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daniel rezac

Economist's View: "Against Homework" - 1 views

    Against Homework, Scientific American: A child who has been boxed up six hours in school might spend the next four hours in study, but it is impossible to develop the child's intellect in this way. The laws of nature are inexorable. By dint of great and painful labor, the child may succeed in repeating a lot of words, like a parrot, but, with the power of 
daniel rezac

Edina Technology Integration: Flipping Your Classroom Without Making Your Students Dizzy! - 1 views

    There has been a lot of press both locally and nationally,and punditry pro and con lately around "flipping" instruction. "Flipping" is when you create video of your lecture or a demonstration that you would normally do in class, and then post the video for students to watch as homework at home. Proponents point out that this then allows the teacher to either complete activities that normally would be done as homework in class with the support of the teacher, or it allows for hands on activities to take place in the classroom with facilitation from the teacher. 
daniel rezac

Flipped Classroom Full Picture: An Example Lesson - 0 views

    The flipped classroom, as it is currently being described and publicized, is simply recording the didactic content information via video, having students view these as homework, and then using class time to further discuss these ideas. Harvard Professor Chris Dede stated in his Global Education 2011 keynote in response to a question directed about the flipped classroom . . .
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