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10 Memorable Quotes From President APJ Abdul Kalam for Students - 0 views

    Look out the collection of best inspirational quotes, motivational quotes, motivational thoughts, Inspirational ideas, sayings, and inspiring life quotes about dreams, happiness, strength and success from the Ex-President of India - Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam (Born in 1931).
Roger Zuidema

7 of the Most Inspiring Videos on the Web - 33 views

    Video is the perfect vehicle for an inspiring story because it can make the story come alive like no other medium. Here are 7 of the web's most inspiring tales.
Gilang Noerrana

noerran-opinion - It's only an opinion of inspiration and motivation - 1 views

    It's only an opinion of inspirations and motivations site. Everything about motivation and self improvement were shared here. Read about inspirational stories and motivations and tips, and get your self motivated.
Erik Keith

Salute to Teachers - 8 views

    The GLOBE Program ( is taking this opportunity to salute teachers everywhere----for all of the things you do----for inspiring your students and cultivating the love of learning. Teachers are the backbone of our educational system. They encourage, inspire and challenge us to reach new heights and dream without boundaries. The GLOBE Program Office in Boulder, Colorado produced this video for teachers everywhere. We encourage you to watch it, send it to your fellow (or favorite) teachers, school administrators, friends and family members. Encourage them to share it with their network as well so that everyone may pause for a moment and truly appreciate the teachers who made a difference in their lives.
Fred Delventhal

Discovery Education - Inspiring Invention PSA Contest and K-12 Classroom Resources - 0 views

    Enter to win the Inspiring Invention Contest. Create a public service announcement that motivates others to get inspired and start inventing. Show us how invention enriches everyday life and your school could win a prize package from Sony Creative Software!
Nigel Coutts

AAMT Why Maths? - Inspiration beyond the classroom - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    This week I spent three days in Brisbane attending the Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers' national conference. The theme of the conference was "Why Maths?" and along with 500 other mathematicians, we looked to find inspiring answers to this provocative question beyond the classroom. Here are my key takeaways from this event. 
Fred Delventhal

The Hub For Teachers - 17 views

    Communication skills are critical for today's students. Reading, writing and the ability to tell a story set the stage for success. The Hub, a new TV destination dedicated to bringing kids and families together, is partnering with Discovery Education to support teachers in this important endeavor. Here you'll find inspiration to engage and inspire your budding writers. Meet the artists, editors and writers that bring good stories to life-and watch your students' communication skills soar!
Alvaro Fernandez

Can video games inspire altruism? - 11 views

    A new study suggests that video games can be a force for good, finding that games with positive objectives can actually inspire people to perform acts of altruism.
Tim Childers

Image Spark - Discover, share, tag, and converge images that inspire you and your work. - 8 views

    Great bookmarking tool for images that inspire you. You can create a community just like on Diigo or Delicious and share picture locations between users.
Randy Rodgers

Introducing myWebspiration - 0 views

    Inspiration ONLINE and free!
Heather Hurley

Introducing Webspiration | myWebspiration - 0 views

    Inspiration on the web. Still in Beta form.
Nigel Coutts

Suggested Readings to Inspire Teaching - 0 views

    With the end of the year approaching and holidays looming for some now is the ideal time to share some suggestions for books and papers to read. A great book can provide the inspiration required to begin the new year positively and this list includes some of my favourites from 2015.
Lori Leclair

Inspiring Youth | Change the Equation - 2 views

    free online game-based learning environment for middle to high schoolers to explore STEM careers
Slot Anna

Gain Designer Inspired Handbags, Women's wallets, etc. for Free - 0 views

    Gain free designer inspired handbags, women's wallets, men's leather belt, trendy scarf, phone charms, key charms, Christmas dolls, coupons, etc. now.
Nigel Coutts

Tinkering with Old Technology - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    As technology evolves and its inner workings increasingly disappear from view, replaced with solid-state parts hidden by glass, aluminium and plastic, our understanding of what makes the world operate is similarly impeded. When machinery from just a few decades ago is viewed a world of moving parts, linkages, cogs and levers is revealed. These mechanical objects contain an inherent beauty and inspire curiosity in ways that modern devices with their pristine surfaces and simplified design language do not. Opportunities to explore devices from the past open our eyes and lead us to new questions of how our devices function, how machines do the jobs we need them to do and how engineers solve problems.
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