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Redgage is NOT a Scam: The Real Redgage Story a few Know About - 0 views

    RedGage is a social marketplace to earn money. It is a website that pays users for their content.

RedGage; Once You Know The Site You Just Love To Stuck Here! - 0 views

    RedGage is a wide platform, where regardless of the fact that you don't sign into website, you can even do from other social networking sites; as it works for Twitter, Blogger, WordPress, YouTube, Facebook, and some more.
isabella R

Where Did Paul Ryan Find Inspiration for 'Reforming' Social Security? A Brutal Military... - 0 views

      ECONOMY   AlterNet / By Bruce Wilson  25 COMMENTS Where Did Paul Ryan Find Inspiration for 'Reforming' Social Security? A Brutal Military Dictatorship, Naturally The basis for Ryan's big plan was hatched under the radical right-wing Chilean torture regime of 1973 military coup leader Augusto Pinochet.
isabella R

9 Things That Show Mitt Romney Is Morally Bankrupt | Alternet - 0 views

  • 1. The smug non-smoker took big bucks to push smoking on Russians
  • Slams government economic investment despite having taken government contracts.
  • Opposes abortion, but invested in company that disposes of aborted fetuses
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • ecries corruption in other countries but facilitated it in his own
  • Insults low-income Americans for not paying federal income tax, while not paying federal income tax on almost all of his income.
  • Calls for more transparency from his opponent while hiding his own tax returns, squirreling millions offshore and using accounting tricks to lower his tax rate
  • Painted his opponent as a fibbing child while building an entire campaign on lies.
  • Republican presidential candidate compared the African-American president to his "boys," who, when they were little, he said, would pile fib upon fib thinking they could fool their dad.
  • Claims to have the "best interests of the African American community" in his heart while running a race-baiting campaign
  • Wears the mantle of protectionist, China-battling job creator after having put thousands of U.S. workers out of jobs and bought into a giant Chinese sweatshop.
isabella R

9 Things That Show Mitt Romney Is Morally Bankrupt | Alternet - 0 views

  • ere are but nine bits of evidence of the moral bankruptcy of Willard Mitt Romney. There exist many more, but life is short.
  • 1. The smug non-smoker took big bucks to push smoking on Russians
isabella R

Mitt Romney is a Rich Man Who Can Buy Everything But a Clue - 0 views

  • It is also becoming apparent that Willard Romney is having issues related to his arrogance and inability to tell the truth that prompted Mrs. Willard to say “I think my biggest worry would be for his mental well-being.” Romney’s well-being is predicated on never being questioned or challenged, and as some in the media are finally asking questions he cannot or will not answer, he looks clueless. It must be trying for a man used to being the smartest guy in the board room to have to dodge simple questions about his alleged economic prowess, or how his tax plan does not favor the wealthy or punish the poor and middle class
    It is also becoming apparent that Willard Romney is having issues related to his arrogance and inability to tell the truth that prompted Mrs. Willard to say "I think my biggest worry would be for his mental well-being." Romney's well-being is predicated on never being questioned or challenged, and as some in the media are finally asking questions he cannot or will not answer, he looks clueless. It must be trying for a man used to being the smartest guy in the board room to have to dodge simple questions about his alleged economic prowess, or how his tax plan does not favor the wealthy or punish the poor and middle class
isabella R

Let Detroit Go Bankrupt - - 0 views

    IF General Motors, Ford and Chrysler get the bailout that their chief executives asked for yesterday, you can kiss the American automotive industry goodbye. It won't go overnight, but its demise will be virtually guaranteed.
isabella R

Full Transcript of the Mitt Romney Secret Video | Mother Jones - 0 views

    • isabella R
      You are right, which is a nuclear Iran is an unthinkable outcome, not just for our friends in Israel and our friends in Europe, but also for us. Because Iran is the state sponsor of terror in the world, has Hezbollah now throughout Latin America, Hezbollah with fissile material.  FACT CHECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • f I were Iran, and a crazed fanatic,
  • This is where we head, where American can be held up and blackmailed by Iran, by the mullahs, by crazy people
  • ...62 more annotations...
  • So we really don't have any option but to keep Iran from having a nuclear weapon.
  • I'll step back on foreign policy: The president's foreign policy, in my opinion, is formed in part by a perception that he has that his magnetism and his charm and his persuasiveness is so compelling
  • It's speaking softly but carrying a very, very, very big stick. And this president instead speaks loudly and carries a tiny stick.
  • I saw Dr. Kissinger in New York—you're not eating!
  • He's bored to tears. [Audience laughs.] I saw Dr. Kissinger; I said to him, "How are we perceived around the world?" And he said, "One word: VEAK!" [Audience laughs.]
  • If you get the call as president, and you had hostages…Ronald Reagan was able to make a statement, even before he became, was actually sworn in— Romney: Yeah— Audience member: the hostages were released— Romney: on the day of his inauguration, yeah. Audience member: So my question is, really, how can you sort of duplicate that scenario? Romney: Ohhhh. [A few chuckles in audience.] I'm gonna ask you, how do I duplicate that scenario.
  • I think that had to do with the fact that the Iranians perceived Reagan would do something to really get them out. In other words [unintelligible]…and that's why I'm suggesting that something that you say over the next few months gets the Iranians to understand that their pursuit of the bomb is something that you would predict and I think that's something that could possibly resonate very well with American Republican voters.
  • when I do three or four events like this,
    • isabella R
      Romney: I appreciate the idea. I can't-one of the other things that's frustrating to me is that at a typical day like this, when I do three or four events like this, Romney: I appreciate the idea. I can't-one of the other things that's frustrating to me is that at a typical day like this, when I do three or four events like this,...!!!!!!!
  • Individuals in this room obviously are your supporters. I am very concerned
  • that the average American,
  • who doesn't know you, there's a terrible misconception. And I spend numerous hours trying to [unintelligible]. Years and years ago, I called George Bush Sr., and he had helped me in my campaign in Massachusetts when I ran for Senate. I told him that there's a guy named Clinton who's running for the following reasons.
  • Right now, I'm very concerned…Women would not want to be involved for you.
  • Hispanics, majority of them do not want to vote for you.
  • College students don't. After talking to them, and explaining and rationalizing on a one-on-one basis, we are able to change their opinions
  • But on a mass level, what do you want us to do, this group here,
  • as your emissaries,
  • going out to convert these individuals to someone who's obviously going to be such an incredible asset to this country
  • But what do we do? Just tell us what we can help…
  • I have—I have some good news for you. It's not impossible.
  • they don't know what they were doing
  • women are open to supporting me. They like the president [unintelligible], but they're disappointed. They're disappointed with the jobs they're seeing for their kids, they're disappointed with their own economic standing right now.
  • So we can capture women's votes,
  • what I need you to do is to raise millions of dollars,
  • Because, well, because you don't have the capacity to speak to hundreds of thousands of people. I will be in those debates. It will be, I don't know, 150 million Americans watching. If I do well, it'll help. If I don't, it won't help…
  • Audience member: You will do so well. Your debates are incredible. [Audience laughs, claps.]
  • But you know, I'm not terribly well known by the general American public, because… Audience member: You're known as a rich boy. I mean, they say, "He's a rich man."
    • isabella R
      But you know, I'm not terribly well known by the general American public, because… Audience member: You're known as a rich boy. I mean, they say, "He's a rich man."
  • young children coming out of college
  • Why don't you stick up for yourself?
  • To me, you should be so proud of your wealth. That's what we all aspire to be—we kill ourselves, we don't work a nine to five.
  • We're away from our families five days a week. I'm away from my four girls five days a week and my wife. Why not stick up for yourself and say, "Why is it bad to be, to aspire to be wealthy and successful?
  • And then I quote Marco Rubio, I tell in my speeches, I say, Marco Rubio—I think what I said would be [unintelligible]…I also think I said that at a fundraising event earlier today, but I did when I was in Empire…[unintelligible] [Audience laughs.]…I just said Sen. Rubio says that when he grew up here, poor, that they looked at people that had a lot of wealth, and his parents never once said, "We need some of what they have, they should give us some." Instead they said that you work hard and go to school, someday we might be able to have enough
  • For the last three years, all everybody's been told is, "Don't worry, we'll take care of you." How are you going to do it, in two months before the elections, to convince everybody you've got to take care of yourself?
  • Romney: There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe that government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you name it. That that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. And I mean, the president starts off with 48, 49, 48—he starts off with a huge number. These are people who pay no income tax. Forty-seven percent of Americans pay no income tax. So our message of low taxes doesn't connect. And he'll be out there talking about tax cuts for the rich. I mean that's what they sell every four years. And so my job is not to worry about those people—I'll never convince them that they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives. What I have to do is convince the 5 to 10 percent in the center that are independents that are thoughtful, that look at voting one way or the other depending upon in some cases emotion, whether they like the guy or not, what it looks like. I mean, when you ask those people…we do all these polls—I find it amazing—we poll all these people, see where you stand on the polls, but 45 percent of the people will go with a Republican, and 48 or 4…
  • And we have responsibility for the whole world.
  • hey'll probably be looking at what the polls are saying. If it looks like I'm going to win, the markets will be happy
  • How are you going to win if 54 percent of the voters think China's economy is bigger than ours? Or if it costs 4 cents to make a penny and we keep making pennies?
  • Canada got it right a month ago. Why isn't someone saying, "Stop making pennies, round it to the nearest nickel?"
    • isabella R
      How are you going to win if 54 percent of the voters think China's economy is bigger than ours? Or if it costs 4 cents to make a penny and we keep making pennies? Canada got it right a month ago. Why isn't someone saying, "Stop making pennies, round it to the nearest nickel?" Y
  • If you turned it into like, "Eat what you kill," it'd be a landslide. In my humble opinion.
    • isabella R
      If you turned it into like, "Eat what you kill," it'd be a landslide. In my humble opinion.
  • Being right early is not good in politics." And in a setting like this—a highly intellectual subject, a discussion of a whole series of important topics—typically doesn't win elections.
  • Keep the change. [Audience laughs.]
  • I didn't realize these guys in the US, the Karl Rove equivalents, they do races all over the world. In Armenia. In Africa. In Israel. I mean, they work for Bibi Netanyahu in his races. So they do his races and see which ads work and which processes work best and, uh, we have ideas about what we do over the course of the campaign. I'd tell them to you, but I'd have to, you know, shoot ya. [Audience laughs.] Hopefully it will be a successful place.
    • isabella R
      I didn't realize these guys in the US, the Karl Rove equivalents, they do races all over the world. In Armenia. In Africa. In Israel.  I mean, they work for Bibi Netanyahu in his races. So they do his races and see which ads work  and which processes work best and, uh, we have ideas about what we do over the course of the campaign. I'd tell them to you, but I'd have to, you know,  shoot ya. [Audience laughs.] Hopefully it will be a successful place.
  • And I think that's a campaign issue that can work well. I'm optimistic that you'll be elected president. And my recommendation would be clean house, immediately. The SEC, the CFEC are disaster areas.
  • I wish they weren't unionized, so we could go a lot deeper than you're actually allowed to go.
  • But we, you see, you and I,
  • I think a lot of people, especially you know, [unintelligible] I think people would see you in a different light. I think a lot of women especially do not watch debates.
  • Although The View is high risk because of the five women on it, only one is conservative. Four are sharp-tongued and not conservative, Whoopi Goldberg in particular. Although last time I was on the show, she said to me, "You know what? I think I could vote for you."
  • And I said, "I must have done something really wrong."
  • And I guess everybody here is a dignitary
  • "—so I'm happy to take advice and then we can all vote on it, whether it's a good piece of advice or bad advice. And so we'll get a chance to do that, but I'm looking to get your perspectives. J
  • When I was probably halfway through my career at Bain Consulting, I met with a lawyer to draft a will, and she said, "How do you want to divide what estate you might eventually have?"
  • I don't want to give anything to the grandchildren—I'll give it to the sons, and they in turn will give it to their children as needed."
  • "You'll change your mind." And I said, "No, I don't think so." So I saw her not long ago, and I said, "I don't want to give anything to my sons, I want to give it [to all to my grandchildren.] [Audience laughs.]
  • So that's why I wanna make sure
  • what little I'll have left after the campaigns
  • goes to you know, goes to my grandchildren
  • Elizabeth Warren—she's the woman who's running for US Senate in Massachusetts, who said that she's Cherokee,
  • Can you imagine working every day,
isabella R

7 Highlights You Missed From the Romney Video | Mother Jones - 0 views

  • …in the Jimmy Carter election, the fact that we have hostages in Iran, I mean, that was all we talked about. And we had the two helicopters crash in the desert, I mean that's—that was—that was the focus, and so [Reagan] solving that made all the difference in the world. I'm afraid today if you said, 'We got Iran to agree to stand down a nuclear weapon,' they'd go hold on. It's really a, but…by the way, if something of that nature presents itself, I will work to find a way to take advantage of the opportunity."
  • …if we win
  • November 6th there will be a great deal of optimism about the future of this country. We'll see capital come back, and we'll see—without actually doing anything—we'll actually get a boost in the economy."
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Joking about media strategy and his reputation as a "rich, rich guy": "You know that I'm as poor as a church mouse."
  • nd I look at the Palestinians not wanting to see peace anyway, for political purposes, committed to the destruction and elimination of Israel, and these thorny issues, and I say there's just no way."
  • It was a veritable let-us-eat-cake moment: "One of the benefits I get is eating the world's best dessert, which I will. [Audience laughs.] Thank you. [Applause.]"
    It was a veritable let-us-eat-cake moment: "One of the benefits I get is eating the world's best dessert, which I will. [Audience laughs.] Thank you. [Applause.]"
isabella R

The Most Damning Line in the Secret Romney Video | Mother Jones - 0 views

    Here was Romney sharing his view that Americans who don't make enough money to pay income taxes and his fellow citizens who rely on Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, or other government programs are lesser people than he and the millionaires before him. These people, Romney was saying, are not adults; they do not, and will not, fend for themselves or do what they must to feed, clothe, shelter, educate, and care for themselves and their family members. It was an arrogant insult spoken with true detachment. This was 100-percent 1-percent. Mitt Romney built that.
isabella R

Enlightened Catholicism: German Court Confirms The Bishops Pay To Pray Decree - 0 views

  • It's all pay or you don't pray.
    collusion between Church and State
isabella R

Sunlight Foundation Reporting Group: Lobbying Tracker - 0 views

isabella R

Dodd-Frank Meeting Logs - Sunlight Foundation Reporting Group - 0 views

    Every day, lobbyists and executives from Wall Street firms, big banks, insurance companies and others are meeting with financial regulators. They are pressing their case on how the federal financial agencies implement the massive Dodd-Frank financial law, which required more than 240 rulemakings. In the spirit of transparency, the major agencies have been posting records of their meetings with these outside representatives. However, until now it was necessary to visit each agency's website to obtain this information, which is reported at different time intervals and in varying formats. With the Dodd-Frank meeting log tracker, now it is possible to find all the meetings in one place.
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