In Love with diigo Farewell
In Love with diigo Farewell | Blogging Sueblimely - 0 views
After seeing its attractive new features I have been unfaithful to Delicious, my bookmarking partner of 5 years, and fallen in love with the younger and more versatile diigo.
Do You Know about Diigo? The Marketing ICE Blog - 0 views
About a year ago I heard about a social bookmark site called Diigo. I saw it as another Delicious clone but figured I would look at it a bit deeper it just seemed to be more. It was a good decision! Since that time I have been using Diigo and their tool bar every day. I use it to keep sites I want to find very easy to find and sort and search. I use it to market my own sites and to put my sites into all the other top book mark sites including delicious. I also use it to improve my daily productivity and the beauty is once set up it takes up no extra time to use it. It becomes seamlessly integrated into your daily efforts. I just did three training Videos on Diigo for our paying members, they are called, Social Bookmarking With The Diigo Tool Bar Using Diigo To Mass Social Bookmark Web Sites Cool Marketing Productivity Features With Diigo If you don't know about social book mark sites these videos will teach you what you need to know. If you do know about them then these videos will take your efforts to a new level. The social bookmark sites are going to become the Google, Yahoo and's of tomorrow so now the time to get into them and build up your presence.
Diigo introduit le Social dans Bookmarking Social : Ergonomie, Rails et Architecture de... - 0 views
Il en est des services de bokmarkings comme des opérateurs de téléphonie mobile ou des bons chocolatiers : le confort de l’habitude entraîne un important taux de fidélité et une forte résistance au changement. Importer ses bookmarks, changer ses habitudes… sans avoir la certitude d’être convaincu. Au final, le mieux reste l’ennemi du bien.
Blogging Sueblimely - 0 views
Diigo 3 was launched 20th March 2008, showing a new maturity. After seeing its attractive new features I have been unfaithful to Delicious, my bookmarking partner of 5 years, and fallen in love with the younger and more versatile diigo.
GigaOM » Santa Brought Some Web 2.0 Goodies - 0 views
Here is another one, Diigio (pronounced as “dee’go”.) “Add Sticky Notes and Highlights to any specific texts of a web pages,” says Maggie Tsai, one of the co-founders of this tiny start-up. You can keep these notes private or make them public.
Om, Thanks for mentioning Diigo here. If we can help, we really do not like to get too lumped up with other bookmarking services like delicious though I think the thing that differentiates Diigo’s social annotation from social bookmarking services is that highlights, comments and interactions happen right on the page, in situ. Personally, I think this makes Diigo not only a more useful personal tool, but also a more powerful social tool that enable more fruitful interactions and connections among information consumers. See Flash demo ( and Why Diigo? Diigo includes bookmarking features as a necessary component, since without it, it would be difficult to track things. Plus, Diigo allows advanced search of full-text pages, tags, notes, highlights, and titles. Wade Ren, CEO Diigo ( Wade Ren on December 27th, 2005
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