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Diego Leal

The Open Education Open Debate « Unlimited Magazine - 0 views

  • While there might be a few people who can (and should) take advantage of open-source learning models, there are, I suspect, far more who can’t.
  • More important, I think, is the fact that concepts of open teaching and MOOCs marginalize the role of the teacher and the importance of the act – the art – of teaching.
  • teaching, for better or worse, is a corporeal activity that can’t be replicated with the suite of technologies to which we have access today. Until we find the tools that allow us to replicate the classroom experience in an online environment, MOOCs will remain simulacra, hollow and atonal echoes of what the educational process is really about
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  • actually, education *is* an acquisitive process.
  • Learning, however, *is not* an acquisitive process. We learn constantly, experientially, socially. I can sit in a lecture hall for an hour and leave with a dramatically different understanding of a topic than the professor wanted me to have.
  • MOOCs, in contrast to traditional education, require engaged, active, and participative learners.
  • An open course requires students to comment, to create, and to engage with others. Passivity reduces the quality of learning as most learning occurs in the process of doing, creating, sharing, and dialoguing.
  • Social networked learning has a long history – information flows in social networks, parents teach their children, masters teach apprentices.
Diego Leal

An Open Education Primer « Unlimited Magazine - 1 views

  • George Siemens, an open education theorist, author and professor thinks that the very fabric of what we understand as education needs to be pulled apart. “What if we completely altered the structure of what learning is?” Siemens asks. “And what if you started to challenge the notion of what a course is? How would a course be different if we were to design a course today.”
  • “The idea hasn’t really penetrated the mass mind yet. Universities aren’t calling me up to teach these classes, they’re asking him to come and talk about them because they’re curious,” says Downes. “The model has a core of people taking the class for credit but that core is working openly with a much larger body of people who are taking it out of interest.”
  • Are students and teachers better off when they open up the learning process and allow interested parties to participate? Can classrooms turn into a place where the contributions of all learners are mashed up into something that is greater than the whole? With our society becoming a more open and transparent one, why keep what happens within a classroom stuck within those walls?
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  • Degrees are a statement of quality and a commentary on competence. The person hiring you doesn’t have to know your teacher or what kind of person you are. Instead, they just have to trust the system and the institution that grants the degree. While this scales up nicely it doesn’t necessarily mean that you can be a useful contributor to society.
  • Open accreditation is the recognition of the interplay between formal and informal learning. The recognition of informal learning is already embedded within the post-secondary institions of several provinces in Canada through prior learning assessment and recognition programs. This is a process that helps adults demonstrate and obtrain recognition for learning they have acquired outside of a formal educational setting. Open accreditation merely takes the idea to its logical conclusion
  • Degrees are recognition of what you did five-to-ten years ago, but your reputation is a recognition of what you’ve actually done and what you’re doing right now
  • Of all the open education principles this one is the furthest away from the mainstream. Institutions aren’t going to be rushing to scrap one of their most important metrics in how they receive funding. Businesses expect them and society at large probably isn’t ready for it. However, we have to start having these conversations in order to progress.
  • Of course, access to education is another powerful reason to examine these concepts. Making education accessible could be an incredibly powerful, democratizing force. Stephen Downes entered this field in order to make education accessible to anyone who wanted it. “The whole reason I’m in this field at all is to increase access to education. For all of recorded human history, education has been proprietary to those who can afford it and I think that is a longstanding injustice. I think we have the capacity and the technology to change that but we also have to change the models and this is an effort to change that model.”
Diego Leal

'Open Teaching': When the World Is Welcome in the Online Classroom - 2 views

  • "We have to get away from this whole idea that universities own learning," says Alec V. Couros, who teaches his own open class as an associate professor of education at Regina, in Saskatchewan. "They own education in some sense. But they don't own learning."
  • But the difficult questions remain. Start with privacy. How do professors protect students who feel uncomfortable—or unsafe—communicating in a classroom on the open Web? How do they deal with learning content that isn't licensed for open use? What about informal students who want course credit? And, most basically, if professors offer the masses a chance to pull up a virtual seat in class, how do they make sure the crowd behaves?
  • "This is a very different way to learn," Ms. Drexler says. "I as a learner had to take responsibility. I had to take control of that learning process way more than I've had to do in any traditional type of course, whether it's face-to-face or online."
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  • Partly, he says, it's about student privacy. But it's also about setting a learning context for paying students, meaning what they see and how their education is structured. If instructors don't control that context, he says, "they're in some sense abdicating their responsibilities to their own students."
  • Mr. Downes, who writes a well-known education technology blog called OLDaily, permits students to create private groups if they like. But that isn't the default position. He also argues that closed classes provide a lot of latitude for misbehavior, such as prejudice or acting inappropriately toward women. "People say, 'Well I'm a lot more comfortable in private,'" he says. "I sometimes think of that as meaning, 'I'm a lot more comfortable being a jerk in private.'"
    • Diego Leal
      Estar en público y argumentar las posiciones personales en público es un elemento crítico de la actividad académica, no? Al final, de qué se trata la idea de "espacio seguro", al menos cuando se habla de educación de adultos?
  • distance educators also question how well the open-teaching model, which has been limited mostly to educational-technology courses, would apply to more-traditional subjects that may require more guidance for students.
  • At the end of the day, the popularity of open classes will depend on whether learning-management software companies like Blackboard make it easy to publish open versions of online courses,
  • GoingOn Networks' social learning platform allows designers to open up specific areas of the course site to public audiences or restrict other areas of the site to enrolled users. Penn tested the MOOC concept and the technology with a course in Global Environmental Sustainability in 2009. You can view it at
  • There are certain foundational skills necessary for learning in an open online environment. Early research indicates the need for learners to practice digital responsibility (including management of personal privacy and respectful behavior), digital literacy (ability to find and vet resources as well as differentiate between valid and questionable resources), organization of online content, collaborating and socializing with subject matter experts and fellow students, and the ability to use online applications to synthesis content and create learning artifacts.
  • My biggest concern with this model is this: how can we effectively teach research and writing in a "MOOC"? That is, how can teachers provide consistent, reliable and useful feedback to so many students?
  • There is no doubt a size limit on effective tribal size. Larger numbers of people interacting around an issue tend to clump into clans of 3-12 students when working on a medium sized project or issue. I'd be interested to hear about what social structures emerge among active participants.
  • I really believe there is a distinction between open teaching and open learning. As a teacher, I could conduct my course in a completely closed environment, but offer my course materials in an open forum that anyone can freely access. Is that open or merely transparent? You begin to see a continnum emerging here. On the other hand, as a highly motivated learner, I could piece together a rich learning experience with open courseware in the absence of a teacher or facilitator. Though at some point, I may have to connect with other learners or subject matter experts who can supplement the materials.
  • My real issue is the lack of a feedback loop. I'm sure you have learning objectives and some of the students do graded assignments, but the rest is just unknowing wishful thinking.
  • Chedept wrote "At a minimum, learning is about demonstrated knowledge or skills."Really? So if you have no one to whom to demonstrate knowledge or skills, are you unlearned? Learning need not have such boundaries. Parents of pre-school-aged children see unbounded learning for the joy of discovery every single day.
  • Open courses may not be practical for all situations (I highly doubt any pedagogical model is the answer to all questions). Some courses require high levels of direct instruction or lab settings.
  • instead of the instructor being the sole source of guidance and information, she becomes a node among other nodes (important, even critical, but no longer the only or dominant one) in a learning network
  • I think it is important to remember the number of students that actively participate in the 'course' until completion. In the case of the 'MOOC' considered here, 2300 students enrolled, and less that 10% actively participated. While enrolment might be considered large, participation and contribution is much smaller. Another of these courses started with about 90 enrolled, and finished with about 8 participating. I considered this to be more of a TOOC = tiny online open course, than a MOOC.
  • I like the comments differentiating "open teaching" from "open learning". I recently gave a talk about the latter, leveraging social networking tools to create a global learning community:
    Artículo de The Chronicle of Higher Education, hablando acerca de las experiencias de los cursos abiertos realizados por David Wiley, Stephen Downes, George Siemens y Dave Cormier. Los comentarios muestran objeciones y preguntas válidas a estos experimentos.
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