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Vinson Tan

Fast Moving Small Cameras in Dubai - What People Buy « Leiron literature tech... - 0 views

    surprisingly, after a long survey covering three(3) months we found that the following point-&-shoot digital cameras are really fast moving in Dubai electronic market for Cameras and the dSLR are not exactly doing as good as these - photos and info as follows
Vinson Tan

Steiner at Dubai Duty Free Training - 0 views

    A few days back Steiner the well known German Binocular maker was in Dubai and have conducted a one(1) day product orientation with regards to Steiner Binocular product lines and important tips and things to know about Binoculars. This also brings up many exciting issues when it comes to low light usage and special features of Steiner binoculars that are said to be not found else where
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