views

  • California will be eligible to apply for another $2 billion this fall. Today's funding is being made available per California's successful completion of Part 1 of the State Stabilization Application, which was made available April 1.
  • "The $4 billion that California will receive today is part of the single largest boost in education funding in recent history," Duncan said. "The President's leadership and support from Congress have made this historic investment possible. California can now utilize these funds to save jobs and lay the groundwork for a generation of education reform."
    U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan today announced that nearly $4 billion is now available for California under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009. This funding will lay the foundation for a generation of education reform and help save hundreds of thousands of teaching jobs at risk of state and local budget cuts. California will be eligible to apply for another $2 billion this fall. California is the first state to be approved for the first round of state stabilization funding.
Anne Bubnic

ARRA 2009: Impact Aid Construction: Formula Grants and Competitive Grants - 0 views

  • After reserving one percent of the appropriation for management and oversight, the Department of Education (ED) will award $39.6 million to 179 local educational agencies (LEAs) that are eligible as a result of their enrollment of certain numbers and types of federally connected children for whom they receive funds under section 8003 of the Impact Aid Program (Basic Support Payments).
  • After reserving one percent of the appropriation for management and oversight, ED will distribute $59.4 million in competitive Impact Aid Construction grants.
    The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) appropriated $100 million in new funding for Impact Aid under section 8007 of Title VIII of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended (ESEA).
Anne Bubnic

Rural Broadband | K-12 ARRA Implementation - 0 views

  • Broadband Technology Opportunities Program
    The majority of this fund is for competitive grants which can only be awarded directly to a State if the State applies as an eligible entity and meets the eligibility requirements. The Program requires at least one grant be awarded in each state.
Anne Bubnic

Initial Guidance on State Fiscal Stabilization Fund, Title 1 and IDEA - 0 views

    The U.S. Department of Education released a new PowerPoint overview of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) on March 24. While much of the information we have already covered, there are some new points that are of importance to the charter community.
Anne Bubnic

Highlights of ARRA Funding Opportunities for Local Districts [PDF] - 0 views

    ARRA provides $12.2 billion in funds under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) under Part B and Part C. Part B consists of $11.3 billion allocated for Section 611 (ages 3-21) and $400 million for Section 619 (ages 3-5 only).1 $500 million is provided for Part C (infants and toddlers). In addition to IDEA funding, it's possible that other ARRA line items, including but not limited to Title I and Head Start funding, might also be dedicated to special education and educational reforms. State Fiscal Stabilization Funds can also be used by states for these purposes, but there is no requirement that they do so.
Anne Bubnic

Longitudinal Data Systems And The Impact Of ARRA - 0 views

    Increasingly, districts achieving significant gains in student performance cite longitudinal data systems -- systems that gather and track student data over time -- as their key to success. For these districts, easy access to accurate, real-time, frequently gathered data enables them to inform collaborative planning, differentiate instruction and drive improvement.\n\nAt this webinar, you'll hear first-hand from district leaders and education technology innovators including Pam Moran, Superintendent of Albemarle County Public Schools, Kim Davis, Executive Director, Instructional Technology, Wichita Public Schools, and Luyen Chou, Chief Product Officer at Schoolnet, the data-driven education solution provider.
Anne Bubnic

Saving and Creating Jobs and Reforming Education [PDF] - 0 views

    In a global economy where the most valuable skill you can sell is your knowledge, a good education is no longer just a pathway to opportunity- it is a pre-requisite. The countries that out-teach us today will out-compete us tomorrow.
Anne Bubnic

Update USDOE | K-12 ARRA Implementation - 0 views

    While the Stabilization Fund will help relieve our immediate economic crisis, it is also intended to boost student achievement, so to access this money, we seek your commitment to the following four essential areas of reform: * Making improvements in teacher effectiveness and ensuring that all schools have highly qualified teachers; * Making progress toward college and career-ready standards and rigorous assessments that will improve both teaching and learning; * Improving achievement in low-performing schools, by providing intensive support and effective interventions in schools that need them the most; * Gathering information to improve student learning, teacher performance, and college and career-readiness through enhanced data systems that track progress.
Anne Bubnic

SC Teen sues over stimulus funds - 0 views

    High school student campaigns to have S.C. governor cut out of stimulus process
Anne Bubnic

Education reform way to rake in stimulus money - 0 views

  • early $44 billion for schools was made available April 1 and is to help states and school districts jump-start reform efforts and stabilize shrinking budgets. Another round of funding will be made available for states' applications later in the year, according to the federal Education Department.States were given guidelines this month on how they could use stimulus funds. The majority of the money states receive must be applied to programs that serve low-income students in Title 1 and special education students in Individuals with Disabilities Education Act programs
  • states competing for Race to the Top funds will be judged on how well they are using the first round of stabilization and Title I funds to advance education reforms.
  • Every dollar we spend must advance reforms and improve learning," Duncan said in a release. "We are putting real money on the line to challenge every state to push harder and do more for its children."
    Nearly $44 billion for schools was made available April 1 and is to help states and school districts jump-start reform efforts and stabilize shrinking budgets. Another round of funding will be made available for states' applications later in the year, according to the federal Education Department.
Anne Bubnic

$3.1-billion economic stimulus windfall offers a chance to reform California schools, t... - 0 views

    As California received billions of dollars Friday to stave off widespread teacher layoffs, the state's highest elected education official pledged to reform schools, aligning academic standards with other states, rewarding teachers who work in the most challenging classrooms and improving student assessments.
Anne Bubnic

SFSF Instructions (CA Dept of Education) - 0 views

    State Fiscal Stabilization Fund applications must be completed by May 4, 2009 to be eligible for the first round of SFSF funding.
Anne Bubnic

ARRA: State Fiscal Stabilization Fund Assurances [doc] - 0 views

    Assurances are equired as a condition of receiving funds. LEA applicants do not need to sign and return the assurances with the application; they must be downloaded and kept on file for compliance reviews, complaint investigations, or audits.
Anne Bubnic

Taking Action on ARRA: Education & Learning Disabilities - 0 views

    To reform education, and ensure that America's classrooms provide support for all learners, Congress and President Obama have provided an additional $12.2 billion in funding for special education through the stimulus package, known by its acronym as ARRA. That's the good news. The bad news is these funds may be endangered if they are not spent effectively, and as intended.
Anne Bubnic

ARRA and Special Education - 0 views

    ARRA provides $12.2 billion in funds under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) under Part B and Part C. Part B consists of $11.3 billion allocated for Section 611 (ages 3-21) and $400 million for Section 619 (ages 3-5 only).1 $500 million is provided for Part C (infants and toddlers). In addition to IDEA funding, it's possible that other ARRA line items, including but not limited to Title I and Head Start funding, might also be dedicated to special education and educational reforms. State Fiscal \nStabilization Funds can also be used by states for these purposes, but there is no requirement that they do so/
Anne Bubnic

Here Come the Funds-Are You Up To Speed? - 0 views

  • The speed at which American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) information is flowing is exciting. But it's also a daunting task to keep current with this fast flow of facts, dates, and funding amounts. With more than $100 billion in education funding over the next two fiscal years—and ultimately student achievement at stake—it's everyone's responsibility to do their due diligence. Whether you're a direct or indirect contributor to the planning, implementing, expanding, or sustaining of education programs at your school or district, a new document released by the U.S. Department of Education on March 24, 2009 entitled, "Saving and Creating Jobs and Reforming Education" will be of assistance.
    The speed at which American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) information is flowing is exciting. But it's also a daunting task to keep current with this fast flow of facts, dates, and funding amounts. With more than $100 billion in education funding over the next two fiscal years-and ultimately student achievement at stake-it's everyone's responsibility to do their due diligence.\nWhether you're a direct or indirect contributor to the planning, implementing, expanding, or sustaining of education programs at your school or district, a new document released by the U.S. Department of Education on March 24, 2009 entitled, "Saving and Creating Jobs and Reforming Education" will be of assistance.
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