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Vipas Suktavornprasit

Changing your gmail username or email address - a knol by Joshua Slive - 0 views

  • choose the Accounts and Import tab. Gmail doesn't let you use its standard import feature to transfer from one account to another, so you'll need to use the Check mail using POP3 entry.
  • If you absolutely need the old label structure, the only solution is to use an IMAP client to connect to both the old and new account and copy over folders/labels. But this solution can be tricky, because you can only copy over a certain (unspecified) amount of mail at a time.
  • There is a Gmail specific backup/restore utility that works very well for this sort of operation:
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • other content in your Google account that you want to transfer (calendars, documents, photos, etc), you'll have to do this separately. The Data Liberation Front website has detailed information on how to export and import data from pretty-much every Google product.
  • keep the old account around so that you can keep receiving mail to the old address. You can consider activating the vacation responder to alert people who send to the old address that your address has changed. 
  • if you delete an account, you can never get it back or reuse the address.
Vipas Suktavornprasit

Tip: How to Delete Gmail Messages on Your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch - 0 views

  • when you delete the email, by default Gmail will archive the message instead of sending it to the Trash folder.
  • Go to 
  • Google Sync features are only available only if you’ve setup your Gmail account as a Microsoft Exchange account
Vipas Suktavornprasit

A web clipboard for Google Docs | Docs Blog - 0 views

    A solution to paste table from G.spreadsheet to GMail: G.spreadsheet > web-clipboard > G.presentation > GMail.
Vipas Suktavornprasit

Choose whether to show images - Gmail Help - 0 views

  • Gmail serves all images through Google’s image proxy servers and transcodes them before delivery to protect you in the following ways: Senders can’t use image loading to get information like your IP address or location. Senders can’t set or read cookies in your browser. Gmail checks your images for known viruses or malware.
Vipas Suktavornprasit

Using Gmail with screen readers - Gmail Help - 0 views

  • The standard view of Gmail works best with screen readers and browsers that support ARIA.
Vipas Suktavornprasit

Gmail & Google Calendar In Opera Without Masking - 0 views

  • There is actually a way that you can prevent Gmail from trying to identify which browser you are using.
    First shared/posted 24-Jun-09 in another group.
Vipas Suktavornprasit

Creating or editing CSV files - Gmail Help - 0 views

  • must include a header, or first line, that defines the fields in your table
    In order to import names into GMail Contacts (
Vipas Suktavornprasit

New in Gmail Labs: Smart Labels - Official Gmail Blog - 0 views

  • On the Filters tab under Settings, you'll find that these filters can be edited just like any others. From there, you can also edit your existing filters to avoid having them Smart Labeled or change whether mail in a Smart Label skips your inbox (which you can also do by just clicking on the label, then selecting or unselecting the checkbox in the top right corner).
  • “Bulk” mail includes any kind of mass mailing
  • “Notifications” are messages sent to you directly
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • email from group mailing lists gets labeled as “Forums.”
Vipas Suktavornprasit

Gmail Notifier - 0 views

  • Gmail Notifier isn't compatible with the Google Toolbar
Vipas Suktavornprasit

Blogging from iGoogle and Gmail - Blogger Help - 0 views

  • To add the Blogger Posting Gadget to your iGoogle page, simply click this button:
    • Vipas Suktavornprasit
      Not working, just stay blank.  (on #Chrome)
    • Vipas Suktavornprasit
      From my iGoogle back-up page, the gadget is gone: "This gadget is no longer available."
  • the posting gadget by simpling entering its URL into the Gadget tab in your Settings.
    • Vipas Suktavornprasit
      GMail says "Invalid gadget specification. Ensure URL is correct and the gadget does not contain errors."
Vipas Suktavornprasit

Contacts keyboard shortcuts - Gmail Help - 0 views

  • e Remove from Current Group
  • l Group membership
  • g then c Go to 'Contacts'
    Most keys are same as GMail.
Vipas Suktavornprasit

Changes to the look of Gmail - Gmail Help - 0 views

  • +/- buttons have been removed. Instead, just click the importance tag on the left side of a message in the list
  • Toolbar options like Archive, Spam, and Labels are now collapsed until you need them
  • Most toolbar options are now graphic icons or shorter text
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • The column stays fixed in position as you scroll through your messages
  • If you need to use the basic HTML version of Gmail, access it here; if you always need to use the basic HTML version, change your setting when prompted.
  • If no image exists for a sender, a default icon shows that is colored to help indicate who said what.
  • Click the down arrow to reveal more details about each message, including cc assignment and exact date. This information was previously under the “show details” link.
Vipas Suktavornprasit

Using advanced search - Gmail Help - 0 views

  • OR Search for messages matching term A or term B
  • - (hyphen) Used to exclude messages from your search
  • list: Search for messages on mailing lists
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • filename: Search for an attachment by name or type
  • in:inbox
  • ( ) Used to group words Used to specify terms that shouldn't be excluded
  • " " (quotes) Used to search for an exact phrase
  • after: before: Search for messages sent during a certain period of time* *Dates must be in yyyy/mm/dd format.
Vipas Suktavornprasit

Google Multiple Sign-in, Now Available - 0 views

  • signing in to multiple Google accounts simultaneously from the same browser
  • new drop-down next to your email address in Gmail and other supported Google products. Click on the drop-down and you can sign in to a new Google Account
  • Google's URLs include a different number for each account
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  • Google uses sign-in cookies that only let you sign in with one account at a time
  • Obviously, you can use multiple browsers, Chrome's incognito mode, IE8's "new session" feature, multiple profiles, but the new Google feature makes things easier.
  • not available on mobile devices, Google Calendar's gadget doesn't work properly in Gmail, you can no longer use offline Gmail and offline Google Calendar and the "note in Reader" bookmarklet only works for the default account.
Vipas Suktavornprasit

Display images from certain senders - Gmail Help - 1 views

  • to help protect your privacy; if we displayed the images automatically, it could potentially allow the sender of the email to see that the images are being fetched, and therefore know when you’ve read their message.
  • But, if someone you've sent email at least twice sends you a message with images in it, you’ll see the image by default
  • We'll only show images in messages that are authenticated, so you won't have to worry about seeing images in messages where the sender's name or address is spoofed.
Vipas Suktavornprasit

Official Google Blog: Google Apps highlights - 5/21/2010 - 0 views

  • If you use Google Chrome, now you can drag images files from your computer’s desktop or folders onto the body of a message you’re composing
  • we moved Wave to Google Labs and now anyone can sign up. If you use Google Apps at your business, school or organization, your IT manager can enable Wave from the Google Apps control panel now, too.
  • You can easily resize the image right in the Gmail compose window
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • starting this summer, Google Apps customers will be able to sign into Blogger, Picasa Web Albums, Google Reader, AdWords and many more Google services with their Google Apps accounts
Vipas Suktavornprasit

New in Labs: Nested Labels and Message Sneak Peek - Official Gmail Blog - 0 views

  • name your label with slashes (/) to make it the child of another.
    • Vipas Suktavornprasit
      We have to create labels one by one from parent to child. For example: "abc/def" needs to create "abc" and then "abc/def": i.e., cannot create "abc/def" directly without having "abc" before, otherwise we'll get non-hierchical "abc/def" as a single label.
    Labels are more flexible than folders because a given email can have several labels but can't be in several folders at the same time. A highly requested feature for labels, though, comes from the world of folders: the ability to organize labels hierarchically.
Vipas Suktavornprasit

Linking / Using Google Plus on Gmail with multiple Google Apps domains - Web Applicatio... - 0 views

  • Creating new profiles on Google Apps and maintaining them make little sense to me, because I will have to manage multiple accounts under the same name. Also if somebody searches for my name, getting 3 profiles also does not do me any good.
    • Vipas Suktavornprasit
      So far there's no this option yet :'(
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