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Mara Williams

Internet World Maps - 1 views

    I'm taking this week's idea of "domains" a bit literally. Here's a quick blog post from Amit Agarwal (tech columnist for Wall Street Journal India). It links to several visualizations of internet activity. Some are physical: electricity; some are political (i.e. explicitly - all these maps are political!): censorship by country; some are social: use of SNS by country, the first edition of the xckd map of internet communities.* He offers these maps without much commentary. I'm interested in how these visual representations could help us think about the "where" of digital ethnography. My offline/physical context may be a coffee shop in Eugene, OR, am I also placed on these maps? What kinds of maps help you think about the "where" of the internet? * The second edition is worth looking at to think about the way time and technological development shapes our understanding of space.
    Here's a link to the second version of the xckd map of internet communities. While not a "real" map, I often use it in presentations to explain the idea that online communities are particular and exist in relation to each other. I often pair it with the concept of "fractalized communities" found in Patrica Lange's work in youtube video bloggers. Both get at the specificity of online research; there isn't one internet that I can study - I can only tell you about my time in this particular community.
Mara Williams

YouTomb - About YouTomb - 2 views

    This is a great site that keeps a record of videos removed from YouTube for copyright violations. You can't watch them, but there's something great about having a record that they were there at all. I'm fascinated by the "when" of online culture and the tendency for some material to disappear. This is one of the places I've found that lets me see what the internet used to be.
    This is a great resource. I really like the concept of there being a resting place for tombstoned IP-offensive user generated content, much of what could be perceived as works of art depending on your perspecitve (IP vs remix culture). Also, a good example of creative censorship and the REAL governing authority -- RIAA, MPAA, etc.
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