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Contents contributed and discussions participated by rief61


MB004/MB004: The Basics of Educational Podcasting: Enhancing the Student Learning Exper... - 5 views

  • Although there are numerous professional podcasting software packages currently available ($100 - $1000+), beginning podcasters may want to start with a freeware program. One of the most widely used free podcasting software programs is Audacity (, an open source sound recording and editing program with versions available for PC, Mac, and Linux operating systems. For Mac users another free podcasting program is GarageBand, found within the iLife package that comes with all new Mac OS X computers. Although older versions of GarageBand do not have the podcasting function, upgrades to the new, podcasting-ready GarageBand 4.1 are available in the iLife08 package for $90 (educational discounts available; For specific instructions on using GarageBand, an online video tutorial is available from Apple at
    • rief61
  • Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feed
  • However, if the objective, for example, is to create a database of reusable lecture materials, then synchronizing the slides with the audio portion of the lecture and adding special effects (e.g., sound, video) may be required and will likely take at least as long as the lecture itself.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • For educators, podcasting offers an opportunity to bridge the traditional classroom setting with progressive state-of-the-art technologies. There are several advantages of bringing podcasting into the classroom for lectures and student assignments. First, podcasting is an exciting and novel means for students to take a more active role in their own learning experience. As students realize their podcast assignments may be published online with potentially hundreds of listeners through free podcast directories, their attention to the quality and detail of their assignments may improve. Second, podcasting is adaptable to the students' learning needs. Students can access the material whenever and as often as they would like, thereby reinforcing critical concepts or details they may have missed in the original classroom lecture. Finally, assignments that require students to generate, edit, and publish their own podcasts reinforce critical communication skills such as writing text that will be orally presented online or in a classroom.
    • rief61
      1. Studetns take more active role in learning experience. 2. Adaptable to student's learning needs. 3. Develop communication skills.
  • These results clearly show students' perceptions of podcasting in the classroom dramatically improved after using this technology
  • Although podcasting was popular amongst most of the students, there was one student who opposed podcasting in the class
    • rief61
      Interesting. I wonder why.

There's Something in the Air: Podcasting in Education (EDUCAUSE Review) | EDUCAUSE - 1 views

  • magine a busy commuting student preparing both emotionally and intellectually for class by listening to a podcast on the drive to school, then reinforcing the day’s learning by listening to another podcast, or perhaps the same podcast, on the drive back home.
    • rief61
      Can I use video camera to capture in class reading? What kind of parental permission is needed?
  • native expressiveness,
  • s there a noncommercial alternative to Podshow, Odeo, or other such services? Yes: “Ourmedia: The Global Home for Grassroots Media” (
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Apple’s iTunes version 4.9, which incorporates an extensive podcast directory-and-subscription service into the structure of the iTunes Music Store.
  • Why is Apple’s embrace of podcasting troubling to educators? Because this easy-to-use audio-content manager just happens to sit inside a store that sells music.
    • rief61
      So don't buy music anyway.
  • Listening is an activity. No good audience is passive.
    • rief61
      In class, students must learn to listen. Podcasts can be repeated.
  • Done well, podcasting can reveal to students, faculty, staff, communities—even the world—the essential humanity at the heart of higher education. Among the impressive facilities and intricate processes, colleges and universities are essentially collections of human beings who seek to share the fruits of their labors with the world that helps support them. If this position seems extreme or sentimental, consider Todd Cochrane’s assertion: “Podcasting represents a new way for individuals to communicate about the things they love. They can actually broadcast content that comes from their hearts.”10 If a mass-market text on podcasting begins by stressing the affective dimension of this new medium, educators would do well to think about how they might harness that energy in their teaching and learning practices.
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