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eyal matsliah

Web Worker Daily » Blog Archive Six Tools for the Post-Email Era « - 0 views

  • Amazon Web Services evangelist Jeff Barr proposes that we might move beyond email some day: I am starting to think that there may be such a thing as a post-email era, a time when we have forgotten about the entire concept of an Inbox, when there’s no such thing as catching up, and when more of our time and energy can be used in a more productive fashion.
  • Could we really get beyond email? It just might happen:
  • Social media researcher danah boyd considers email dead “in the sense that it is not longer a site of deep emotional passion
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • 2. Trillian Astra unified instant messaging or other IM aggregator
  • It makes instant messaging more convenient and effective… and instant messaging is better for collaboration than email.
  • 1. Twitter microblogger.
  • I’m looking forward to the day when everyone has their own access-controlled blog to share their photos and thoughts.
    • eyal matsliah
      another step towards the WEB OS
  • Ray Johnson says; March 17th, 2007 at 4:04 pm I think the best tool for the “post e-mail era” is undoubtedly Diigo, which allows you to share sites you’ve bookmarked, with passages you find significant highlighted, and your own notes. You can also forward a link, with highlights and notes, to others by e-mail, if you prefer, or you can post all this information to your blog. And those are just the key points of what their integrated tools can help you do. For two recent reviews that explain some of the power of Diigo, see: Under the Radar: Self Optimize and Adapt… and Intelligent Agent: Social Bookmarking for Enterprise Knowledge Management, which reviews several sites, including Diigo.
    • eyal matsliah
      INDEED !
  • 3. Vox blogging.
  • 4. Tubes. Tubes provides peer-to-peer file sharing and synchronization among groups of friends, families, or colleagues without email as an intermediary.
  • But it could provide an alternative means to share files for people who don’t want a web page as an intermediary (as with Vox).
    should add diigo to the list - share the actual INFORMATION you find with colleagues
Sue Bride

Blogging Sueblimely - 0 views

  • Diigo 3 was launched 20th March 2008, showing a new maturity. After seeing its attractive new features I have been unfaithful to Delicious, my bookmarking partner of 5 years, and fallen in love with the younger and more versatile diigo.
    Review and tutorial on diigo
Sue Bride

Diigo Blog » "Tip of the day" ~ How to customize Diigo toolbar - 0 views

  • How to customize Diigo toolbar
    Option 1 - You can have as many or as few Diigo buttons as you need on your desktop. Option 2 -Completely hide the Diigo toolbar (go to View >> Toolbars) and only use the context menu and content selection menu.
eyal matsliah

Do You Know about Diigo? The Marketing ICE Blog - 0 views

  • About a year ago I heard about a social bookmark site called Diigo.  I saw it as another Delicious clone but figured I would look at it a bit deeper it just seemed to be more.  It was a good decision! Since that time I have been using Diigo and their tool bar every day.   I use it to keep sites I want to find very easy to find and sort and search.  I use it to market my own sites and to put my sites into all the other top book mark sites including delicious.  I also use it to improve my daily productivity and the beauty is once set up it takes up no extra time to use it.  It becomes seamlessly integrated into your daily efforts. I just did three training Videos on Diigo for our paying members, they are called, Social Bookmarking With The Diigo Tool Bar  Using Diigo To Mass Social Bookmark Web Sites Cool Marketing Productivity Features With Diigo If you don't know about social book mark sites these videos will teach you what you need to know.  If you do know about them then these videos will take your efforts to a new level.  The social bookmark sites are going to become the Google, Yahoo and's of tomorrow so now the time to get into them and build up your presence.
eyal matsliah - Social Annotation - - 0 views

  • “Diigo (dee'go) is about "Social Annotation". By combining social bookmarking, clippings, in situ annotation, tagging, full-text search, easy sharing and interactions, Diigo offers a powerful personal tool and a rich social platform for knowledge users, and in the process, turns the entire web into a writable, participatory and interactive media.
  • Why it might be a killer: It combines features from a bunch of different sites into one thing, and all of these features work really well together. The ease with which you can add your content to blogs is really useful, and if students get word of this, it will make their lives writing papers and studying for their different subjects so much easier. When Diigo is criticized on blogs, there is a dedicated base of users that attack the bad review with proof of the site’s worth, which makes it hard to argue with.
eyal matsliah

Diigo: bookmarking evolved | Webware : Cool Web apps for everyone - 0 views

  • Hands-on Diigo: bookmarking evolved By Rafe Needleman – August 1, 2006,
  • There's yet another new bookmarking utility live now: Diigo. This one is different. In addition to letting you bookmark pages and share those bookmarks with others, it also lets you highlight parts of pages (text or images), and store those highlights not only in your Diigo account, but also on the Web pages themselves
  • The annotation capability sets Diigo apart from and makes it a more granular data-gathering tool, like ClipMarks
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • but we've evolved since then--what people used to call "graffiti" we now call "interactivity" and "community."
  • Diigo has very useful annotation and organizational features, though, and if you want a good way to mark up the Web for personal use or a fast way to send clips to people you know, it's worth checking out.
    • eyal matsliah
      the main thing is the in-situ highlighting and annotation
  • It took me a while to grok Diigo, though. There's a lot going on here, and like a Swiss Army Knife, there are blades that new users will find confusing. What's a customizable search bar doing here? And why does Diigo act so much like a social bookmarking tool--do we really need another one of these?
  • It's a handy and universal "send this article" function, and the highlighting tool makes it much easier to add context.
eyal matsliah

Clipmarks: Tiny nibbles of Web content | Webware : Cool Web apps for everyone - 0 views

  • All Clipmarks passages are linked to their online sources, which is an improvement from simply copying and pasting text into an e-mail or blog.
  • There are a lot of social bookmarking sites on the Web, and Clipmark's granular clipping feature is not different enough to make the site fundamentally more useful or relevant than others. It is, however, just as good a time-waster as Digg, Reddit, or StumbleUpon.
  • There is one thing about Clipmarks that really bugs me, though: You can easily clip and save content to Clipmarks and then e-mail or blog it, as I said above. But once you leave the page you've highlighted clippings on, they vanish. To me, that's like having a highlighter with disappearing ink, which is not really what one expects: You highlight some text, turn the page, turn it back, and presto! your highlights are gone. I'd like the option to make Clipmark highlights persistent. Annotation services such as Stickis and Trailfire do this, but they're designed for a different purpose.
eyal matsliah

3spots: Diigo, goes public! (vs Flock) - 0 views

  • Diigo is a great, no, a fantastic tool(!) Not only for bookmarking but also for research, blogging and a must for any social bookmark mania. It's a kind if mix between (social bookmarks), Wizlite (web highlight and notes), Onlywire (multi post to social bookmarks), with Blogging support.
Sue Bride

In Love with diigo Farewell | Blogging Sueblimely - 0 views

  • In Love with diigo Farewell
  • After seeing its attractive new features I have been unfaithful to Delicious, my bookmarking partner of 5 years, and fallen in love with the younger and more versatile diigo.
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