2009: Best Articles of the Year
« Challenge Yourself in 2010 with PhotoChallenge.org
By Brian Auer • January 1st, 2010
I did it in 2007, in 2008, and I’m doing it again in 2009 — a roundup of the best Epic Edits articles of the year!
We’re also approaching the 3 year birthday for the blog, and I’m super excited that this thing just keeps going. I’m also thankful that so many fellow photography enthusiasts keep coming back to join the conversation and participate in the projects. You guys are awesome, and I’m glad to know so many of you on a first name basis (seriously, I always smile when I see a regular leave a comment on an article).
So how about a few stats to check our progress? In just 2009, we had about 1,500,000 pageviews, 925,000 visits, and 750,000 unique visitors. And in the lifespan of the blog, we’ve had 3,685,000 pageviews, 2,245,000 visitors, and 1,835,000 uniques. We’re also up to about 8,100 RSS subscribers, from 4,600 at the same time last year.
Here are some noteworthy articles that were published in 2009. If you’re new here, check ‘em out!