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Leadership class: Article on how to create culture for improved patient safety - 3 views

started by lauraellenprado on 25 Oct 14
  • lauraellenprado
    Auer, C., Schwendimann,R., Koch, R., DeGeest, S., Ausserhofer, D. (2014). How hospital leaders contribute to patient safety through the development of trust. The Journal of Nursing Administration. 44:1 pp23-39

    A survey given to European nurses working in a hospital showed an positive relationship of support for patient safety from hospital managers and the increased perception of safety and trust in hospital management by the nurses of the hospital. This study was done with the knowledge that most errors occur because of system failures rather than due to individuals lack of concern. This concern for patient safety is done through a blame free culture, active participation of management on the floors, open communication and and feedback.
  • Phyllis Wright
    Interesting article that also confirmed the root cause analysis of poor leadership and communication failures were consistently among the key factors leading to adverse events. To me personally these are key foundational elements to safety and trust.

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