When talking to people on the internet that you don't know that well, it is important that you sound educated. Making sure you use spell check, and capitalize ketters where they should be capitalized, is important.
Cell phone etiquette is just as important as important as internet etiquette. Being respectful is important, especially when on the internet because you never know how your words could affect someone else.
Being on the Internet is fun, when you are respected as a person, and an individual. There are many people that dont feel safe on the internet, and these ruls will help make the internet a better place.
Being nice, and respectful on the Internet is something that everyone should do. There are many people who don't fallow netiquette rules, and it may be hurtful to people who don't understand our humor. These guidelines are just a set of rules that make the Internet a safe and happy place for everyone to use.
This article is about a 12 year old girl (R.S.) that had to give her Facebook username and password to her school because of a hall monitor she didn't like. The school didn't notify her parents, and her parents never said the school to take that action. The ACLU is suing the school under the first amendment law (Unlawful search and seizure).