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Atlantico : Selon le MIT, la pollution automobile tuerait aux Etats-Unis plus surement que les accidents de la route, respectivement 53 000 et 34 000 personnes. La pollution automobile pourrait-ell...

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started by opinions1 opinions1 on 28 Mar 16 no follow-up yet

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La décision de cette dispense avait été suggérée vraiment très rapidement par un médecin généraliste pressé, elle entra?na un sentiment de détresse immense chez Violeta qui sentit la vie se défaire...

started by xdora2211133 on 04 Nov 14 no follow-up yet

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The oxygen is released into the air, and the lithium ions are stored in the battery as lithium metal after capturing the electrons.When the battery discharges, it chemically consumes oxygen from th...

started by xlisa123 on 14 Nov 14 no follow-up yet
Energy Net

Scottish Company Claims Technology Can Double Vehicles' MPG : TreeHugger - 0 views

    If electric vehicles aren't your thing, then you may be pleased to hear that at least one company is working on giving that tried and true internal combustion engine a major boost. Artemis, an Edinburgh, Scotland-based company, has developed a hydraulic hybrid transmission that could potentially double the mileage of most vehicles -- by accident, as it happens. The firm's original goal had been to simply reduce CO2 emissions on the highway by 30% (a goal it also achieved).

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depuis quelques jours il m'arrive tant de choses inou reté de celle de Hannibale, que je crois à la possibilité de devenir fou. Un autre que moi atil vu Mme de SaintMéran reté de celle de Hannibal...

started by hey0213 on 06 Dec 14 no follow-up yet

lacoste soldes Le Ness L300 système de Foot Drop - 0 views Email:,,, Le pied tombant est une condition qui empêche le pied de levage, il est difficile de marcher à cause de l'instabilité qu'elle provoque. Le pied tombant est ...

started by sunshine0213 on 26 Nov 14 no follow-up yet

lacoste soldes Le Ness L300 système de Foot - 0 views Email:,,, Le pied tombant est une condition qui empêche le pied de levage, il est difficile de marcher à cause de l'instabilité qu'elle provoque. Le pied tombant est ...

started by audit0213 on 29 Nov 14 no follow-up yet

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Le traitement le plus efficace, cependant, c'est en stimulant le nerf avec un petit appareil électrique, soit attaché ou implantés dans la jambe. Le Ness L300 Drop System Pied de Bioness est un dis...

started by mall0213 on 10 Nov 14 no follow-up yet

lacoste soldes Le Ness L300 système de Foot Drop - 0 views Email:,,, Le pied tombant est une condition qui empêche le pied de levage, il est difficile de marcher à cause de l'instabilité qu'elle provoque. Le pied tombant est ...

started by jkdhn0213 on 05 Dec 14 no follow-up yet

Remove Google Bad Reviews - - 0 views

    Remove Google Bad Reviews Introduction As a small business owner, you probably want to make sure everyone is happy with your business. But what if someone posts a negative review on Google? Do you have any control over whether or not it stays up? And even if you could remove a bad review from Google, how would that be possible? If a customer post a negative comment about one of your products or services on Google, then how do you respond? Is there anything that can be done about this problem? In this article we'll discuss everything about deleting bad reviews from google play store and other platforms like Facebook, Yelp and Yelp! How do you respond to a negative comment? When you receive a negative comment, it's easy to get defensive and react with a harsh reply. But this only makes the issue worse. Instead of responding with a stern "no," try responding with something positive: "Thanks for your feedback! I'll take it under consideration." Or: "Thanks for your feedback-I'm happy to discuss if there's anything else I can do." You might even try an apology: "I'm sorry that this didn't turn out as we'd hoped." Remove Google Bad Reviews These responses are much more likely to create goodwill than being sarcastic or dismissive (which won't win any friends). How do you Remove a bad review on Google? You can't Remove a bad review on Google. You can remove a bad review from Google with three different methods: Contacting the reviewer, who may be willing to remove the review if you ask them politely enough (this is not recommended). Contacting Google directly and asking them to take down your listing (this is also not recommended). Contacting the site owner, who may be willing to remove your listing if they want it gone but aren't able to do so directly through their own system (you could also try contacting them via Twitter or Facebook). Remove Google Bad Reviews How long does it take for a bad review to go away? A bad review o
Barbara Smith

Back in the Game; Thanks Chiropractic Domain - 1 views

started by Barbara Smith on 11 Dec 12 no follow-up yet
Alex Parker

Crude calamities - the biggest offshore oil spill disasters - 1 views

    Oil rig or oil tanker accidents are behind the worst offshore oil spills in history, including the tragic Deepwater Horizon disaster of 2010. profiles the world's biggest oil spill disasters based on the volume of oil released.
opinions1 opinions1

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Au quartier de campagne de Dilma Rousseff dimanche soir, l'humeur n'était pas à l'euphorie."Le second tour va être beaucoup plus dur pour nous", disait un conseiller. Le résultat est plus serré que...

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started by opinions1 opinions1 on 09 Oct 14 no follow-up yet
opinions1 opinions1

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Au quartier de campagne de Dilma Rousseff dimanche soir, l'humeur n'était pas à l'euphorie."Le second tour va être beaucoup plus dur pour nous", disait un conseiller. Le résultat est plus serré que...

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started by opinions1 opinions1 on 08 Oct 14 no follow-up yet

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27 Dans l'entretien ultérieur, je serai frappé par sa difficulté à hiérarchiser les objectifs qu'il s'assigne. Dès qu'il est question d'envisager la meilleure fa?on d'affronter la montagne de puiss...

started by xshirely445589 on 04 Nov 14 no follow-up yet

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Mais sur le chapitre fort intéressant que vous racontez à cette heure. Et quelle chose le roi veutil que je sache . Eh bien ! par exemple, le nom de l'homme que La Vallière aime et que l'adversaire...

started by queen430213 on 03 Nov 14 no follow-up yet

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suite.5 Harris, cet instituteur et catéchiste glebo du Liberia qui vit à partir de sa conversion en 1880 chaque événement de sa vie quotidienne sur fond de verset biblique, est un authentique conte...

started by xlinda55236 on 24 Nov 14 no follow-up yet

besace longchamp sac, Pour les dames qui aiment - 0 views

Le pied diabétique est une complication fréquente du diabète, mais les gens ont tendance à l'alimentation et le traitement médicamenteux pendant la glycémie temps, tout en ignorant l'entretien et l...

started by life430213 on 25 Nov 14 no follow-up yet

doudoune lacoste pas cher, Contrairement à CAST fractures - 0 views

Heureusement, orthèses plantaires peut obtenir une quelconque avec n'importe quelle sorte de douleur au pied. Un podologue pied veillera à ce que rien ne se trompe pas, et s'il y est, ils vont acqu...

started by jkdhn0213 on 06 Dec 14 no follow-up yet
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