To populate an educator’s avatar with knowledge, Don Davidson, Intellitar co-founder and CEO, said a common starting point might be a digital curriculum that would serve as an alternate knowledge source. The educator would provide personal experiences as they relate to the subject matter or views on certain topics.
Voki is an animation website . It is “ a free service that allows you to create personalized speaking avatars and use them on your blog, profiles and in email messages”. This web2.0 tool is very important in education as It enables teachers and students to express themselves on the web in their own voice , using a talking character.
Is there a place beyond the physical world where we may go as avatars? Where do we get together with our friends and family, go to concerts together, pursue hobbies, work, shop...? Many are looking forward to such a "metaverse". We simply explain.
Is there a place beyond the physical world where we may go as avatars? Where do we get together with our friends and family, go to concerts together, pursue hobbies, work, shop...? Many are looking forward to such a "metaverse". We simply explain.
Create your own virtual space
Chat and interact with your friends in rooms you design
Express yourself
Customize your avatar and stream personal photos and video
Add your room to your site
Invite your friends to chat and help decorate
From Laelia
Create Hyplets using the online Hyplet Editor # Set Hyplet as your email signature # Post Hyplets on the Web # Promote your content with Hyplet Flyers # Save your friends' IDs and Flyers # Add avatars, icons and emoticons
Hyplets are FREE Personal IDs and Online Flyers
* Create Hyplets using the online Hyplet Editor
* Set Hyplet as your email signature
* Post Hyplets on the Web
* Promote your content with Hyplet Flyers
* Save your friends' IDs and Flyers
* Add avatars, icons and emoticons
via kjarrett via jutecht
Gail Braddock describes e-Learning for Kids as "free e-courses for kids all around the world. This site has engaging and interactive courses for kids in online safety, computer skills such as using Google, typing, and core subjects like language arts, math, and science. Most of the courses are for elementary school-aged children, and involve dynamic avatars, and are highly interactive."
GoAnimate can do loads of stuff! While we do our best to make it easy to use, it is always hard to pack so many features onto a computer screen and make it easy for say a chiwawa with its legs attached behind its back to use. Whether you have trouble creating animations or you want to learn about the more advanced features of the application, this page is the place to be!