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Key Democrats Poke at Education Budget Plan - 0 views

  • In its fiscal 2010 budget proposal, the administration justified the change by pointing to a $10 billion increase that the Title I grant program for districts received in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the stimulus measure that passed in February and that includes up to $100 billion for education, spread out over fiscal years 2009 and 2010.
  • “For this year and next year, things are fine,” he told the education secretary at the June 3 hearing. “You can say, well, this is OK because we have all this money in the [stimulus program]. But the problem with that is, you cut the base. If you cut the base this year, you have to make all that up” in fiscal 2011.
  • And, at a hearing later that same day, Rep. Obey expressed concern that the proposal could lessen the impact of the Title I money in the stimulus package because districts would have to use that money to “backfill” the difference between their 2009 and 2010 allocations.
    Two key Democrats in Congress have expressed skepticism about the Obama administration's proposal to shift $1 billion out of Title I grants for districts into the separate Title I school improvement program in the fiscal 2010 federal budget.

New IDEA Money for Special Education in ARRA - 0 views

    Schools are advised not to build it into budgets just yet. School superintendents across California looked to the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund portion of ARRA to backfill cuts to state programs in education and social services. As California's economy continues to sour, there is a great deal of uncertainty as to whether the stimulus dollars will ever make it out of Sacramento-so much so that a group of congressional representatives from California wrote a letter on March 17, 2009, to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger urging him to pass the federal dollars on to local schools to save teaching jobs, as Congress intende

Meet Arne Duncan, US Secy of Education - 0 views

    Profile on U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan. Learn more about his passion for quality education and plans for the department.

Education Secretary Wants ARRA Applications Pronto - 0 views

    The United States Department of Education this week urged states to "act now" to get their applications in for stimulus package funding. Education Secretary Duncan said that states should act as quickly as possible on State Fiscal Stabilization Funds to help move reforms forward and to protect teaching jobs that are at risk.

Education Secretary Duncan Speaks About Education Reform - 0 views

    Third, there's more great ideas about what works around the country than ever before. What I've said repeatedly is I don't have to come up with any great ideas. My job is to listen, to learn. And that in every inner-city community around the country and many, many rural communities, there are extraordinary schools, great educators who are beating the odds every day. My job is to listen to them, to invest in them, to take to scale what works. And there's been this blossoming of entrepreneurial ideas and energy around education over the past 10 to 15 years. And we know what is possible: Regardless of socioeconomic challenges, regardless of family background, when children have a chance to get a great education, they do very, very well.

High Quality Preschool Must Remain A Priority in California - California Progress Report - 0 views

  • Longitudinal studies show that high quality early childhood education that serves disadvantaged children provides a return on $7 to $17 for every dollar spent: it saves government spending on K-12 education, public assistance and the criminal justice system, and increases revenues as a result of higher earnings. In other words, California can no longer afford to ignore this issue.
    This week the RAND Corporation released its fourth and final study in a series of comprehensive reports on California's preschool system. In this moment of unprecedented fiscal hardship, the RAND research provides guidance on how California can most effectively and efficiently spend its early education dollars, and shows how early childhood education is critical in our efforts to close the achievement gap.

In One Pocket and Out the Other for Preschool Funding - 0 views

    A promised deluge of federal stimulus funds for preschools, a major priority for President Barack Obama, will start flowing to centers in San Diego just as state funding is being clipped. That might sound like a blessing, but dollars from state, federal and other programs cannot be easily swapped to plug gaps. The push-and-pull on preschool money is putting many centers in the paradoxical position of juggling expected cuts with investments in better programs and training, benefiting some families and not others.

A School Windfall That Set Off a Whirlwind of Controversy - 0 views

  • Morris said that schools had to hurry so that the plans could be brought to the school board before unrolling any major changes, such as changing the school calendar, which could take time to put together before next school year. The budget deadline is June 30. No final decisions have been made, the school board has yet to weigh in, and it is unclear when the final plans will be chosen
  • The teachers union plans to file a charge that San Diego Unified violated labor law when patching together the plans, alleging that it dodged the union on issues that must be bargained, such as how many days teachers work. It contends that such changes can only be brought to the union, not directly to teachers, just as individual schools cannot ask teachers to change their salaries without going to the bargaining table.
  • While Grier has earned praise for his fast pace and passion for change, that same speediness has sparked criticism for failing to get input from parents and teachers on his plans. And with millions in stimulus money at stake, those arguments are even more pressing, especially as tension builds between the stimulus goals of doing new things and saving jobs that already exist.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • "There needs to be community input and participation. That doesn’t happen extremely quickly," said school board member John Lee Evans. He added, "It is a quandary in terms of, 'Here is some quick stimulus money to hold things together, and we want you to be innovative, and we want your ideas to be well thought out and based on research.' There are a lot of contradictions there."
  • Both the Lincoln and Crawford plans include extending the school year for four more weeks, which costs money because schools must pay teachers more for the extra time. Some reformers like the idea because it gives children more time in the classroom, which has been shown to benefit disadvantaged students who tend to backslide during breaks. But changing schedules is logistically tricky and sometimes unpopular with parents.
  • Technology is also touted in plans from Lincoln, Crawford and San Diego High, several of which push for digital whiteboards and laptops for every student. Other ideas include adding more counselors, nurses and social workers to schools around Crawford, emphasizing writing at all the schools that lead into San Diego High, and creating a district-run middle school that leads into Lincoln, where many surrounding middle schools are charter schools that are independently run with public funding
  • Every principal there was excited about the possibility of doing something different," Allen said. "But they were concerned about getting the buy-in on the ideas."
  • Parents charged with overseeing federal money complain that they were not included in the plans that were hastily drafted by schools last week. Teachers and their union say the superintendent has sidestepped them. The school district refused to share the draft plans with the media on Friday. And some of the brief plans hashed out by schools, obtained from other sources by, raise a barrage of new questions, from whether schools can mandate that teachers stay in one area to curb turnover to how lengthening the school year would work.
    This article about San Diego Unified School District paints an honest picture of the classic struggle that many school districts and counties will face in trying to get together an Economic Stimulus action plan so quickly that favors school reform ideas put forth by Arne Duncan. Union negotiations, feedback from teachers, parents and community will all stall the process.

Arne Duncan Launches Nat'l Discussion on Education Reform [Photo_Video] - 0 views

    Secretary Arne Duncan will travel to 15 or more states in the coming months to solicit feedback from a broad group of stakeholders around federal education policy in anticipation of the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. The tour will gather input on the Obama administration's education agenda, including early childhood, higher standards, teacher quality, workforce development, and higher education.

ARRA Overview - CA State Board of Ed Meeting (May 09) - 0 views

    An Alternative Accessible Version of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) PreK-12 Education "Saving and Creating Jobs and Reforming Education" Powerpoint Presentation given by Andrea Ball at the May 2009 State Board of Education Meeting. Outlines all of the stimulus funding programs.

Weiss To Lead 'Race to the Top' Initiative - 0 views

    Race to the Top, as ED has described it in the past, is designed to "help states with bold plans to improve student achievement." It will provide $4.35 billion to create incentives for states to create "innovative" programs that can be replicated throughout the country. And, in general, it will be aimed at funding programs that satisfy the principles outlined in the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund, which include creating and saving jobs; ensuring transparency, reporting, and accountability; and improving student achievement through school improvement and reform.

Turning Around Troubled Schools - 0 views

  • If we turn around just the bottom 1 percent, the bottom thousand schools per year for the next five years, we could really move the needle, lift the bottom, and change the lives of tens of millions of underserved children,"
  • Besides being unpopular, school overhauls are costly and don't always produce the desired results. One of the main challenges is finding enough experienced teachers who are willing to work at a struggling school.
    To save the school, he fired the entire staff and put a nonprofit group in charge. New principals and teachers were brought in to set the school on the right path. "Sometimes it takes a fresh start," says Don Feinstein, executive director of the Academy for Urban School Leadership, the nonprofit group that took over Howe in September and now runs a total of eight "turnaround" schools along with six teacher-training academies in the city.

Six tips for securing federal stimulus money for your schools - 0 views

    he passage of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 has provided unprecedented levels of federal funding for education, and it has prompted most grant writers across the country (from all disciplines, not just education) to prepare themselves for a deluge of funding announcements--many of which will require quick turnaround times for proposals.

Broadband Stimulus Funding [Webinar] - 0 views

    This Broadband Stimulus Webinar is sponsored by Aperto, Wireless Connections and Edgenics. It is being hosted by the E Broadband Services Alliances (EBSALL), a non-for-profit alliance founded by the three companies to provide broadband services to under-served and un-served markets. This Webinar will provide valuable insights concerning: (1) opportunities for funding broadband initiatives under provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA); (2) WiMAX wireless technologies used to implement broadband networks with insights on the design, engineering, and planning of broadband networks; and (3) best practices for securing broadband funding.

Follow the Stimulus Money for Education - 0 views

    The following provides national and state-by-state breakdowns of funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that has been budgeted for distribution by the U.S. Department of Education, based on estimates by the department.

Stimulus aims to help close digital divide - 0 views

    More than $7 billion available to bring broadband access to underserved areas

Slow federal spending halts planned projects for 2009 - 0 views

    We're supposed to have an economic "stimulus" plan to both stave off further economic decline and invest in key 21st century assets such as broadband and electronic medical records. In the 90-plus days since its approval, it is disarming how little of the stimulus money has been invested and how far the funding allocation dates have been pushed back. In the case of broadband networks, the original stated goal was to have as much as half the stimulus funds committed or spent by Sept. 30. Now the federal government's Web site,, lists the first award date as Dec. 31.

Stimulus bill to provide 'windfall' for wireless providers - 0 views

    In a report released Tuesday, ABI says the government will spend $6.8 billion for "wireless communications upgrades and new deployments" over the next two years, thus providing "a significant one-off opportunity for wireless equipment vendors."
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