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Erik Keith

Salute to Teachers - 8 views

    The GLOBE Program ( is taking this opportunity to salute teachers everywhere----for all of the things you do----for inspiring your students and cultivating the love of learning. Teachers are the backbone of our educational system. They encourage, inspire and challenge us to reach new heights and dream without boundaries. The GLOBE Program Office in Boulder, Colorado produced this video for teachers everywhere. We encourage you to watch it, send it to your fellow (or favorite) teachers, school administrators, friends and family members. Encourage them to share it with their network as well so that everyone may pause for a moment and truly appreciate the teachers who made a difference in their lives.
HistoryGrl14 .

Teachers.Net - TEACHERS - Education resources, Teacher chat, lesson plans, teaching job... - 0 views

    Great Chatboards!
Jennifer Dorman

Research dispels common ed-tech myths - 13 views

    Contrary to popular opinion, newer teachers aren't any more likely to use technology in their lessons than veteran teachers, and a lack of access to technology does not appear to be the main reason why teachers do not use it. Which comes first? Do teachers use technology frequently because they are trying deliberately to foster 21st-century skills? Or are 21st-century skills necessary conditions, byproducts, or logical outcomes of frequent technology use?" Another finding that could surprise some people is that a lack of access to technology doesn't appear to be the main reason why teachers don't use technology in their instruction.
Christine Southard

The (Enormous) Economic Returns to a Good Teacher : Education Next - 15 views

  • It has now become conventional wisdom that teachers are the most important ingredient in an effective school. 
  • A good teacher gets above average achievement out of her students.
  • A teacher at the 85th percentile can, in comparison to an average teacher, raise the present value of each student’s lifetime earnings by over $20,000–implying that such a teacher with a class of 20 students generates over $400,000 in economic benefits, compared to an average teacher, for each year that she gets such achievement gains.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • a teacher at the 15th percentile subtracts $400,000 in value from her class of 20 students.
  • By changing a teacher’s profession into a perilous affair and a rat race, with many pink slips being handed out each year, by sewing distrust among colleagues, by exposing teachers to unfair high-stakes evaluations, Mr. Hanushek turns the teaching profession into a highly unattractive prospect for the intelligent, ambitious students that American education so desperately needs.
  • And that is bad news for *all* US students, not just for the ’5 to 8 percent’ about whom the magical ‘tests’ revelates that they are ‘ineffectively taught’.
Fred Delventhal

In Search Of Answers, Teachers Turn To Clickers : NPR - 0 views

  • More teachers are equipping their classrooms with little keypads — often called clickers — that let students instantly, and anonymously, answer questions. Teachers say the clickers are improving the quality of education by measuring how engaged students are in the material they are learning.
  • More teachers are equipping their classrooms with little keypads — often called clickers — that let students instantly, and anonymously, answer questions. Teachers say the clickers are improving the quality of education by measuring how engaged students are in the material they are learning.
  • newer clicker models even allow for open-ended responses beyond multiple choice.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • newer clicker models even allow for open-ended responses beyond multiple choice.
    Surprised they didn't include Poll everywhere
    More teachers are equipping their classrooms with little keypads - often called clickers - that let students instantly, and anonymously, answer questions. Teachers say the clickers are improving the quality of education by measuring how engaged students are in the material they are learning.
Dean Mantz

Quest2Teach - 9 views

    "Quest2Teach is a series of game-infused 3D virtual learning curricula designed for teacher education that is unified by a social-professional network. These immersive experiences provide authentic and individualized practice for future teachers that bridges theory and practice. Quest2Teach is the first of its kind in teacher education and was created at ASU's Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College through a unique collaboration between our Center for Games & Impact and partner game-design studio, E-Line Media."
kabir mo

Fun Classroom Activities To Make Classroom Activities - 0 views

    Can an indoor game of 'Snakes & Ladder' or 'aim the target' be used in teaching students in a class? Surprisingly, yes. Education, despite being a serious business, need to be imparted through fun classroom activities, especially for primary class students. A teacher uses several innovative teaching methods to educate the kids who just want to have fun in their classes. Even a well experienced and highly qualified teacher finds himself/ herself in a jiff where it gets difficult to control a super energetic bunch of kids in a classroom. The teacher may not know how to make a group of primary class students pay attention to the class. Few innovative teaching methods based on the zero-investment concept enhance learning through games in the classroom. Let's take a look at 5 fun classroom activities for primary students that can be implemented in schools across the globe:
Dean Mantz

Teachers' Domain: Home - 3 views

    Teachers' Domain is an online library of more than 1,000 free media resources from the best in public television. These classroom resources, featuring media from NOVA, Frontline, Design Squad, American Experience, and other public broadcasting and content partners are easy to use and correlate to state and national standards. Teachers' Domain resources include video and audio segments, Flash interactives, images, documents, lesson plans for teachers, and student-oriented activities. Once you register, you can personalize the site using "My Folders" and "My Groups" to save your favorite resources into a folder and share them with your colleagues or students. Teachers' Domain strives to strengthen teacher knowledge by providing innovative teaching methods that incorporate technology in the classroom and inspire students to learn.
    Mulitmedia resources for educators at all levels. There are ways to conduct International projects too.
Randy Rodgers

Obama calling for more schooling --either more hours or more days. - Lynn Sweet - 0 views

  • economic progress and educational achievement have always gone hand in hand in America.
  • The source of America's prosperity, then, has never been merely how ably we accumulate wealth, but how well we educate our people. This has never been more true than it is today. In a 21st century world where jobs can be shipped wherever there's an internet connection; where a child born in Dallas is competing with children in Delhi; where your best job qualification is not what you do, but what you know - education is no longer just a pathway to opportunity and success, it is a prerequisite.
  • of the thirty fastest growing occupations in America, half require a Bachelor's degree or more. By 2016, four out of every ten new jobs will require at least some advanced education or training.
  • ...25 more annotations...
  • politics and ideology have too often trumped our progress.
  • Secretary of Education Arne Duncan will use only one test when deciding what ideas to support with your precious tax dollars. It's not whether an idea is liberal or conservative, but whether it works.
  • the first pillar in reforming our schools - investing in early childhood initiatives.
  • Early Learning Challenge Gran
  • better standards and assessments
  • They are spending less time teaching things that don't matter, and more time teaching things that do
  • challenge our states to adopt world-class standards that will bring our curriculums into the 21st century.
  • develop standards and assessments that don't simply measure whether students can fill in a bubble on a test, but whether they possess 21st century skills like problem-solving and critical thinking, entrepreneurship and creativity.
  • money is tied to results
    • Randy Rodgers
      Research doesn't support the idea that money=successful schools, unfortunately.
  • using data to track how much progress a student is making and where that student is struggling
    • Randy Rodgers
      Individualization--good plan
  • third pillar of reform -- recruiting, preparing, and rewarding outstanding teachers.
  • I am calling on a new generation of Americans to step forward and serve our country in our classrooms. If you want to make a difference in the life of our nation; if you want to make the most of your talents and dedication; if you want to make your mark with a legacy that will endure - join the teaching profession. America needs you.
  • extra pay to Americans who teach math and science
  • if a teacher is given a chance but still does not improve, there is no excuse for that person to continue teaching
  • fourth part of America's education strategy - promoting innovation and excellence in America's schools.
  • I call on states to reform their charter rules, and lift caps on the number of allowable charter schools,
  • We can no longer afford an academic calendar designed when America was a nation of farmers who needed their children at home plowing the land at the end of each day.
  • expand effective after-school programs
  • rethink the school day to incorporate more time - whether during the summer or through expanded-day programs
  • let us all make turning around our schools our collective responsibility as Americans. That will require new investments in innovative ideas. That is why my budget invests in developing new strategies to make sure at-risk students don't give up on their education; new efforts to give dropouts who want to return to school the help they need to graduate; and new ways to put those young men and women who have left school back on a pathway to graduation.
  • The fifth part of America's education strategy is providing every American with a quality higher education - whether it's college or technical training.
  • simplify federal college assistance forms
  • the goal of having the highest proportion of college graduates in the world by the year 2020.
  • Adults of all ages need opportunities to earn new degrees and skills
  • bottom line is that no government policies will make any difference unless we also hold ourselves more accountable as parents.
    President Obama's first address on educational reform.
Nik Peachey

12 Tips for training older teachers to use technology - Resources for English Language ... - 0 views

    There is an assumption that persists in the educational community that more mature teachers are much more difficult and reluctant to be trained on the effective use of educational technology. To some degree, I think this assumption has been built on by the digital native vs digital immigrant myth. But as someone who has trained teachers of all ages all over the world I would say that, from my own experience, this hasn't been the case.
Jennifer Dorman

Google For Educators - 0 views

    Application now open for GTA Boulder. August 5th, 2009. Apply by MIDNIGHT, July 3rd, 2009. The Google Teacher Academy is a FREE professional development experience designed to help K-12 educators get the most from innovative technologies. Each Academy is an intensive, one-day event where participants get hands-on experience with Google's free products and other technologies, learn about innovative instructional strategies, receive resources to share with colleagues, and immerse themselves in an innovative corporate environment. Upon completion, Academy participants become Google Certified Teachers who share what they learn with other K-12 educators in their local region.
Dean Mantz

Resourceful YouTube Channels for Teachers and Educators - EdTechReview™ (ETR) - 8 views

    One of my roles is to serve as the Network Coordinator and help facilitate the Internet filtering. Well, educators are awesome at finding value in tools that others may see as "entertainment". In this case, YouTube does provide a wealth of education resources and this list just touches on a few. Thanks to EdTechReview for compiling this list. Those of you reading my share please add any additional channels that are beneficial to educators in their comments feed.
Brenda Muench

Storycaching - 0 views

    Main Menu Home Articles Submit Article Google Gadgets Site Search Contact Us spacer.png, 0 kB Home arrow Articles arrow Storycaching Storycaching PDF Print E-mail The premise of Storycaching is to combine the use of a GPS with an iPod where a user goes to a specific place using map coordinates, then listens to a podcast (audio on demand), usually a story, that takes into account the nature of the area where the listener is now located. Like geocaching, a cache may be located at the site and can contain some relevant objects that add a physical dimension or symbolism to the cached story. Storycaching is designed to enhance the experience of both the storyteller and the listener. By allowing the storyteller to reference elements in the environment where the listener is located, the listener is provided a third dimension to the story, that of authentic physical feelings and sensory input. Storycaching is a concept created by Dr. Martin Horejsi at The University of Montana-Missoula. For example, a girl walks to a distinctive place in order to listen to a story on her iPod. Using map coordinates and a GPS, she climbs part way up a hill on the edge of town. When arriving at a specific spot according to the GPS, she locates a small box containing some relics. Sitting on a rock, she holds the objects in her hand listens to a sound file on her iPod. Overlooking the valley, the power of the Native American elder's words stir her emotions as landmarks, smells, the wind, and other sounds are referenced in the story, all possible because the person telling the story knows that the listener will be in a specific place while listening to the story. Or maybe, the story was recorded years ago when the elder sat in the very spot where the young girl now sits. A connection with the story is forged in a way never before experienced alone. Another example is where a high school student studying earth science walks through a river drainage with his teacher. But his teache
Randy Rodgers

Educational Games, Worksheets & Homework Help for Kids, Parents and Teachers | Game Cla... - 25 views

    Games for grades k-6. "We've thoroughly searched the web for engaging and educational games for kids, and we've collaborated with top educators to ensure that all of our games are age-appropriate, relevant and compliant with academic standards. Our team of educators has also created a vast library of "Homework Help" as an additional resource for students, teachers and parents."
Filefisher com

Teachers Favourite iPad Apps ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning - 0 views

    April 27, 2017 Here is a handy visual we created based on iTunes collection 'Teachers' Favourites'. In it you will find a number of key iPad apps popular among teachers and educators. via Pocket
David Hilton

High School History Student Network - 13 views

Most of us are aware of the power of social networking for teachers to improve their knowledge, gain ideas and make connections with other like-minded educators from around the world. I believe thi...

my history network education technology social_networking classroom learning

started by David Hilton on 20 Oct 09 no follow-up yet
Andrea Grinton

Guide to Finding an Alternative Film Education - 0 views

    Education guide can help you become better teachers and trainers. Education is very important for everyone not only for school children but most especially for the educator as well.
Fred Delventhal

42explore: Thematic Pathfinders for All Ages - 0 views

    How can teachers use the resources? Each school, classroom, and teacher is unique. As such we didn't try to provide specific activities for particular grade levels. Instead we suggest that teachers explore each link, then design specific, developmentally appropriate activities such as discussion questions, small group activities, or webquests to fit the needs of their curriculum.

Do you want to be a mentor or a learner than you should join TEACHER CHALLENGE #edchat ... - 0 views

    Teacher Challenge - Connecting teachers through free professional learning .
Heather Sullivan

Council proposes state teacher evaluation system | - 9 views

  • The recommendations state that teachers should be evaluated based on six quality standards: knowledge of content, establish environment for diverse students, facilitate learning, reflect on their practice, demonstrate leadership, and student growth.
  • Student growth makes up 50 percent of a teacher's evaluation score, but council members say they want it to be from assessments taken throughout the school year, not just one day.
  • teacher and principal can then be granted one of four ratings: Ineffective, Partially Effective, Effective, or Highly Effective. If a teacher receives two low ratings in a row, that teacher may lose non-probationary status or job protections similar to tenure. Council members say the primary goal of the evaluation system must be to find ways to help struggling teachers improve.
    Student growth makes up 50 percent of a teacher's evaluation score, but council members say they want it to be from assessments taken throughout the school year, not just one day.
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