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Microsoft Visio Pro 2013-2016 Product Key & Crack Full Free - 0 views

    Microsoft Visio Pro 2013-2016 Product Key & Crack Full Free Activator is best Microsoft office tool that is use to make diagrams templates tables for jobber

Microsoft Office 2013 Professional Plus ISO 32/64 Bit Download - 0 views

    Microsoft Office 2013 Professional Plus ISO 32/64 Bit is the best office application ever makes in the World, with new most recent office suit complete best
Trent Adams

Who owns your address book? - 0 views

  • Who really owns your address book? Many Internet companies - like Google (GOOG, Fortune 500) and Yahoo (YHOO, Fortune 500) - say unequivocally that you do. If you sign up for free e-mail accounts on their services, you're free to take your friends with you and export your contact lists to any service that you like.
  • But Microsoft (MSFT, Fortune 500), while publicly embracing the idea of openness, has been saying something different behind the scenes. Since last summer, lawyers representing the company have been sending cease-and-desist letters to startups that offer new users the ability to import their Microsoft Hotmail contacts. In a move that Valley guys are deriding as ham-handed, Microsoft is offering a quid pro quo: Third-party sites can access Hotmail contacts if they make Microsoft's instant-messaging client available to their users - for 25 cents per user per year. Then the company says it will waive the fee if the sites make Messenger the exclusive in-network messaging client. Such a deal.
  • There is a better way, of course - though it remains to be seen whether it will work. A group of companies, aligned under the banner of the DataPortability Workgroup, is trying to craft standards that would make it easy for the data we collect online to move as freely and securely from one website to another as we do. As long as two sites abide by the DataPortability rules, they can effortlessly send anything back and forth between them - data, photos, address books. "It's safe, secure, painless," says Chris Saad, the Aussie who co-founded and chairs the DPW. Hundreds of individuals and several leading companies - including Yahoo, Facebook, Google, and even Microsoft - have signed on to the workgroup, and Saad says he's optimistic that we'll see a system in place later this year.
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  • I'm skeptical. While it's fashionable these days to pay lip service to openness, decisions to implement it are often made for purely business reasons. Google and Yahoo, with less to lose, have cast their lot with data portability. Microsoft, having given away more than 300 million free Hot-mail accounts, is still weighing the pros and cons. Letting go won't be easy, but it's the right thing to do. My contacts should belong to me.

Microsoft Visio Professional 2013 Product Key [Tested] - 0 views

    Microsoft Visio Professional 2013 Product Key [Tested] is  use to make simpler diagrams and share by information with easy techniques. It update the functions of Visio standard.

Buy Bing Ads Accounts - 100% Safe and Guaranteed - 0 views

    Are you looking to Buy Verified Bing Ads Accounts? Then you are in the right place. Best Service IT provides you best and most Bing Ads Accounts at very low price. So that all our customers can be satisfied. So our staff work hard to provide the best service. So without further delay order now on our web site and make your business successful thanks!
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    A Bing advertisements account is a platform that permits agencies and marketers to create, manage, and optimize advertising campaigns on the Bing search engine and its accomplice web sites. As one of the essential players within the virtual marketing landscape, Bing ads affords a manner for advertisers to attain a unique target audience that might not be as without difficulty accessed through different structures, inclusive of Google ads Buy Bing Ads Accounts
    How to Create a Bing Ad Account Creating a Bing Ads account is a straightforward process that allows businesses to reach potential customers through targeted advertising on the Bing search engine and its partner sites. Here's a step-via-step guide that will help you get Began. Visit the Bing Ads Website: Start by navigating to the Bing Ads homepage ( Click on the "Sign Up" or "Get Started" button, which will direct you to the account creation page. Sign in with a Microsoft Account: To create a Bing Ads account, you need a Microsoft account. If you already have one, absolutely sign in. If not, you can create a new Microsoft account by following the on-screen instructions. This account can be linked to your existing Outlook, Hotmail, or Xbox accounts.
    A Bing advertisements account is a platform that permits agencies and marketers to create, manage, and optimize advertising campaigns on the Bing search engine and its accomplice web sites. As one of the essential players within the virtual marketing landscape, Bing ads affords a manner for advertisers to attain a unique target audience that might not be as without difficulty accessed through different structures, inclusive of Google ads Buy Bing Ads Accounts To use Bing Ads, advertisers must first create an account. This process involves providing essential information, including business details, billing information, and payment methods. Once the account is set up, users can begin to create campaigns tailored to their specific goals, whether that's increasing website traffic, generating leads, or driving sales. Best Service IT Key Features of Bing Ads

Windows 8.1 All Editions ISO x86/x64 With Keys Download - 0 views

    Windows 8.1 All Editions ISO x86/x64 is one of the best and faster Microsoft Window that is up to dated compatibly with previous version of windows has
Trent Adams

Microsoft to join DataPortability - Where's the beef? - 0 views

  • The news today is that Microsoft intends to join the DataPortability Project. So where’s the beef? Why are long-time influentials from all these large vendors joining the cause? What are we offering? What are we trying to do? What’s in it for them? What do they bring to the table?
  • First, I’d like to clarify that DataPortability is not mine. It is an initiative that was co-founded by many people who all believed that something was missing from the existing Identity/Data/Standards landscape. Something very small, but very important.
Trent Adams

Microsoft Makes Public Commitments to Data Portability and Interoperability - 0 views

  • The highlight of the call seems to be that Microsoft will be opening the same APIs used by internal developers to build on the company's "high volume products" as public APIs available for free noncommercial use and paid commercial use. That sounds like a good start. See the company's Interoperability site for more, details from the call below.

Microsoft Bing - Ask real questions. Get complete answers. Chat and create ( - 0 views

    Microsoft Bing: Ask real questions. Get complete answers. Chat and create (
Trent Adams

Dare Obasanjo on Microsoft Joins - 0 views

  • I’m sure some folks are wondering exactly what this means. Even though I was close to the decision making around this, I believe it is still too early to tell. Personally, I share Marc Canter’s skepticism about given that so far there’s been a lot of hype but no real meat.
  • As far as I can tell, seems like a good forum for various social software vendors to start talking about how we can get to a world where there is actual interoperability between social software applications. I’d like to see real meat fall out of this effort not fluff. One of the representatives Microsoft has chosen is the dev lead from the product team I am on (Inder Sethi) which implies we want technical discussion of protocols and technologies not just feel good jive. We’ll also be sending a product planning/marketing type as well (John Richards) to make sure the end user perspective is also being covered. You can assume that even though I am not on the working group in person, I will be there in spirit since I communicate with both John and Inder on a regular basis.
Trent Adams

Some thoughts on DataPortability.Org - 0 views

  • Data portability is an idea long championed, and becoming more important all the time.  As we continue to load our online lives on to various social networking sites, the concept of making it easy to get that information back off again, and re-using the information on the next big site without having to start over from scratch are compelling, reasonable, and just plain logical.  Why would you want it any other way?.
  • It's a good sign that DataPortability.Org is gaining traction.  It's also a good sign that Microsoft has joined.  While Microsoft certainly can't be thought of as a leader in the move to open up our data, it has been making serious strides to open up a number of its platforms, and a common vision shared by the members of DataPortability.Org could make control of our own data something closer to a reality.
Trent Adams

How will keep from being hijacked by Microsoft? - 0 views

  • Whenever Microsoft Corp. eschews an open standard (think the OpenDocument Format, aka ODF), it gets pilloried. Whenever it embraces one, as it will soon do with, fears rise that Redmond will twist it to its own advantage, (think Java) or, failing that, sabotage it. (ActiveX) So is the nascent group at such risk from Redmond? Not according to a source inside the group. "The DataPortability group is made up of many voices - individuals who are passionate about solving the problem," the source said. "Microsoft's voice is a welcome addition but it is not the only voice in the conversation and it does not have any special consideration."
Trent Adams

Windows Live Dev : Microsoft Joins - 0 views

  • “Today Microsoft is announcing that it has joined, a group committed to advancing the conversation about the portability, security and privacy of individuals’ information online.  There are important security and privacy issues to solve as the internet evolves, and we are committed to being an integral part of the industry conversation on behalf of our users.
Trent Adams

Security in DataPortability - 0 views

  • With the announcement of Microsoft joining the DataPortability workgroup, the attention is on the blossom workgroup more than it has ever been before. Naturally with all the added attention (as if Facebook and Google joining wasn’t bad enough) there is a fresh new round of people questioning the validity of DP and its associated stack.
  • Let me make this perfectly clear: Dataportability does not give any more or less users access to your personal information than before. Now keep that single point in mind while I give a simple example.
Trent Adams

Microsoft Joining - ReadWriteWeb - 0 views

  • Chris Saad, Chairman of the Data Portability Working Group, confirmed to me this morning that Microsoft's David Treadwell, a VP at Windows Live, will be joining the organization. Microsoft is expected to make a formal announcement in the coming days. News first leaked out via a shadowy post at Computerworld this morning.

Microsoft Designer (text prompts to multimedia) - 0 views

    A graphic design app that helps you create professional quality social media posts, invitations, digital postcards, graphics, and more. Start with your idea and create something unique for you.
Trent Adams

DataPortability, Microsoft's Contacts API and at Cloudlands - 0 views

  • For users to have true data portability, there needs to be some consensus on both the APIs and the formats needed to transfer / represent this portable data. It may be that a number of APIs and formats are required for different scenarios. The Semantic Web is an ideal means for representing the data to be ported from social websites, in that is well suited (using vocabularies like SIOC and FOAF) to represent how people and all kinds of objects on these sites are connected together (documents, discussions, meetups, places, interests, media files - whatever). Of course other data formats may be used, but most importantly, it would be a waste of time to come up with a bunch of new formats for representing the data that needs to be portable, because a lot of work has been done on how to best provide interoperable, reusable and linked data through efforts like the Semantic Web, AtomPub and the microformats community.
Trent Adams

The Year Of Microformats - Yahoo! To Search The Semantic Web - 0 views

  • Up until today only a few technologies supported certain standards, the Operator extension for Firefox supports microformats, as will Firefox 3 when it is released, but none of these are big enough or important enough for the mainstream. Adding semantics to a website is a lot of hard work if no-one is around to use it.
  • This is why Yahoo!’s announcement is so big. Now there are machines reading that data and using it and enriching the web with it, do you, as a developer or site owner, want to miss out on that? Yahoo!’s search is to use microformats initially, to improve their understanding of the data to return more relevant results (and, from the looks of their example with LinkedIn add more detail to their search results). So, will other search engines, I’m looking at Google and Microsoft here, want to miss out on the wealth of data that they aren’t collecting and Yahoo! is?
  • What could be better, a reason to include semantic technologies in your site, better search results, new, intelligent services? I can only say thank you to Yahoo! for supporting this and giving it the much needed boost.
Trent Adams

Evolving the OpenID Foundation Board - 0 views

  • This morning the OpenID Foundation announced that Google, IBM, Microsoft, VeriSign, and Yahoo! have joined the board. The OpenID Foundation was formed in early 2006 by seven community members with the goal of helping promote, protect and enabling the OpenID technologies and community. Today’s announcement marks a milestone in the maturity and impact that the OpenID community has had. While the OpenID Foundation serves a stewardship role around the community’s intellectual property, the Foundation’s board itself does not make any decisions about the specifications the community is collaboratively building.
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