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karen sipe

Welcome to Flickr - Photo Sharing - 0 views

    Flickr allows students to take pictures and send them to a private space online. For example: A homework assignment for 4th grade mathematics students requires students to take pictures of different polygons they see in their everyday lives and instantly send them (along with a short text message describing the type of polygon) to a private space online. The next day in class the teacher can open the private space and use it to illustrate polygons and their connection to students' lives, leading to a lesson on how to measure these polygons. Both and are sites that would allow this type of sharing. Both have a private mobile address that can be used on any mobile phone; the teacher just needs to set up the mobile account and give the students the address.
karen sipe - 0 views

    Splashup looks like photoshop and is agreat way to edit photos and manipulate layers and effects. It allows you to share with picasa, flickr, facebook
Anthony Angelini

Spell with Flickr - 1 views

    Useful tool for creating attractive headings for various websites. Insert text and the website will construct a series of images that spell out your heading.
karen sipe

Classroom Learning 2.0: About - 0 views

    "This Classroom Learning 2.0 blog has been set-up as part of the CSLA School Library Learning 2.0 program to encourage all of us to experiment and learn about the new and emerging technologies that are reshaping the context of information on the Internet today."
    This is a really organized blog set up for learning about 2.0. Please share with anyone you think might be interested.
karen sipe

shwup - Home - 0 views

    Shwup is a site that can be used for making collaborative slide shows.
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