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7 Sure-Fire Reasons Nordic Entrepreneurs Should Consider South-East Asia for Running Th... - 0 views

    Gone are those days when entrepreneurs used to launch their e-commerce business in their native countries. In contemporary times, people are heading towards the golden path with a belief to expand their business.
Page Turn Pro

The Benefits Of Magazines For Ipad For Modern Entrepreneurs - 0 views

    This post enriches your knowledge about magazines for the iPad. Further, it talks about the benefits of it for modern entrepreneurs. Using magazines for iPad implies enhanced reach, higher visibility, and more sales and ROI (Return on Investment).
Energy Net

Peak Energy: The Ten Best Green Jobs for the Next Decade - 0 views

    Fast Company says "Massive investments in clean energy promise to keep farmers, urban planners, and green-tech entrepreneurs in business for the next decade" and lists their pick of the new green jobs that will be created - Ten Best Green Jobs for the Next Decade. "It's time to bail out the people and the planet," says Van Jones, author of The Green Collar Economy: How One Solution Can Fix Our Two Biggest Problems. We agree, and this guide to to sustainability-focused career paths will help retrofit and solar-charge your work life. Farmer America has only two million farmers, and their average age is 55. Since sustainable agriculture requires small-scale, local, organic methods rather than petroleum-based machines and fertilizers, there is a huge need for more farmers -- up to tens of millions of them, according to food guru Michael Pollan. Modern farmers are small businesspeople who must be as skilled in heirloom genetics as marketing. ...
Energy Net

ENN -- Renewables Surge Despite Economic Crisis - 0 views

    The 2008 figures are in from the new REN 21 Renewables Global Status Report: Renewable power capacity (excluding large hydropower) increased a hefty 16 percent last year, which is remarkable given that world oil use actually declined. Growth in some renewable sectors was even more impressive. Biodiesel production increased 34 percent, and solar power took the prize with a 73 percent jump. Renewable energy has not entirely escaped the impact of the global recession - growth this year will almost certainly be slower - but it is clear that global energy markets have turned a corner. Political support and business investment in new energy sources have reached the point where the new industries appear hard to stop. REN 21 reports that 64 nations now have policies to promote renewable power generation. Scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs across the globe are responding with unprecedented innovation. Overnight, the energy business has begun to resemble the I.T. industry more than it does the energy industry of the past.

cabas vanessa bruno - 0 views

Les procédés nouveaux, comme la fabrication des couleurs artificielles, s'y implantent, et la recherche appliquée, quoique relativement empirique, place les industries fran?aises à un niveau accept...

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started by xketh147 on 17 Dec 14 no follow-up yet
opinions1 opinions1

sac longchamp noir pas cher Je - 0 views

Etes-vous un entrepreneur, un amuseur ou un philanthrope ?Je me vois plutôt en aventurier : mes records de voile, de montgolfière, et maintenant l'espace, j'aime me lancer des défis. J'aime aussi c...

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started by opinions1 opinions1 on 18 Dec 14 no follow-up yet
Alex Parker

5 tech entrepreneurs taking on spaceflight - 1 views

    Who will win the commercial space race? The sort of people who start tech companies tend to be an idealistic, not to say ideological, bunch. Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg have given umpteen speeches about how the industry can change the world over years, but for some such ambition is petty - the real goal is space.

3 Best Apps for Small Business and Startups vital for Entrepreneurs - 0 views

    Ever since Apps have found favor with entities, startups, and small business owners, the scenario of cultivating and monitoring of business-related data has become easy with technology which focuses on the harbinger of speed, security, and transparency in businesses.
Page Turn Pro

Flip Book Software: An Asset For Digital Publishing! - 0 views

    A quality flip book software can do the work of a publisher or an entrepreneur easy and uncomplicated. In this article we will discuss more about this marvelous software benefits. With the help of flip book software you can make a powerful and unique online presence which actually helps to give you an edge on your competitors.

Green Salon: Opening a Green and Chic Hair and Nail Salon | Green Entrepreneur Opportun... - 0 views

    Opening a salon is not a matter of simply waking up one day saying that you would like to do some hair, after all- there is training to be done, techniques to be studied and above all, the need to take every option to make things as green as possible.

Eco Gym: Where the Green Come to Pump Eco-Friendly Iron | Green Entrepreneur Opportunit... - 0 views

    Choosing to open a green gym would require that you know environmental factors like efficient heating and cooling and what products should be included in your restrooms, as well as your business office to keep the place as green as possible.

Green Lobbyist | Green Entrepreneur Opportunities: GreenCareersGuide - 0 views

    Becoming a green lobbyist is not as easy as announcing that you are only going to work on green issues and policies; you must make sure that you are actually adhering to the same goals that you are extolling.

Green Bed and Breakfast | Green Entrepreneur Opportunities: GreenCareersGuide - 0 views

    Opening a Bed and Breakfast used to be as simple as adding some doilies to an upstairs bedroom and offering a continental breakfast in the morning.

Green Gardener/Green Gardening | Green Entrepreneur Opportunities: GreenCareersGuide - 0 views

    Because there is a limited amount and type of pesticide or herbicide that can be used on these crops, there must be scrupulous attention paid to the preparation of the soil before the plants are planted.

Sac à dos longchamp pas cher - 0 views

Maritain est alors vivement dénoncé comme le tenant de la sécularisation honnie, voire comme un allié objectif du communisme, et une partie de la hiérarchie catholique sud-américaine, nostalgique d...

started by xwhite147 on 03 Nov 14 no follow-up yet

chemise ralph lauren femme pas cher Au contraire - 0 views

Elle insistait sur le fait que la réforme n'était pas une innovation mais, au contraire, une restauration d'un ordre ancien des choses. radicale ou réformatrice) au xviiie siècle. L'idée que les pa...

started by xred456 on 03 Nov 14 no follow-up yet

Sac Gucci pas cher notamment Fran231 - 0 views

suite.?18 Fran?ois Bloch-Lainé y témoigne, pour sa part, des ?retrouvailles cahotiques en 1944-1945? des divers rénovateurs séparés par l'épreuve des temps, et qui ?en simplifiant? auraient suivi t...

started by xowen11158 on 01 Nov 14 no follow-up yet

Nouveau sac vanessa bruno femme soldes - 0 views

suite. Après guerre, elle dénonce la thèse 160;au c?ur du travail du Professeur Balahrisha, qu'en général, et en particulier en Inde, la planification économique doit être préférée (à la fois pour ...

started by xblack147 on 06 Jan 15 no follow-up yet
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