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Chief of Libya's new UN-backed government arrives in Tripoli | World news | The Guardian - 0 views

    "The chief of Libya's new UN-backed government has reached Tripoli, defying threats from city militias, to proclaim a new order for the conflict-ravaged country in a move that could eventually pave the way for international forces to provide troops and air support."

Amid Ride-Booking Rivalries, Many Cairo Women Turn To Uber For Safe Passage : NPR - 0 views

    In Cairo, taxi drivers are fighting the encroachment of ride-booking services like Uber. But many Egyptians, especially women, say they prefer Uber since they feel safer with the company's drivers.

Israel Polarized Over Soldier Who Killed Wounded Palestinian - 0 views

    An Israeli soldier shot and killed a Palestinian who was wounded on the ground, which has stirred some commotion among the public. Many people have been expressing their outrage to this happening. Not too long ago another Israeli soldier killed two other Palestinians that were carrying knifes. The violence in this are is never ending.

Most Israelis support soldier accused of shooting Palestinian, says poll - 0 views

    More than half of Israelis support a soldier accused of shooting dead a severely wounded and incapacitated Palestinian assailant in Hebron last week, according to a poll by an Israeli TV station. The soldier is being investigated by the Israeli military police on suspicion of murder.

UN expert decries Israeli soldier's killing of Palestinian attacker - 0 views

    This incident has brought attention to the amount of force used against Palestinians. There are different thoughts on the subject, many Israelis do not want to call it a murder, while international actors have been comdemning it.

Israeli soldiers assault Palestinian detainees - 0 views

    Four Palestinians arrested this week for Facebook posts have spoken of physical assaults they endured during their detention and interrogation. The testimonies were collected by the Palestinian Committee for Prisoners' Affairs and relate to four Palestinian youths, including at least two teenagers detained.

Addressing the education emergency in Lebanon | Voices and Views: Middle East and North... - 0 views

  • The education system in Syria is a victim of the country’s conflict; Syrian teachers and students have been displaced, along with their families, and many Syrian refugee children have now been out of school for multiple years.
  • Lebanon has gone to great lengths to accommodate this tsunami of children.
  • Despite these efforts, currently available data indicate that about half of the Syrian children living in Lebanon today are working or otherwise not engaged in learning
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  • With fewer than 1 in 10 Syrian refugees ages 15, 16, or 17 enrolled in secondary school or technical/vocational education, the risk of losing a generation of skilled professionals is very real
    This piece is talking about the efforts of Lebanon to support the education of Syrian children. The refugee students have been out of school for years which hinders their future quality of life. Only about half of the refugee children are attending some sort of school program. 

The kingdom is king | The Economist - 0 views

  • But Saudi Arabia is gaining an unlikely reputation for learning in the Middle East. Earlier this year it gained three of the top four spots in an annual ranking of Arab universities by Times Higher Education (THE), a British weekly magazine. Topping the chart was King Abdulaziz University in the western city of Jeddah, which was founded only in 1967.
  • The kingdom rarely pulls things off as well as, let alone better than, its more savvy fellow Gulf states.
  • ut by world standards, Arab universities do not offer students a very good deal. King Abdulaziz only just made it into the global top 300. Teaching in the Arab world tends to emphasise rote learning rather than developing analytical skills.
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  • who are assigned to subjects according not to their own choice, but to their school grades. Medicine, engineering and political science require high results. Low-scorers are concentrated in arts, business and education courses.
  • The very wealthy send their sons and daughters abroad. Many never come back, contributing to a brain drain in the Arab world.
    In Egypt there is a university which has been promoted as the ebst school in the Middle East. Except, it is very limited. It does not offer a reason to develop analytical skills, so often their students do poorly in the job world. in Egypt students are assigned a major and classes based off of their grades, they do not get to pursue what they want. 

Why is Middle Eastern culture missing from Israeli schoolbooks? - Al-Monitor: the Pulse... - 0 views

  • In September 2015, “​Faith and Redemption” caused an uproar in Israel as another example of the exclusion of Mizrahi culture and history from the Israeli curriculum.
  • From Shriki's perspective, the place of Mizrahi authors and thinkers in the Israeli curriculum is critical.
  • Gideon Saar, Naftali Bennett's predecessor as education minister, struggled with this same issue in 2012, when the Libi Bamizrach coalition sent him a letter protesting the exclusion of Mizrahi history, literature and cultural heritage from the curriculum.
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  • ne pages, out of a total of 400 pages, that deal with the history of Jews from Islamic lands in a textbook on the “history of the Jewish people in recent generations.” The book was used in Israeli schools for many years. Two years later, Yehuda Shenhav, a professor from Tel Aviv University, surveyed textbooks in Israel and found that not only was the scope of discussion of Jews from Islamic lands meager, its representation was erroneous and stereotypical.
  • This long checklist calls for a deep and significant change within the Israeli educational system. It also suggests that Bennett's initiative, much like earlier ones, hardly guarantees that such change will indeed take place.
    In the Middle East there is a lack of focus on culture in education. it focuses on the history of the "winners" and is promoting hate and ignorance in the education system. These issues have popped up before the Minister of Education since 1997. 

Being Connected: Class and Cosmopolitanism in Cairo - 0 views

    I spent part of last week in Qatar with a brilliant group of scholars, discussing digital media in the Middle East. The article discusses primary work in Egypt focused on the ways children grew up constructing identities in which they could be at once Egyptian and Arab and at the same time modern and global

The Price of Egypt's Anti-Cosmopolitanism - 0 views

    No one knows how Giulio Regeni was murdered, or by whom. But from the moment the body of the 28-year-old Italian graduate student was found on the side of the road in a Cairo suburb, suspicion has fallen on Egypt's security services. The Middle East Studies Association has now issued a security alert for study and research in Egypt.

Human Trafficking Statistics | Freedom 4 Innocence - 0 views

    In a recent breakdown of the different people who are often victims of human trafficking it was determined that 12% are men, 22% are children, and women make up 66%. Majority of the people who are part of trafficking belong to Africa, Eastern Europe, and Asian nationalities.

EgyptAir passenger took selfie during hijacking - 0 views

    A 26-year-old Briton on an EgyptAir plane Tuesday did what Millennials do all the time: He took a selfie. This wasn't just any selfie, however. The photo included the man authorities say hijacked Ben Innes' plane. Innes was one of the remaining hostages during a six-hour standoff at Cyprus' Larnaca airport, the Guardian reported.

Terrorism is a global problem, not a Muslim one - 0 views

    Today, countries across the world are being terrorised and ravaged by extremism; both territory and minds conquered by a militant and ideological crusade. Right or wrong, the mere mention of the word "terrorism" conjures up images of bearded Muslim men - kalashnikovs in hand - intent on eradicating any thought, person or object which runs contrary to their narrow fundamentalist ideology.

Turkey v Syria's Kurds v Islamic State - BBC News - 0 views

    A more recent article posted by BBC News on Feb. 19th of Turkey's recent renewment of bombardment against the Kurds (People's Protection Units) inside Syria. The US and UN have both pressed Turkey to cease shelling the YPG and EU urged Turkey to stop shelling Syria.

Turkey's Erdoğan asks UN: Are you mocking us? - POLITICS - 0 views

    In Feb. the United Nations demanded Turkey to open its borders to thousands of Syrian refugees. Erdogan responded "are you mocking us?" and accused the UN for overstepping its powers and to basically back off from the Syrian conflict.

Erdogan: We will flood the EU with refugees - 0 views

    Another issue Turkey is constantly dealing with, is the problem with the thousands of Syrian refugees at their border, in addition to the mini-civil war w/the Kurds, and its questionable oil business with ISIS. This article points out Erdogan's requests for the EU to deliver more funds to control the border situation. Different point of view from the other two articles I bookmarked this week.

YMCACE MUN Assignments - 0 views

    Algeria is a transit and source country for human trafficking. Many people susceptible to the Algerian human trafficking are sub-saharan men, women and children.

Muslim Women's Rights Activists | Clarion Project - 0 views

    From left, clockwise: Manal al-Sharif, Taffan Ako Taha, Raquel Saraswati, Malala Yousazai, Dr. Elham Manea There is a burgeoning women's rights movement in Muslim-majority societies today. From Pakistan to North Africa, each country has a network of activists, writers and academics struggling to bring women's rights to their countries and overthrow centuries of patriarchal oppression.

Saudi Arabia has jailed one of its most prominent women's rights activists - 1 views

    One of Saudi Arabia's most prominent female human rights campaigners has been arrested and jailed for allegedly running a Twitter account. Samar Badawi is the ex-wife of influential human rights lawyer Waleed Abulkhair, and according to activists has been accused of running his Twitter account after he was jailed in 2014. One of the most well-known campaigners for women's rights in Saudi Arabia, Ms Badawi received the 2012 International Women of Courage award, presented by Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama.
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