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Heather Hurley | The National Science Digital Library - 1 views

  • is an online science library with links to high quality science, technology, engineering, and math resources for K-12 teachers, faculty, librarians, students and informal learners. Funded by the National Science Foundation.
    The National Science Digital Library - lots of resources for K-12 teachers and librarians.
Fred Delventhal

SearchReSearch: Five golden rings--5 tips for teachers and librarians - 33 views

    "a list of 5 golden rings--5 great tips that everyone should know (but are especially useful for teachers and librarians to know about). "
John Evans

Warning! Plagiarism Is On The Rise! - 16 views

    "EasyBib, an information literacy platform that provides citation, note taking, and research tools have created this helpful infographic on plagiarism. "Plagiarism, source attribution and critical thinking are among some of the real problems that our educators and students face. We put together this infographic to shed light on the matter, to underscore why librarians are needed more than ever, and to show what EasyBib is doing about it.""
    Good infographic ! Perfect text: "Plagiarism, source attribution and critical thinking are among some of the real problems that our educators and students face" no mas 900
Jennifer Dorman

The Civil Rights Digital Library - 0 views

    CRDL is a partnership among librarians, technologists, archivists, educators, scholars, academic publishers, and public broadcasters. The initiative receives support through a National Leadership Grant for Libraries awarded to the University of Georgia by the Institute of Museum and Library Services.
Fred Delventhal

StoryPlace - The Children's Digital Library - 0 views

    Children and their parents have for years enjoyed attending storytimes, checking out books and participating in a number of other educational, entertaining and participatory programs at the various locations of The Public Library of Charlotte Mecklenburg County. StoryPlace, an interactive web site, came about to provide children with the virtual experience of going to the library and participating in the same types of activities the library offers. In the summer of 1999, a team of Children's Librarians and Specialists got together with in-house web developers to begin development on this exciting site. In the Spring of 2000, StoryPlace premiered with its first section, the Pre-School Library, completed.
Priscilla Ubillus

Critical and Creative Thinking - Bloom's Taxonomy - 0 views

    resources for starters (educatos and librarians): easy and concise
Kathleen Gormley

Directions for Teachers & Librarians - Skype An Author Network - 0 views

    Authors--interview authors via Skype for free!
Fred Delventhal

The Teacher Tap: Professional Development Resources for Educators - 0 views

    The Teacher Tap is a free, professional development resource that helps educators and librarians address common questions about the use of technology in teaching and learning by providing easy access to practical, online resources and activities
RJ Stangherlin

10 questions about books, libraries, librarians, and schools - Dangerously Irrelevant - 17 views

    [cross-posted at LeaderTalk] October apparently was 'Library Month' for me. I was the keynote speaker for the Minnesota MEMO conference and did a breakout session for the Iowa Library Association (ILA) conference. I also brought Dr. Mike Eisenberg to Iowa for three days to talk with school administrators about technology...
Fred Delventhal

findingDulcinea | Online Guides | Internet Library | Web Resources - 0 views

    Our mission is to bring users the best information on the Web for any topic, employing human insight and methodical review. FindingDulcinea presents only credible, high-quality and trustworthy Web sites, saving time for the novice and the experienced user alike. Each piece, whether a Web Guide, a Beyond the Headlines story or a Netcetera article, receives the same meticulous research. The Web sites included in each piece are connected through original narrative, providing users with information on each site before they even click on it.
Fred Delventhal

Just One More Book!! Children's Book Podcast - Children's book reviews and interviews w... - 0 views

    Just One More Book is a thrice-weekly podcast which promotes and celebrates literacy and great children's books. Each weekday morning, we take a few minutes out of our morning coffee ritual to discuss one of our many favourite children's books. We also feature weekly interviews with authors, illustrators and experts and enthusiasts in the areas of children's literature and literacy as well as listener-submitted audio reviews.
Heather Sullivan

Virtual Author Visits in Your Library or Classroom - Skype An Author Network - 3 views

  • The mission of the Skype an Author Network is to provide K-12 teachers and librarians with a way to connect authors, books, and young readers through virtual visits.
    Connect your students to their favorite authors via live Skype chat.
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