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Home/ CULF 3331: "Middle Eastern Revolutions"/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by kristaf

Contents contributed and discussions participated by kristaf


Jordan Arrests Muslim Brotherhood Official Over Criticism of United Arab Emirates - NYT... - 0 views

    According to the article "Mr. Bani Rushaid was arrested on charges of harming relations with a friendly country." The arrest of Mr. Bani Rushaid took place in Jordan because the Muslim Brotherhood's senior leader criticized the United Arab Emirates. Rushaid, had apparently stated that the United Arab Emirates had been "sponsoring terrorism" and "questioned the legitimacy of its rulers." 

Muslim Brotherhood: The coup has betrayed Egypt and implemented the Zionist agenda in S... - 0 views

  • The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt announced its full support of the families residing in Sinai and said
  • hat they will not leave them to face the coup's schemes and state-induced terrorism alone.
  • the group condemned the regime's use of murder, kidnapping and forced displacements of families in Rafah.
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  • assured the people that the perpetrators of these crimes will not evade punishment. The Muslim Brotherhood accused the Egyptian regime of implementing an Israeli-American agenda in Sinai.
  • The statement also pointed out that the country's legitimate president Dr Mohamed Morsi was working to reconstruct Sinai and abort the implementation of a Zionist agenda within the peninsula.
  • The group condemned the regime's forced displacement of Sinai's citizens and its criminality towards the people of Rafah who have been subject to torture, kidnapping and looting

Coup Forces Torture to Death University Student in Egypt Police Station - Ikhwanweb - 0 views

    In Egypt, university students have gathered together against the coup forces to protest and make clear their determination to protect their rights. University students against the coup have joined together to lead a series of protest. The article makes clear that the Students Against the coup, do not seek to instigate violence, but will use self-defense if needed which is rightly justified in accordance to religion and  international law . 

Aisha Al-Shater Condemns Coup Lynching of Azhar University Female Student - Ikhwanweb - 0 views

  • lynching and arresting female students inside Al-Azhar University (east of Cairo), roughly manhandling them, often dragging them on dirty asphalt.
  • Commenting on pictures and a video clip where a female student was roughly pulled and dragged on the ground as she screamed, with coup policemen forcing her inside an armored vehicle, Aisha
  • I challenge coup media to broadcast those scenes of the female student's lynching inside Al-Azhar University in TV programs."
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  • riday, November 21,
    This short article paints a picture of the violent crimes against women that are taken place at Al-Azhar University. Aisha Al-Shatar who is the daughter of the Muslim Brotherhood's vice-chairman, has publicly called upon the media to display the lynching of female students. 

Connections between Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic State: Ministry of Religious Endowme... - 0 views

    The article mentions the statements made by the Ministry of Religious Endowments. The statements made clear that both ISIS and the Muslim Brotherhood are organizations meant to destroy and spread terror throughout their regions. The article concludes with: "The United States Congress said that Isis has ambitions and capabilities greater than Al-Qaida."

ISIS, Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood and Western delusions - The Commentator - 0 views

    The article states that ISIS, Hamas, and the Muslim Brotherhood are all "terrorist organizations"  that are being ignored and should be recognized as a threat. The article does not state what the intentions of the Muslim Brotherhood are, but does state the objectives "ISIS to create a caliphate empire, and Hamas to eliminate the State of Israel."  The article also mentions the images that have been given to portray the situations in Gaza. 

Muslim Brotherhood Rejects Censorship on Creativity, Has Clear Vision on Art and Politi... - 0 views

    On August 26th, a "symposium on culture and the arts in Muslim Brotherhood thought" was held. The individuals that attended discussed different views. Some argued that the brotherhood had not reviewed or made a statement in over 70 years. Others believed that the stance regarding art was clear. "Asem Shalaby said... its (The Muslim Brotherhood's) refusal of any prior censorship on creativity, and suggested that the idea be integrated into the country's constitution as a fundamental principle."

Band of Brothers: The Muslim Brotherhood's Artistic Side - 1 views

    The article mentions the refusal of an opera production to go on as a way of making a statement against Morsi and the brotherhood. The Orchestra conductor named Nayer Nagui addressed the audience and said "We have decided to abstain from putting  on tonight's performance of Aida...until the Minister of Culture is removed." The newly appointed Minister of Culture was given by Morsi to Alaa Abdel Aziz who was altering the message and production of the show. The show according to Aziz was not following appropriate or respectful interpretations of Islam. 

The Moderate Muslim Brotherhood | Foreign Affairs - 0 views

    History of the Muslim Brotherhood is included in this article with regards to the islamists and Jihadists. According to the article "Jihadists loathe the Muslim brotherhood for rejecting global jihad and embracing democracy."  The article mentions members of the Brotherhood in "Egypt, France, Jordan Syria, Tunisian, and the United Kingdom."

Egyptians visit Washington to defend their 'revolution' - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the ... - 0 views

  • during an anti-Morsi and anti-Muslim Brotherhood protest in Tahrir Square in Cairo, June 28, 2013. (photo by REUTERSAsmaa Waguih)
  • group of influential Egyptians sought to convince a dozen Americans that the removal of elected president Mohammed Morsi in 2013 and his replacement by Field Marshal Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi was a plus for Egypt’s political evolution and US interests.
  • Morsi had violated the constitution by claiming dictatorial powers in November 2012 and acquiesced in the brutal beating of demonstrators in front of the presidential palace. Crime rose during Morsi’s tenure and Egyptians were afraid to walk the streets or send their kids to school, she told Al-Monitor.
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  • The Americans, in turn, criticized Egypt for criminalizing the Muslim Brotherhood, killing more than a thousand people and detaining thousands more, including journalists and secular liberals, in the aftermath of Morsi’s ouster.
  • Coptic and other Christian leaders and a representative of the Ministry of Endowments. T
  • told Al-Monitor that the Egyptians conveyed their support for Sisi, who, after ruling as head of a military council that replaced Morsi, was elected president in May with a large percentage of votes, although a smaller turnout than in the previous presidential election.
  • Zaki said the delegation also expressed their view that while “we know we are moving toward a strong state, a strong state needs civil society and political opposition.” The third message, he said, was that Egypt wants US support in the fight against terrorism.
  • Washington has praised Cairo for mediating last summer’s Gaza war between Israel and Hamas and expressed sympathy for those fighting Islamic extremists, such as the Egyptian soldiers killed in the Sinai Peninsula on Oct. 24.
  • l some restrictions on US aid to Egypt and many analysts in Washington assert that Egypt cannot return to stability while repressing major components of its society. They also criticize an impending edict for civil society groups to register with the government, which has led many respected foreign-funded nonprofit organizations
  • encouraged the Egyptians to embrace political and religious pluralism. “The Egyptians should understand that no government can deliver peace, prosperity and law and order that does not involve all sections of society,” he said.
  • “Don’t deal with us like a teacher with a pupil,” said Nashwa el-Houfi, a columnist for the daily newspaper Al Watan. “No one has the whole truth. You have part and I have part.”
  • Another plea was for Americans to stop acting as though they knew better what was in the interests of a country with a recorded history going back 7,000 years.
    The article mentions the views of Americans and the views of Egyptians regarding the state of Egypt with concerns surrounding the Muslim Brotherhood. Egyptians were able to carry a message to Americans. Egyptians voiced their want for U.S assistance with terrorism. 

Egypt's outlawed Muslim Brotherhood condemns Sinai attacks - 5 views

  • The Muslim Brotherhood says it is a peaceful movement and has consistently denied links to Islamist militant attacks against security forces, which have increased since the movement was removed from power.
  • "The Muslim Brotherhood believes the shedding of blood of any Egyptian is forbidden. The group holds the junta and its leaders responsible for the continued failure in the security, economic and social fields, as experienced by all the people, especially the people of the Sinai," the statement said.
    The Muslim Brotherhood responds to the Sinai attack. The Brotherhood states that the attacks are linked to the islamist militants. The Muslim Brotherhood "says it is a peaceful movement...believes that shedding blood of any Egyptian is forbidden." 
    The Muslim Brotherhood responds to the Sinai attack. The Brotherhood states that the attacks are linked to the islamist militants. The Muslim Brotherhood "says it is a peaceful movement...believes that shedding blood of any Egyptian is forbidden." 
    The Muslim Brotherhood responds to the Sinai attack. The Brotherhood states that the attacks are linked to the islamist militants. The Muslim Brotherhood "says it is a peaceful movement...believes that shedding blood of any Egyptian is forbidden."

#FreeAJStaff: 300 days in prison - 0 views

    October 24th, marks the 300 day mark of the imprisonment of Al Jazeera journalist. The Al Jazeera journalist have been charged with "spreading false news, endangering national security and support a banned organization, the Muslim Brotherhood."
    October 24th, marks the 300 day mark of the imprisonment of Al Jazeera journalist. The Al Jazeera journalist have been charged with "spreading false news, endangering national security and support a banned organization, the Muslim Brotherhood."

VOICES: Women's Rights in Egypt - Re-examining a Revolution | Middle East Voices - 1 views

  • The setbacks women experienced since the Muslim Brotherhood gained political power vary, from the approval of a constitution that lacks a clear statement on women’s rights
  • istorical feminist figure Doriya Shafiq from school textbooks.
  • he Women Deliver conference, coined as the largest meeting of the decade focused on the health and rights of women and girls.
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  • I’m not defending the Islamists, but I’m saying that the general mood around the world is more conservative. And this is clear in particular in the case of anything related to women, whether rights or services or freedom
  • Tallawy pointed out that in Egypt the political hurdles are intensified by a strong wave of anti-female sentiment where women’s actions are policed at all times, coupled with a decreased emphasis on education in favor of marriage and homemaking.
  • women’s causes is further hindered by the fact that non-governmental organizations operate within a framework of harsh government restrictions and a perpetual lack of funding. But she also believes that women’s rights groups have not changed their ways enough since the revolution, often working in a reactionary way rather than developing new ideas or tackling the deeper issues.
  • So we have more work to do on the real common issues between all women, and to develop their sense of empowerment to make choices, set their own priorities, and express themselves well.”
  • more on-the-ground interaction and research will be required. The second consideration, Abouzeid believes, must be the high rates of illiteracy, which can be addressed by utilizing audiovisual media campaigns, along with changing a media culture dismissive of women and their plight.
    The article from June of 2013 addresses the issues women face in Egypt and the causes of those issues. The article reflects on the need for women to identify the roots of their injustices and seek opportunities to prevent further restrictions on their rights. The article concludes by recognizing the means that will work best for encouraging women to pursue their rights, such as sing audiovisual media campaigning as well as well as developing "their sense of empowerment to make choices."

JURIST - Egyptian judge involved in mass sentences of Muslim Brotherhood removed from post - 1 views

  • Egyptian judge Said Youssef [Al-akhbar report] was removed from his position on the Minya Criminal Court of Egypt [Middle East Monitor news archive] on
  • he Minya court, known as one of the nation's terrorism courts, was the forum for two mass sentences [JURIST report] of hundreds of Islamic supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood [JURIST news archive] earlier this year.
  • The ousting of Youssef may signal a change in the policy of the Egyptian judiciary, which has been criticized for a lack of judicial due process and sentencing of civilians based on their political affiliation.
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    • kristaf
      Recognition of the need to follow laws regardless of person political affiliations
  • In March the most notable sentencing occurred when 529 alleged Morsi supporters were collectively sentenced [JURIST report] to death in one controversial judicial proceeding.
    • kristaf
      This is the first time I am reading about death sentences for Muslim Brotherhood members or supporters of Morsi. Most articles have discussed members being put in jail for having been associated with the group as journalist 
    The article discusses the removal of Said Youssef a judge who held a postion on the Minya Criminal Court of Egypt. The court was regarded as the court dealt with cases surrounding terrorism. Youssef was responsible for deciding the fate of many Muslim Brotherhood supports/members. Youssef's removal is said to be a "signal of change in the policy of Egyptian judiciary...for the lack of judicial due process and sentencing of civilians based on their political affiliation. 

Egypt | Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment | U.S. Agency for International D... - 1 views

  • We address gender inequalities in education, support women’s and girls’ civic participation and political rights, reduce and respond to violence against women and children and support women’s economic empowerment by providing jobs, training, loans for small businesses and improved access to trade opportunities.
    The webpage lays out the larger plans and goals when providing aid to Egypt's women to promote equality. The goals range from various aspects including career development, civic participation, reducing poverty (including an increase in girl's enrollment in school), and an increase in healthy habits and standards. The concerns and goals listed also reflect the outline of the  U.N. Commission on the Status of Women. 
    The webpage lays out the larger plans and goals when providing aid to Egypt's women to promote equality. The goals range from various aspects including career development, civic participation, reducing poverty (including an increase in girl's enrollment in school), and an increase in healthy habits and standards. The concerns and goals listed also reflect the outline of the  U.N. Commission on the Status of Women. 

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood: Women's Rights Could Destroy Society, Countries Should 'Rej... - 2 views

  • Egypt's ruling Muslim Brotherhood warns that a U.N. declaration on women's rights could destroy society by allowing a woman to travel, work and use contraception without her husband's approval and letting her control family spending.
    • kristaf
      Strict limitations on women's rights so as to protect Society 
  • U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice last week touted at the commission - a global policy-making body created in 1946 for the advancement of women - progress made by the United States in reducing the rate of violence against women by their partners.
  • give equality to women in marriage and require men and women to share duties such as child care and chores.
    • kristaf
      Imagine that! 
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  • A coalition of Arab human rights groups
  • called on countries at the Commission on the Status of Women on Thursday to stop using religion, culture, and tradition to justify abuse of women.
    The article focuses on the Muslim Brotherhood's belief that Women's rights would result in the destruction of Egyptian Society. The brotherhood disagreed with the statements made in the UN Declaration regarding women's rights. Such concerns included the potential access women would have to travel, work, money, and contraception without the approval of their husbands. The U.N. Commission of the Status of Women seeks to improve the lives of women. The conflict that exist between women's rights/freedoms are restricted by the religious beliefs of the Muslim Brotherhood. 

CONNECTED in CAIRO | Growing Up Cosmopolitan in the Modern Middle East - 0 views

shared by kristaf on 22 Sep 14 - No Cached
    • kristaf
      Globally, Youth+ICT=Protest
  • Most of my work on globalization involves seeing it as a work of the imagination. Using ethnography, I

What's Next For Egypt After Sisi's Win? : NPR - 0 views

  • une 01, 2014
  • Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi
  • 2012 brought the Muslim brotherhood and Mohamed Morsi to power.
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  • Muslim Brotherhood
    • kristaf
      Muslim Brotherhood- "in Egypt is a Sunni Islamist religious, political, and social movement."
  • in 2011, the revolution hatched in Tahrir Square helped bring down Egypt's long-time dictator, Hosni Mubarak
  • Egyptians went to the polls once again and they elected former Field Marshal Abdel Fatah Al-Sisi
  • How can be genuinely democratic when certain portions of society are basically banned, not allowed to participate in that way, if they're members of the Muslim Brotherhood.
  • And also all voices of dissent being suppressed. Thousands of people characterized as political prisoners are languishing in jail here in Egypt.
    • kristaf
      comment on how there are still injustices within Egypt as some people have been jailed for voicing their opinions
  • his is a country that has a difficult economy, power outages, a huge gap between the rich and poor. So this is a president that's going to have to deal with all the issues that Egyptian's are trying to deal with along with security.
    • kristaf
      Question's regarding the economy, power outages, and the gap between the rich and poor. All issues to be considered and researched
    The story discusses the election of Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi following the forced removal of Morsi whom was a leader of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood boycotted the election in an effort to make their presence known as well as their strong belief in having Morsi return to office. The Muslim Brotherhood still banned from being recognized as an organization establishes the contradiction of the elections being "genuinely democratic."
    The story discusses the election of Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi following the forced removal of Morsi whom was a leader of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood boycotted the election in an effort to make their presence known as well as their strong belief in having Morsi return to office. The Muslim Brotherhood still banned from being recognized as an organization establishes the contradiction of the elections being "genuinely democratic."

Egypt Targets Journalists In Crackdown On Muslim Brotherhood : NPR - 1 views

  • Last week, the government designated the brotherhood as a terrorist organization.
  • Egypt's top prosecutor has ordered a 15-day detention for several journalists on suspicion of joining the brotherhood,
  • Egypt to be one of the top jailers of journalists
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  • Egypt now brands it a terrorist organization and announces new steps in a crackdown almost daily.
  • nd Morsi took a style, attitude toward the press and towards the station, and publicly accuse them of inciting violence which started the divide in the Egyptian media and also a divide between those who support the army and those who support the Muslim Brotherhood and President Morsi
    • kristaf
      Having to choose a side. You are either with the Muslim Brotherhood and Morsi or you support the Army.
  • Al-Jazeera
  • Committee to Protect Journalists, a nonprofit that promotes the freedom of the press around the world.
  • funded by the Qatari government who was close to the former President Mohamed Morsi administration,
  • 10 journalists have died in Egypt since 1992, six of them died last year in 2013.
  • hostility towards the press.
  • Syria remains the most dangerous environment for journalists. Last year in 2013, there were 29 killed. I
  • Turkey and Iran remain the top two jailers of journalists around the world, which makes the Middle East a very hostile environment for freedom of the press overall.
    The article mentions the imprisonment of journalist in Egypt, who were believed to be members of the Muslim Brotherhood. Egypt was identified as "one of the top jailers of journalists"  according to the Committee to Project Journalists. Along with Egypt, Syria, Turkey, and Iran are also among the most dangerous places for journalists.
    The article mentions the imprisonment of journalist in Egypt, who were believed to be members of the Muslim Brotherhood. Egypt was identified as "one of the top jailers of journalists"  according to the Committee to Project Journalists. Along with Egypt, Syria, Turkey, and Iran are also among the most dangerous places for journalists. 

What is the Muslim Brotherhood? - - 1 views

  • is a religious and political group founded on the belief that Islam is not simply a religion, but a way of life
  • advocates a move away from secularism, and a return to the rules of the Quran as a basis for healthy families, communities, and states.
  • slamic Sharia (way of life or principles) as the basis controlling the affairs of state and society and working "to achieve unification
    • kristaf
      statement of what the Brotherhood initially sought to achieve
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  • Morsy
  • is government failed to keep order as the economy tanked and crime soared, including open sexual assaults on women in Egypt's streets. The chaos drove away many tourists and investors.
    • kristaf
      Issues that were attributed to Morsi being in power included:  -increase in crime -issues with the economy  -assaults on women 
    The issues surrounding the brotherhood and the fear surrounding the idea that all of Egypt would be expected to become part of the brotherhood are discussed on this page. The original foundation of the brotherhood was based on the idea of "liberating them from foreign imperialism" as well as forming "unification" as a nation. Issues presented with the brotherhood include: a "poor economic stability or growth, increased crime, and assaults on women."
    The issues surrounding the brotherhood and the fear surrounding the idea that all of Egypt would be expected to become part of the brotherhood are discussed on this page. The original foundation of the brotherhood was based on the idea of "liberating them from foreign imperialism" as well as forming "unification" as a nation. Issues presented with the brotherhood include: a "poor economic stability or growth, increased crime, and assaults on women."
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