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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Scott Garrigan

Scott Garrigan

Animal School Movie « Timeless Parenting Advice for Toddlers through Teenagers - 0 views

    Interesting movie presents an allegory about why normal children fail in school. It has messages for all of us, especially relating to the child that seems to be having trouble. It may not be the only answer, but it's an important point of view that is not often heard. ENLARGE THE MOVIE for best viewing!
Scott Garrigan

Free Website Translation and Free Translator | - 0 views

    Add a translator to any website. Helpful for new language learners as well as those who need to read in a different language. MANY languages in this free translator!
Scott Garrigan

USA, Canada and the EU attempt to kill treaty to protect blind people's access to writt... - 0 views

  • Right now, in Geneva, at the UN's World Intellectual Property Organization, history is being made. For the first time in WIPO history, the body that creates the world's copyright treaties is attempting to write a copyright treaty dedicated to protecting the interests of copyright users, not just copyright owners. At issue is a treaty to protect the rights of blind people and people with other disabilities that affect reading (people with dyslexia, people who are paralyzed or lack arms or hands for turning pages), introduced by Brazil, Ecuador and Paraguay. This should be a slam dunk: who wouldn't want a harmonized system of copyright exceptions that ensure that it's possible for disabled people to get access to the written word? The USA, that's who. The Obama administration's negotiators have joined with a rogue's gallery of rich country trade representatives to oppose protection for blind people. Other nations and regions opposing the rights of blind people include Canada and the EU. Update: Also opposing rights for disabled people: Australia, New Zealand, the Vatican and Norway.
    Copyright "rights for the user" champion and author, Cory Doctorow, reports on efforts to guarantee rights for the blind and others with reading disabilities to gain access to the printed word. It's happening at the UN's World Organization for Intellectual Property, and it's the first time they are working on rights for copyright USERS in addition to copyright HOLDERS. Read about how U.S. negotiators have opposed this protection for disabled. It's an important issue for educators worldwide, but especially for those in the U.S., whose copyright law has been written to strongly favor corporate interests.
Scott Garrigan

CUCAT Olearia - 0 views

    There are lots of good, even free, DAISY readers available for Windows, but this is the only one for the Mac. It's still in beta, but you can get the idea and try reading some DAISY books.
Scott Garrigan

DAISY: Digital Accessible Information SYstem (DAISY) Consortium - 0 views

  • 2009-06-30Amazon Kindle DX Pilot Program Discriminates Against the Blind
    • Scott Garrigan
      Check out this link. It highlights the difference between a "text reader," which many applications provide, and a "book reader" that includes navigation by chapter and page number, the ability to skip parts, and a knowledge of the normal parts of a book (like table of contents, footnotes, sidebar, etc.)
  • DAISY Makes Reading Easier (YouTube Video)  transcript
    DAISY Consortium for an international standard in audio book publishing and reading.
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