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Home/ CULF 3331: "Middle Eastern Revolutions"/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by mkulach

Contents contributed and discussions participated by mkulach


Neutrality and Israel-Palestine Peace - 0 views

    Trump's vow to be "neutral" in a potential Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiation set off a firestorm among the presidential candidates, each outshining the other in expressions of fidelity to Israel. Lost in the brouhaha, however, was the far more important issue: what would they to do to stop the UN's role in impeding peace?

Israel-Palestine: outlook bleak as wave of violence passes six-month mark - 0 views

    Six months after it began, a deadly wave of violence between Palestinians and Israelis that has been referred to as the "knife intifada" shows no sign of ending, despite a drop in incidents from a high point last autumn.

Palestinian PM urges ban on Israeli settlement products - 0 views

    Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah on Monday urged the European Union to ban Israeli settlement products from entering Europe. At a meeting with Christian Berger, director for Middle East at the European External Action Service, Hamdallah said the Israeli settlements are illegitimate under international law. UNHRC adopted a resolution to "blacklist" companies that operate in Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

Israel executed 19 Palestinians: report - 0 views

    The Israeli regime has been known to have killed 19 Palestinians in the past six months, according to a report released by the PLO-affiliated Abdullah Al Hourani Centre for Studies and Documentation. The centre says that Israeli soldiers justified these murders under the pretext of self-defence.

Israeli soldiers assault Palestinian detainees - 0 views

    Four Palestinians arrested this week for Facebook posts have spoken of physical assaults they endured during their detention and interrogation. The testimonies were collected by the Palestinian Committee for Prisoners' Affairs and relate to four Palestinian youths, including at least two teenagers detained.

UN expert decries Israeli soldier's killing of Palestinian attacker - 0 views

    This incident has brought attention to the amount of force used against Palestinians. There are different thoughts on the subject, many Israelis do not want to call it a murder, while international actors have been comdemning it.

Most Israelis support soldier accused of shooting Palestinian, says poll - 0 views

    More than half of Israelis support a soldier accused of shooting dead a severely wounded and incapacitated Palestinian assailant in Hebron last week, according to a poll by an Israeli TV station. The soldier is being investigated by the Israeli military police on suspicion of murder.

Israel Polarized Over Soldier Who Killed Wounded Palestinian - 0 views

    An Israeli soldier shot and killed a Palestinian who was wounded on the ground, which has stirred some commotion among the public. Many people have been expressing their outrage to this happening. Not too long ago another Israeli soldier killed two other Palestinians that were carrying knifes. The violence in this are is never ending.

Muslim Brotherhood Condemns Terrorist Attacks in Belgian Capital Brussels - Ikhwanweb - 0 views

    The Muslim Brotherhood strongly condemns the terrorist attacks Tuesday March 22 at a Belgian airport and a subway station in the capital Brussels, which left dozens of innocent people dead and injured.

Eighty-Eight Year On, Muslim Brotherhood Stand Steadfast As Ever - for Freedom, Reform ... - 0 views

    Eighty-eight years have passed since the founding of the Muslim Brotherhood on March 22, 1928 at the hands of Imam Hassan Al-Banna. They expand on the importance of a religiously led government in the region and importance of keeping their mission in mind and reforming to democratic legitimacy they say.

Hamas denies links with Muslem Brotherhood in Egypt and elsewhere - Middle East News - 0 views

    Attempt to distance Hamas from Brotherhood is part of an attempt to improve ties between the organization and Egypt. The Brotherhood has been getting cut down and many member have been taken away into prison, so it is in Hamas' interest to disconnect from this organization and take a new path.

Courting Egypt, Hamas removes all signs of Muslim Brotherhood from Gaza - 0 views

    Hamas has removed all signs of the Muslim Brotherhood from the streets and mosques in Egypt in an attempt to detach itself from the group it appears. Leading figures of the Brotherhood are included in the images being taken down, and instead have been putting up slogans referring to Palestine.

Security forces arrested 'fugitive terrorist affiliated to Muslim Brotherhood' - 0 views

    A security official declared Tuesday the criminal apparatus in Giza directorate arrested a fugitive terrorist, Mohamed Abdel Razek, affiliated to the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood group, according to the Ministry of Interior's statement. Many have been charged, sentences and killed from the Muslim Brotherhood, and this will be even more so enforced as many countries including the United States are calling them a terrorist organization.

The Muslim Brotherhood, Terrorism and U.S. Policy - 0 views

    On Wednesday, February 24, the Republican dominated House Judiciary Committee voted 17-10 along party lines to require the State Department to take action to designate the Muslim Brotherhood a foreign terrorist organization. The move would be welcomed by Egypt's President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and the United Arab Emirates who have been waiting for such an action to occur. Many believe the Muslim Brotherhood is what is preventing democracy in the Middle East and have a powerful stronghold that greatly affects these changes in the region.

Muslim Brotherhood: Serious Peaceful Action Will Save Egypt's Women from Coup Regime Op... - 0 views

    On the Muslim Brotherhood's own news website, they are claiming that hundres of women have been harassed under the new coup in Egypt. This relates to yesterdays National Women's Day and how the Brotherhood is saying that the regime is treating the women of the Brotherhood unfairly and abusing them in numerous ways. Since the July 2013 coup against legitimacy, women became many of the victims. They killed nearly 100 women and girls, and expelled 526 female students from Egypt's universities.

Is the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization or a firewall against violent extrem... - 0 views

    The House Judiciary Committee recently passed a resolution calling on the State Department to designate the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization. This resolution resonates with the feverish anti-Islamic politics of the Republican primary, fueled across the spectrum by candidates from Donald Trump to Marco Rubio. Other countries even in the Middle East have officially stated the Brotherhood as a terrorist group. There is much debate on their stance and beliefs and what this should mean to the international community especially in a time of instability in the Middle East.

Egypt welcomes US Congress draft legislation to label Brotherhood 'terrorist group' - 0 views

    On Wednesday, a Republican-led House Committee approved the legislation designating the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organisation. Sunday 28 Febuary 2016 Egypt was welcomed by the United States Congress Judiciary Committee to label the Muslim Brotherhood a "foreign terrorist organisation." This would also mean to non US citizens with any affiliation with the Brotherhood inability to enter the US as well.

Egypt legend Aboutrika investigated for being member of 'Muslim Brotherhood' - 0 views

    Legend footballer Mohamed Aboutrika was on charges of funding the Muslim Brotherhood by a committee dedicated to investigating the assets of Brotherhood members. On 8 May 2015, Aboutrika's assets were frozen after the government committee announced the confiscation of properties belonging to tourism company Asshab Tours, in which the former Al-Ahly and national team player has shares. The soccer player was known to have supported Morsi and is now being suspected for more involvement.

Muslim Brotherhood leader calls for unity to fight IS - 0 views

    Ali Salabi is a leading member in the Muslim Brotherhood in Libya. Libya itself has many issues concerning the political vacuum that occurred after Gadaffi and has to deal with terrorist groups such as ISIS as well. This Muslim Brotherhood leader is saying everyone has to unite in Libya to counter these issues and that they would help the terrorist issue internationally. This is interesting as some countries have called the Muslim Brotherhood terrorists as well.

Integrating Muslims into Europe is 'impossible', says Czech president - 0 views

    Czech president Milos Zeman, a leftist and anti immigrant, made a speech claiming that the integration of Muslims into the Czech Republic is impossible. He said that they are nothing like the Czech people and that incidences like in Cologne would happen. He also said that most likely Syrians would not want to remain in the Czech Republic and would probably escape to places like Germany. He also blames all the refugees on a plan by the Muslim Brotherhood to penetrate into Europe. He claims that people should not run away from Syria, but rather fight it is they want to fight.
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