Contents contributed and discussions participated by Connie Dang
Photovisi - 8 views
This is an excellent way to start portfolios for children who are just entering school! Like you said, it does not take up much physical space and children won't be disappointed that their artwork is not displayed because there were no more room. While older children do not have as much of their art up on walls, there are probably a handful of them who would love for a way to keep up with their art without being teased about it.
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There are many strengths associated with using Shutterfly in the classroom. One blatant reason that this should be used in the class is the ease of being able to organize the pictures of what the class has done for all the parents to see. Instead of just putting pictures of the even up on walls, parents can look through the class page and revisit as often as she likes. By having each class do a homepage, parents can also see what students of other classes might be doing. They can also glance at the calendar to keep track of whether their child is turning in his or her assignments on time and whether the parents needs to prepare the child for any changes to the daily routine. Knowing the schedule ahead of time also helps out the children with special needs. While the children can learn to collaborate on ideas to revise the site, the teacher is the only one who should be allowed to make changes to the site.