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Home/ Discovery Educator Network/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Alice Mercer

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Alice Mercer

Alice Mercer

Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology at the University of Illinois at ... - 0 views

    Connect with science- real chat and use a 600,000 microscope. - Erin Prosser
Alice Mercer

Free Flash Jeopardy Review Game - 0 views

    Create easy to use jeopardy games without having to use powerpoint. FREEEEEE!!! Available for PC and MAC. - Jennie O'Kelley
Alice Mercer

TweetDeck - 0 views

    Organize your tweets into categories. Professional, friends, family, DEN Stars, etc. - Amy Dent
Alice Mercer

avatars.swf (application/x-shockwave-flash Object) - 1 views

    Create your own avatar : NOTE: emailing it will not work. You need to take a screen shot of your avatar. - Katie Warren
Alice Mercer

SAILOn Subject Area Interactive Lessons On - 1 views

    Compilation of great interactive sites arranged by grade level and subject. The Texas TEKS are listed there also. - Kelli Erwin
Alice Mercer

Texas Beyond History - 0 views

    Awesome site for researching Ancient Texas Natives- Kristine Rebstock
Alice Mercer

iConnect iLearn in the 21st Century - Partially Funded Through Project Connect - 0 views

    Kevin Honeycutt's Web 2.0 Keychain from Alicia Thomas
Alice Mercer

Contraption.swf (application/x-shockwave-flash Object) - 2 views

    Fun Physics based puzzle game...Debbie Wrobel
Alice Mercer - free websites for teachers - 0 views

    Classjump provides teachers with websites free of charge, where multiple classes can be managed, documents and photos uploaded, and web 2.0 tools added easily - Carolyn Rains
Alice Mercer

FRONTLINE: digital nation: your digital nation | PBS - 0 views

    Encourage any and all users of digital technology to tell their stories of how technology impacts and enriches their lives - Cathy Webb
Alice Mercer Quality Educational Materials - 1 views

    downloadable books for use in your classroom (pdf format) The books are at a lower cost then they would be if you bought them in a teacher store, plus you get credit toward a future purchase - Kendra Harper
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