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karen sipe

Profile Publisher - ReadWriteThink - 0 views

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karen sipe

Welcome to Youth Voices | Youth Voices - 0 views

    Youth Voices is a meeting place where students share, distribue and discuss their digital work online.
    If you are looking fora way to have your students interact with others, this might be helpful. It looks like you can have your own private group or you can select to allow others to join. I am thinking that you could connect with a class in another school in or out of state and you could set up a group for the two groups of studetns to interact. Maybe they could talk about a novel they are reading or about a current event.
karen sipe

Voice Mark It! | GeoGraffiti - 0 views

    Geograffiti creats voice-marks - audio postings to specific map locations. For example, a history teacher assigns his students to create an audio tour about local history. The students go to various historical monuments and buildings in the community and then phone in historical summaries of the significance of these sites to Geograffiti, which places the oral recordings in the appropriate geographic locations on the map. This activity would enable students to research local history, pratice public speaking, and learn geography in one assignment.
karen sipe

Connect Safely |Connect Safely | Online Safety 3.0 - on and off the fixed and mobile In... - 0 views

    This site includes social network safety tips for teens and parents.
karen sipe

STUDYBLUE | Make online flashcards & notes. Study anywhere, anytime. - 0 views

    Studyblue is a free tool that allows users to create flashcards, quizzes, and lecture notes and share them with others. Teachers can set up a "class" and give students a code, and everyone with the code can create collaborative study materials. There are mobile phone apps that the students can use to take their flashcards and notes anywhere. They can access their files offline. StudyBlue also sends helpful test and study reminders via email and text message.
    I learned about this tool from an article in Learning & Leading with Technology, August 2011. An educator shared how her students use it.
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