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ISIS terrorizes Europe but loses ground at home | - 1 views

    ISIS might have pulled off a string of terrorist attacks across Europe in recent months, but on its home turf in Iraq and Syria it has suffered one setback after another. On Monday, Syrian forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad recaptured the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra. This is another blow to ISIS's home field advantage as they are losing ground to the rebels and al-Assad's forces. The loss of the city is a big time blow to their plans.

Pentagon orders military families to leave southern Turkey - 0 views

    Family members will also be evacuated from facilities in Izmir and Mugla, according to a Pentagon statement. "The decision to move our families and civilians was made in consultation with the Government of Turkey, our State Department, and our Secretary of Defense," This is in wake of another attack in Brussels that ISIS carried out. The U.S. has decided it is too dangerous to continue to have citizens in the country.

Long Before Brussels, ISIS Sent Terror Operatives to Europe - 1 views

    Including Mr. Boudina, at least 21 fighters trained by the Islamic State in Syria have been dispatched back to Europe with the intention of causing mass murder, according to a Times count based on records from France's domestic intelligence agency. This is the latest news out of Syria and the Islamic State. The European union is very worried about future attacks form these terrorists.

Man Arrested as 'Third Bomber' in Brussels Attack Is Freed; Hunt Is Renewed - 0 views

    He added that the prosecutor would decide at the end of the investigation whether to prosecute Mr. Cheffou and that only then would the status of the charges against him be decided. In a separate statement, the prosecutor's office said Monday that three men detained in and around Brussels on Sunday had been charged with participating in the activities of a terrorist group.

The Muslim Brotherhood and the Future of Political Islam in Egypt - Carnegie Endowment ... - 0 views

    Discusses possible scenarios of the regime with regards to the Muslim Brotherhood in 2014. Eye opening to see what analyst thought the implications would be in 2014 of the different scenarios.

The Muslim Brotherhood After Mubarak | Foreign Affairs - 0 views

    Goes into depth on the hit the Muslim Brotherhood took after the Mubarak era. Gives a brief history of the origin of the organization as well.

Who is the Muslim Brotherhood and their role after Mubarak - 0 views

    Explains how the Muslim Brotherhood went through somewhat of an identity change post Mubarak due to the oppression they were under when he was in power. Reformations within the group caused changes from radical parochialism to a more political pluralistic approach.

The Brotherhood and Mubarak - Al Jazeera English - 0 views

    Discusses the success in a sense the organization had after Mubarak. No longer under constant oppression due to them being officially banned by the government, they were able to emerge as a political powerhouse.

Why can't Iran and Israel be friends? | World news | The Guardian - 0 views

    In-depth account of why Iran and Israel have such a bad relationship. Although they have experienced positive working relations in the past, including support through the arms and the energy alliance, conflict has still risen in the past couple of decades.

Why are Syria and Iran such tight allies? - 0 views

    Article goes over why Syria and Iran have remained very close. Surprising alliance given that Syria is Arab and Iran is Islam which tend to be at odds with one another. Alliance against Iraq strengthened them as well.

Iran | Countries | NTI - 0 views

    Overview of Iran as a nuclear threat. Includes treaties, analysis, documents involved in nuclear program. NTI focuses of enlightening reasons why Iran is a threat and focuses on sharing global nuclear policy.

Why the Iran deal leaves Israelis feeling abandoned | New York Post - 0 views

    Israel is willing to fight on its own and feels a massive betrayal from the United States after they worked out a deal with Iran. Feel abandoned and as if they have been left to fend for themselves in all of this.

Feds Set a Risky Precedent by Indicting 7 Iranian Hackers - 0 views

    The US government in charging Iranian hackers creates a narrative of focusing on the individuals rather than the State that backs the individuals. The possible ramifications of this precedent are Nation-States willingly sacrificing individuals, whom are following government orders to engage in illicit cyber activities, to scapegoat and escape consequences.

Israeli generals said among 1,600 global targets of Iran cyber-attack - 0 views

    Israel is one of Iran's prime targets of cyber attacks and espionage. State officials, generals, scientists, activists, those involved in large financial institutions are all victim to mass Iranian cyber tactics, such as phishing via e-mail, fake websites and links, and spyware sent through e-mail. Although Israel is second in the world in cyber-security, right after the US, the rate of cyber-attacks is accelerating higher than investment into cyber-security.

US charges Iranian hackers over alleged cyber attacks - 0 views

    The article details the crimes Iranian hackers are being charged with, mainly D-DoS of financial institutions and intrusion into a dam's control system. The author of the article casts doubts on the likelihood that Iran will extradite the accused individuals, primarily due to all of the accused having ties to the Iranian State.

Cyber Security Trends To Watch: 2016 - 0 views

    Major Nation-States are developing new policy and protocol for contingent cyber activities. For Iran having the new nuclear deal put through, it allows Iran to re-enter the global economy, this places focus on their ability to compete, and their cyber-espionage will shift focus towards financial institutions of the world. The bottom line is all States and businesses are transitioning to a more cyber-conscious world where the internet is a prime target of infrastructure.

Syria leader Bashar Assad rejects "transitional body" demand by opposition in Geneva pe... - 0 views

    Assad has rejected a main component of the opposition's demands. He does not want to elect a transitional body for the transitional period, and instead wants the current government to see out the transition. 

Exclusive: Russia, despite draw down, shipping more to Syria than removing - 0 views

    Russia announced its removal of military presence from Syria was starting last week. It seems as if reallocating their military resources within Syria is more accurate; they have been shipping in increased amounts of supplies for Syrian forces.

Video: Drone footage shows what remains of Palmyra after Isil fighters are driven out -... - 0 views

    Drone footage shows aerial views of Palmyra after Syrian government forces backed by Russian airstrikes drove Isil fighters from the site

Iran's Supreme Leader declares that 'missiles' rather than talks are part of the future... - 0 views

    Iran's Supreme Leader declared on Wednesday that "missiles" would be part of Tehran's future relations with the outside world and implicitly accused a former president of "treachery".
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