We have compiled a list of quantitative questions that involves algebra , geometry , numbers and time & work methods. Try solving them in 7 minutes as it will improve your confidence and will help in solving the exam that is to be held on 20th to 24th February 2013.
We have compiled a list of quantitative questions that involves algebra , Percentage, Area, Problems on Ages, Time and Work, Probability, Modern Algebra methods. Try solving them in 7 minutes as it will improve your confidence and will help in solving the exam that is to be held on 16th October to 11th November 2013. http://admissiontimes.com/cat-math/
Create a set of responses to a question. Students vote between a series of two choices, and the website compiles a "league" of the results ranked in order of popularity.
One of my roles is to serve as the Network Coordinator and help facilitate the Internet filtering. Well, educators are awesome at finding value in tools that others may see as "entertainment". In this case, YouTube does provide a wealth of education resources and this list just touches on a few. Thanks to EdTechReview for compiling this list.
Those of you reading my share please add any additional channels that are beneficial to educators in their comments feed.
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Our goal is to help classroom teachers integrate technology into their curriculum by identifying and providing interactive Internet resources addressing specific objectives.
"The following list compiles some of the ones most worthy of attention, as they feature plenty of solid content appealing to their respective audiences and actively try to make viewers smarter."