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Home/ CULF 3331: "Middle Eastern Revolutions"/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by diamond03

Contents contributed and discussions participated by diamond03


3 Survivors Reveal the Brutal Reality of Female Genital Mutilation - 0 views

  • 3 Survivors Reveal the Brutal Reality of Female Genital Mutilation
  • According to the AHA Foundation, up to 228,000 girls and women in the U.S. are vulnerable to what's called "vacation cutting," when parents send their daughters to stay with their families abroad and to endure female genital mutilation (FGM)
  • they make themselves invisible
  • ...23 more annotations...
  • "We have a culture of silenc
  • "Most women won't share their stories because they are afraid of what will happen to them, what will happen to their parents."
  • The shame runs so deep that girls are taught to never look at or touch their genitals, and most of them have never been to a gynecologist
  • don't even know they have been mutilated until they attempt to have sex, at which time they often need to be cut open again to consummate a marriage.
  • Dukureh has been the only U.S.-based survivor to speak up so publicly against FGM
  • I was 6 and my sister was 3 at the time.
  • We were there three months. We ate out of one shared bowl.
  • We went into a home, and immediately women grabbed and blindfolded us and tied us to some thick bushes.
  • There was loud drumming and older women were singing songs, which I was too young to understand.
  • . I saw an old woman holding a knife so sharp I could see the drops of blood sliding down the edge.
  • Three other women were holding down my arms and legs, and another was sitting right on my chest, covering my mouth
  • I can still feel the weight of her today
  • t. What the cutter does is hold on to your clitoris to make sure she gets that and scrapes everything else that comes along with it — all of the labia,
  • we were left to bleed into little dirt holes for hours.
  • it is common practice to circumcise infant
  • receive our "treatment
  • They took dried leaves and placed them on the wound and that would stay on for two to three days
  • We were also taught, every day, that if we ever talked about this, if we even mentioned it, they would kill us.
  • I learned two of them later died in childbirth, which was too difficult for them because of FGM. They bled to death.
  • h the rite of passage
  • This is who we are."
  • She cannot have kids as a result of her FGM.
  • I will never take them back. My family will never see them.
    ! This article shares 3 stories of women who have gone through the FGM procedure. They tend to consider FGM as the "Right of Passage" for young worn. Many women die in childbirth or have complications because of the results of FGM. 

Egypt - 0 views

  • still widely practiced throughout Egypt are Type I (commonly referred to as clitoridectomy) and Type II (commonly referred to as excision).
  • A recent clinical study indicated that 19 percent of the procedures involved only the excision (removal) of the prepuce (clitoral hood) with or without removal of a part or all of the clitoris (Type I)
  • Sixty-four percent involved the excision (removal) of the prepuce (clitoral hood) and clitoris together with part or all of the labia minora (inner vaginal lips)(Type II). In eight percent of the cases, only the labia minora were removed.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Only a very small opening is left
  • excision (removal) of part or all of the external genitalia (clitoris, labia minora and labia majora) and stitching or narrowing of the vaginal opening.
  • Type III, the most harmful and dangerous form, is rarely practiced except among a few groups in the southern part of the country.
  • diameter of a matchstic
  • Only one percent of the women
  • Among older women, the procedure generally was performed without any anesthetic
  • 75 percent of their daughters who had the procedure received either a general or local anesthetic.
    There are 3 types of FGM. Type 3 is the most harmful. Older women were not given nay type of pain medication. Recently, young girls were given medication to help with the pain. 

Human Rights Watch calls for anti-FGM measures in Egypt | FIGO - 0 views

  • Human Rights Watch calls for anti-FGM measures in Egypt
  • “take clear action
  • an end in the country.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • doctor and the fathe
  • doctor was charged with conducting the practice, he insisted that it was for medical purposes and not simply as a form of FGM.
  • first ever FGM trial
  • , the organisation said that significant steps need to be taken to enforce the laws
  • , 13-year-old Sohair al-Batea’s father was charged with
  • HRW says that existing laws need to be enforced properly with the help of greater commitment from local authorities in particula
  • “The authorities must send a clear message to the police, prosecution and the courts on investigating and prosecuting those who perform FGM
  • Rothna Begum
  • for HRW.Posted by Paul Robertson Other relevant links
    It is clear that Egypt needs to take greeter actions in ensuring FGM is completely banned. Rothna Begum is a women's rights researcher who focuses on the Middle East and Africa. The doctor claims to have done the procedure other medical purposes other than FGM. 

Head of Egypt's council for women slams detained female activists | Middle East Eye - 0 views

  • Head of Egypt's council for women slams detained female activists
  • Egyptian president of the National Council for Women said a group of jailed female activists were better off behind bars than they were on the outside.
  • pointing out the favourable conditions in which she said female activists are living in Egyptian detention facilities.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • torture inside the prisons
  • December 2013, 21 young women were handed prison sentences ranging from 11 to 15 years for assembling on a street in Alexandria.
  • Egypt was handed 300 recommendations by 121 member states
  • While we have four years to address the recommendations given during the session, we will amend the laws as soon as a new parliament is voted in
  • parliamentary elections by March 2015.
  • Women’s rights activists reacted to the interview with dismay.
  • "The statement by the head of Egypt's National Council for Woman, Mervat El-Tallawy, comes as a huge disappointment from a woman who has presented herself throughout her career as a defender of Women's rights,”
  • “Her views represent a serious blow to any hopes that the regime in Egypt will reconsider its oppressive policies against peaceful protesters and NGOs, in line with the recent recommendations made at the UN human rights review
    The head of Egypt's council made a remark stating that the female activists that were in prions deserved to be there. The comment was shocking to many because Tallaway was a defender of women's rights.

Egypt News, Egypt Current Events, Modern Egyptian Society, Egyptian Tourism | Modern Eg... - 0 views

  • passed a law allocating a quota of 64 seats in the lower house to women
  • The new law will give women more than 12 percent of the seats in an expanded parliament after the next election in 2010.
  • women registered for voting increased from 18 percent in 1986 to 39.8 percent in 2007;
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • 30 women were appointed as judges presiding over family courts;
  • 25.7% of top management positions in the state are held by women
  • 49 percent of students enrolled in universities and higher education institutions;
  • • There was a significant increase in the proportions of mothers assisted at delivery by medical provider - from 61.5 percent in 2000 to 78.6 percent in 2006;
  • The percentage of women who gave birth at an age younger than 18 decreased from 23.7 in 1992 to 20.4 in 2000 then to 15.8 in 2005.
    This site stats that women's rights have improved over the years. A new law made in 2010 gave women 12% of he seats in Parliament.

Egypt- Worst country for women in all 22 Arab Nations - 0 views

  • Egypt 'worst for women' out of 22 countries in Arab world
  • There are whole villages on the outskirts of Cairo and elsewhere where the bulk of economic activity is based on trafficking in women and forced marriages
  • high rates of female genital mutilation and a growth in conservative Islamist groups contributed to the low ranking.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Iraq ranked second-worst after Egypt, followed by Saudi Arabia, Syria and Yemen.
  • Egypt is now the worst country for women's rights in the Arab world, according to a poll of gender experts
  • sexual harassment was cited as the main factor.
  • A UN report in April said 99.3% of women and girls in Egypt had been subjected to sexual harassment.
  • Iraq was now more dangerous for women than under Saddam Hussein, with women disproportionately affected by the violence of the past decade.
    A study found that 99.3% of women were subjected to sexual harassment in Egypt. Forced marriages and human trafficking were also stated to highly affect the women.

Tradition of female genital mutilation persists in Egypt - SFGate - 0 views

  • Tradition of female genital mutilation persists in Egypt
  • Raslan Fadl, the first doctor in Egypt to be put on trial for committing female genital mutilation
  • still practicing
  • ...28 more annotations...
  • Residents call him a well-respected figure in the community, known for his charity work.
  • could not be determined whether any were at his office for “circumcision
  • Fadl’s continued popularity demonstrates the challenges to curbing the practice in Egypt,
  • 90 percent of
  • key precedent for deterring doctors and families in the future.
  • criminalized in 2008,
  • Sunni Muslim religious authority has declared it dangerous and without any religious justification
  • one of the highest rates in the world
  • A verdict is expected Thursday in Fadl’s trial
  • two years in prison.
  • slow reduction in the rate of the practice but that it is still widespread.
  • s little outcry against the practice.
  • “purification.
  • without it, a girl would be “sexually voracious,”
  • dangerous for her”
  • Muslims and Christians,
  • Genital mutilation involves removing all or part of the clitoris and labia minora
  • 29 countries,
  • nothing happened to them.”
  • cleanliness or to prevent a girl’s sexual desire from running out of control.
  • ncircumcised daughter will be unable to marry
  • Social pressure is strong:
  • not easy getting the landmark case to trial
  • Soheir’s family initially filed a police report saying she died as a result of the mutilation but changed their story after reconciling with the doctor
  • Prosecutors were slow, preferring “for the matter to end
  • latest survey, conducted in 2008, showed 91 percent for women age 15 to 49 have undergone the procedure.
  • 15 to 17, the rate is down to 74 percent,
  • ore families are deciding to forgo it.

Attack in Egypt's Sinai leaves many dead - Middle East - Al Jazeera English - 0 views

  • Attack in Egypt's Sinai leaves many dead
  • Seven people have been killed in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula
  • fire that hit their home
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • missile fired by one of the Egyptian army helicopters th
  • errant mortar round from fighters,
  • Tuesday's blast included women and children
  • they have not yet been identified
  • civilians were from a prominent Bedouin family in the village of Negah Shabana.
  • happened while the area was heavily shelled by fighters and the Egyptian military.
  • 65-year-old woman was injured by shrapnel during the exchange of fire and was rushed to hospital for treatment.
  • army has launched a massive crackdown against armed groups in Sinai area that has killed scores of policemen and soldier
  • demolished hundreds of homes
  • Civilians in the mostly Bedouin towns of Sinai had been caught in the crossfire before, with several killed by an errant mortar round.
    Seven people were killed during an explosion in Sinai. The individuals have not ye been identified.

Egypt receives 300 recommendations in UN human rights review - Daily News Egypt - 0 views

  • Egypt has been provide
  • with 300 recommendations by the United Nations Human Rights Council
  • recommendations relating to the controversial Protest and NGO Laws, media freedoms, freedom of association, the use of the death penalty, and women’s rights.
  • ...18 more annotations...
  • Egypt received 165 recommendations following its first review in 2010.
  • 20 recommendations that dealt with the status of civil society organisations in Egypt and called for a revision of the current law
  • in line with provisions set out in the constitution and “international norms”.
  • Seven Egyptian NGOs refused to participate in the UN UPR, citing a fear of reprisals by the Egyptian government.
  • 13 times among the 300 recommendations, with calls to amend the law and “bring it in line with international standards
  • Egypt was urged to ratify international conventions on the death penalty.
  • no international consensus on the death penalty
  • 50 countr
  • ies” still have death as a punishment within their criminal justice systems.
  • Iceland read “Ensure thorough, independent and impartial investigations into the mass killings in [Rabaa Al-Adaweya] Square in 2013 and hold the perpetrators accountable
  • The US also recommended that Egypt “release those detained solely for exercising rights to freedom of expression or for membership in a political group, and ensure remaining detainees full fair trial guarantees on an individual level”.
  • included recommendations to tackle corruption, human trafficking, the promotion of human rights, and investment in education for young people.
  • UN human rights representatives
  • not to participate in the review.
  • “the appalling deterioration in the state of human rights in Egypt”.
  • decided
  • “reconsider its policies and orientation before Egypt slides into an abyss of unremitting terrorism and political violence”.
  • Egypt has until March 2015 to respond to the recommendations
    Egypt received 300 recommendation to review their human rights. The list also stated they wanted to tackle corruption, human trafficking, and human rights. Egypt has until March 2015 to respond. 

UNFPA Egypt - National Legislation, Decrees and Statements Banning FGM/C - 0 views

  • National Legislation, Decrees and Statements Banning FGM/C
  • June of 2008
  • criminalize FGM/C in the Penal Code,
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • minimum custodial sentence of three months and a maximum of two years, or an alternative minimum penalty of 1,000 Egyptian pounds (LE) and a maximum of 5,000 LE.
  • new Child Law included the formation of Child Protection Committees (CPC
  • ncluding girls at risk of circumcision
  • Egypt hosted in 2008 a regional meeting entitled 'Cairo Declaration+5'.
  • 'The Cairo Declaration for the Elimination of Female Genital Mutilation'
  • international campaign aimed at rekindling world-wide attention on FGM/C.
  • Egyptian Ministry of Health (MoH) issued in 2007 a ministerial decree (271) closing a loophole in the previous 1996 decre
  • In 2007
  • FGM/C has no basis in the core Islamic Sharia or any of its partial provisions.
    The Egyptian parliament decided to criminalize FGM. The Child Protection Committee is now in charge of helping girls who are at risk of FGM. 

Efua Dorkenoo fought against female genital cutting - The Globe and Mail - 0 views

  • Efua Dorkenoo fought against female genital cutting
  • successful 30-year campaign against the tradition of genital cutting of girls and women,
  • Efua Dorkeno
  • ...28 more annotations...
  • ied Oct. 18 in London. She was 65.
  • Equality Now, a London-based women’s rights organizatio
  • Dorkenoo started organizations to battle genital cutting and co-ordinated the effort more broadly as acting director of women’s health at the World Health Organization in the late 1990s.
  • She wrote articles and an influential book – Cutting the Rose: Female Genital Mutilation (1996) –
  • “warrior in chief
  • “She inspired a generation of feminists across the world to take up the cause of banning the procedure,
  • Last year, the UN General Assembly voted unanimously to recognize female genital cutting as a human-rights violation.
  • British government prosecuted it as a crime for the first time,
  • African-led organization she helped found, The Girl Generation: Together to End FGM, began work this month.
  • practice is declining in many countries
  • teenage girls were less likely to have been cut than older women in half of the 29 countries in Africa and the Middle East where the practice is concentrated.
  • In Egypt, where more women have been cut than in any other country, surveys showed that 81 per cent of 15- to 19-year-olds had undergone the practice, compared with 96 per cent of women in their late 40s.
  • Female genital cutting involves pricking, piercing or amputating some or all of the external genitalia
  • vulva is closed, leaving a small hole for the passage of urine and menstrual blood.
  • The practice is believed to have originated about 4,000 years ago in Egypt or the Horn of Africa.
  • 27 countries in Africa
  • Adherents come from a spectrum of faiths, including Christianity, Islam and African religion
  • often ages 4 to 8
  • pathway to womanhood
  • The World Health Organization says female genital cutting has no health benefits and can cause severe bleeding, problems urinating and, later in life, cysts, infections and infertility.
  • intended to reduce women’s sexual pleasure
  • preserve a woman’s virginity until marriage.
  • 125 million women living today in the countries where it is concentrated have experienced such cutting.
  • The mother was so badly scarred, she said, that she could not deliver her baby through natural childbirth.
  • Ms. Dorkenoo began campaigning against the practice in the early 1980s
  • Foundation for Women’s Health and Development to promote the health of African women and girls, with a focus on abolishing female genital cutting
  • co-ordinated national action plans against female genital cutting in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Cameroon, Kenya, Somalia and Sudan.
  • In 1994, Queen Elizabeth II named Ms. Dorkenoo an honorary officer in the Order of the British Empire.
    Efua Dorkenoo recently passed away. She was a women who fought for women's rights and the ban of FGM. She was an inspiration to feminists to take action. 

Video of woman giving birth at hospital doorstep triggers outcry in Egypt | Pakistan Today - 0 views

  • turned away by hospital staff
  • , the woma
  • uploaded to YouTube and published on news site
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • appears to go into labour outside Kafr al-Dawar Public Hospital. Two nurses later run outside, duck under the sheet and emerge with a bab
  • video was a ploy by the woman’s family to discredit the facility.
  • provincial health minister had suspended the hospital director pending an investigation.
  • questioned the state’s commitment to the health of its population of 85 million.
  • “When hospitals let women give birth in the street, it raises questions of government negligence, no matter how much the government flaunts its commitment to women’s rights,
  • Egyptian healthcare system were high out-of-pocket expenses required from patients and low government spending,
  • “Look at the human rights here, where a woman has to give birth in the street when there’s a hospital right there
  • urged the couple to go to Alexandria, around 30 km (20 miles) away, for treatment instead.
  • insisted that the hospital provide an ambulance, security officers removed the pregnant woman from the building and she went into labour while waiting for a taxi.
  • shows her lying on the pavement just metres away from the hospital beside a stretche
  • everal women who appear to be comforting her, as well as her husband and various bystanders
  • government has promised to improve services.
  • hospital denies that it asked the woman to leave.
  • We do not allow any patients to be turned away
  • “Those who were with the patient chose to have the baby outside in order to videotape it and defame the hospital.”
    A woman who was in labor was denied by the hospital. The hospital denies this and says they are trying to make the hospital look bad. 

BBC News - Egypt: Deadly risks, but female genital mutilation persists - 0 views

  • youngster was frighten
  • female genital mutilation (FGM). She did not survive it
  • small farming communit
  • ...46 more annotations...
  • r lived and died
  • bedrock of faith and tradition
  • Both play a role in perpetuating FGM
  • It has been outlawed since 2008
  • religious duty
  • highest prevalence rates in the world.
  • Over 90%
  • under 50 have experienced it, according to government figures.
  • removal of all or part of the external genitalia
  • promoting chastity.
  • still widely practised in Egyp
  • girls aged between nine and 13
  • young as six,
  • unconfirmed reports of newborns being subjected to it.
  • "It is God's will
  • asked if it was right to subject Suhair to FGM
  • "Yes of course,
  • People here are used to i
  • circumcision, girls are full of lust
  • Hidden death toll
  • "We were four sisters, and we were circumcised in one day
  • Afterwards they gave us food and drinks."
  • Gypsies used to carry out the circumcisions, she told us, placing dust and salt on the wounds
  • 70% of FGM procedures in Egypt.
  • "It's perceived as being safer, but no-one learns how to do this at medical school. We should definitely assume more girls are dying as Suhair did,
  • his is a form of violence against children”
  • private clinic in his home.
  • dozen procedures carried out there every day.
  • enied performing FGM on Suhair and said he had only treated her for genital warts.
  • Dr Halawa on trial, together with Suhair's father, who brought her to his clinic
  • FGM is hard to quash
  • "The case has started a debate among the liberal-minded," said Mohamed Ismail, who works for a local women's rights organisation.
  • A thousand or so girls were circumcised after she died."
  • plans to have the curly-haired infant circumcised, by a doctor, when she reaches her teens
  • "In the past there was ignorance,
  • brought barbers to their homes to circumcise girls.
  • we are more modern
  • Campaigners warn that it will take more than one prosecution to spare other girls. More on This Story
  • they just turn up at the doctor's office with their daughters.
  • This is a form of violence against children,"
  • "It's an irreversible act. There are mental and physical scars that stay with the girl for a lifetime."
  • only one opponent of FGM in Suhair's village
  • "It's a very bad thing for girls," said Amira. "There's no need for it. It's wrong because it's dangerous."
  • he problem is the mentality of the farmers."
  • still easy to arrange.
  • Egypt: Deadly risks, but female genital mutilation persists
    The article mentions an ogling trial about FGM. A young girl Suhair died during the procedure. Outlawed in 2008, FGM continues to happen.

BBC News - Egypt's battle to end female genital mutilation - 0 views

  • Egypt's battle to end female genital mutilation
  • court date has been se
  • June 2013.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • case follows the death of a 13-year-old gir
  • doctor and her father are accused of subjecting her to FGM.
  • Over 90% of Egyptian women
  • under 50
  • experienced the practice
  • being banned in 2008
    The video is about individuals who are campaigning against female genital utilization (FGM). The women who does the procedure has no medical license or experience. She said the mother doesn't care of the girl dies. All she wants is for her to "cleansed". 

Egypt's post-Morsi constitution gets almost total voters' approval - RT News - 0 views

  • 98.1% of Egyptians said yes to the new constitution in this week’s referendum.
  • outlawed Muslim brotherhood says it does not recognize the vote
  • approving the constitution as the first step towards restoring stability.
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • “unrivalled success
  • Now that God has supported us in legalizing our constitution, we ask for his aid in achieving the remaining two stages of the road map: the presidential and parliamentary elections," Salib
  • constitution was an article stipulating that Sharia law will be the main source of legislation,
  • insisted the reference to Sharia law remain, albeit in a watered-down version.
  • Egyptian Christians and liberals on the constitutional committee attempted to remove all mentions of Sharia law from the constitutio
  • seen as an improvemen
  • eliminates various articles that gave legal and political authority to Egypt’s highest Islamic Institution, the Al-Azhar University.
  • allows a presidential election to be held before parliamentary vote in a change to the transition plan announced by the army in July.
  • 55 percent, was still higher than in the 2012 referendum on the constitution, which was drafted while Mohamed Morsi was in powe
  • uslim Brotherhood boycotted the poll, saying it was illegitimate, as did several revolutionary groups and there were reports of low youth turnout in general.
  • charter has been approve
  • Morsi
  • is expected to win
    Ninety-eight percent of Egyptians voted yes for a new constitution. Sharia law was debated by the Egyptian Christians. The new constitution is seen as an improvement to the Muslim Brotherhood constitution. 

Prevalence of female genital cutting among Egyptian girls - 0 views

    • diamond03
      This is so strange and taboo. 
  • fundamental violation of women’s and girls’ rights
  • 50% or highe
  • ...41 more annotations...
  • female circumcisio
  • harmful physical, psychological and human rights consequences has led to the use of the term “female genital mutilation
  • women who have undergone FGC do not consider themselves to be mutilated and have become offended by the term “FGM”
  • no definitive evidence documenting when or why this ritual began
  • practised in ancient Egypt as a sign of distinction, while others hypothesize its origin in ancient Greece, Rome, Pre-Islamic Arabia and the Tsarist Russian Federation.
  • 97% of married women surveyed experienced FGC.3
  • 94.6% of married women had been exposed to FGC and 69.1% of those women agreed to carry out FGC on their daughters
  • 41% of female students in primary, preparatory and secondary schools had been exposed to FGC.
  • females interviewed was 38 816. The prevalence of FGC among schoolgirls was 50.3%. The prevalence of FGC was 46.2% in government urban schools, 9.2% in private urban schools and 61.7% in rural schools.
  • FGC has remained a common practice in the countries where it has traditionally been performed.4
  • Egypt are type I (commonly referred to as clitoridectomy) and type II (commonly referred to as excision).5 In Africa, the most common type of FGC is type II (excision of the clitoris and the labia minor) which accounts for up to 80% of all cases.6 I
  • In 1995, a ministerial decree forbade the practice and made it punishable by fine and imprisonment
  • The difference in the prevalence rates of FGC is mainly due to educational status in both rural and urban areas
  • There is an obvious negative correlation between the female’s parents’ education and the practice of FGC
  • Parents with low or no education are the most likely to have circumcised their daughters with prevalence rates ranging between 59.5% and 65.1%
  • higher degrees of education are the least likely to have their daughters circumcised and the prevalence rate ranged between 19.5% and 22.2%.
  • age at which FGC is performed on girls varies
  • 4 and 12 years old
  • the procedure may be carried out shortly after birth to some time before the age of marriage.6
  • some girls mentioned that they were circumcised soon after birth, during the neonatal period.
  • . In Egypt, in the past, the majority of FGC procedures were performed by traditional midwives, called dayas. However, according to the Demographic and Health Survey (1995),16 the number of
  • An immediate effect of the procedure is pain because FGC is often carried out without anaesthesia.
  • Short-term complications, such as severe bleeding which can lead to shock or death
  • include infection because of unsanitary operating conditions, and significant psychological and psychosexual consequences of FGC
  • complications (early and late) such as severe pain, bleeding, incontinence, infections, mental health problems, sexual problems, primary infertility and difficult labour with high episiotomy rate. In addition, the repetitive use of the same instruments on several girls without sterilization can cause the spread of HIV and Hepatitis B and C.
  • Fathers played minor roles as decision-makers for the procedure (9.4%
  • mothers are the main decision-makers for the procedure of FGC (65.2%)
  • circumcision is an important religious tradition (33.4%)
  • religious tradition is still the most important reason for performing FGC in Egypt,
  • In these surveys, 72% of ever-married women reported that circumcision is an important part of religious tradition and about two-thirds of the women had the impression that the husband prefers his wife to be circumcised
  • one-third of ever-married women cited cleanliness as a reason while a small number saw it as a way to prevent promiscuity before marriage.
  • milies refuse to accept women who have not undergone FGC as marriage partners
  • Around 12% of girls believed that there is no religious support for circumcision.
  • . It is an issue that demands a collaborative approach involving health professionals, religious leaders, educationalists and nongovernmental organizations.
  • partial or total cutting away of the female external genitalia
  • Female genital cutting (FGC
  • Past issues Information for contributors Editorial members How to order About the Bulletin Disclaimer Prevalence of female genital cutting among Egyptian girls
  • 100 and 130
  • cultural or other non-therapeutic reason
  • 28 African countries and the Middle East have been subjected to FGC.2
  • million girls and women

Egypt's Trouble With Women - The New York Times - 2 views

  • The first plane to cross the finish line was piloted by a 26-year-old woman named Lotfia El Nadi, Egypt’s first female aviator.
  • father had rejected the idea, but she did not despa
  • “I learned to fly because I love to be free.”
  • ...34 more annotations...
  • hero and a national treasure in the eyes of Egyptians.
  • Women saw her as an inspiration in their struggle for equal rights
  • women followed her exam
  • women
  • Egyptian women made advances in equality throughout the period of the monarchy
  • 22 Arab countries for discrimination in law, sexual harassment and the paucity of female political representation
  • Gamal Abdel Nasser, women continued to advance, achieving positions in universities, Parliament and the senior judiciary.
  • Egypt’s tradition of moderate Islam recognized women’s rights and encouraged women to study and work.
  • promote female genital mutilation
  • woman’s job is to please her husband and provide offspring.
  • cover her body completely and may not study,
  • women started to wear the
  • cannot even leave the house without her husband’s permission.
  • control women’s sexuality.
  • Wahhabism has influenced all Islamic societies and movements, including Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood.
  • many Egyptian women still went without head scarves, wearing modern Western-style dress, yet incidents of sexual harassment were rare. Now, with the spread of the hijab, harassm
  • hijab
  • 83 percent of women interviewed had been subjected to sexual harassment at least once, and that 50 percent experienced it on a daily basis.
  • When ultraconservative doctrine dehumanizes women, reducing them to objects, it legitimizes acts of sexual aggression against them.
  • until 2005 that sexual harassment became an organized form of retribution against Egyptian women
  • The security apparatus paid thugs, known as “beltagiya,” to gang up on a woman attending a demonstration, tear off her clothes and molest her.
  • Dec. 17, 201
  • Tahrir Square in Cairo, soldiers pulled a female protester’s clothes off and dragged her along the ground, stomping on her with their boots
  • victim of the attack became an icon for Egyptian women
  • mocked the victim, blaming her for not staying
  • During the revolution, millions of Egyptian women went out and bravely faced snipers’ bullets
  • in the home
  • 10 female members of Parliament out of a total of 508
  • President Mohamed Morsi’s later attempt to rewrite the Egyptian Constitution would also have removed the only female judge on the Supreme Constitutional Court.
  • They tried to overturn the law punishing doctors who carried out female genital mutilation, and refused to consider the marriage of minors as a form of human trafficking by claiming that Islam permitted a girl as young as 10 years old to be married.
  • The revolutionaries are fighting for equality
  • trying to strip women of their political and social rights and make them subject to men’s autho
  • rity.
  • epresents a future that no one can prevent.
    This article discusses how women have been treated differently since the beginning of time. Things began to change once women began to stand up for themselves in protests. 

This film will battle a global epidemic prevalent in Egypt: sexual harassment | Egyptia... - 0 views

  • Egypt:
  • sexual harassment
  • ‘Creepers on the Bridge’,
  • ...46 more annotations...
  • feeling of intimidation
  • Cairo
  • experience whe
  • n walking down Egyptian streets,
  • , The People’s Girls
  • issue of sexual harassment
  • perfect time to create a documentary that will analyze the causes, provide alternatives to traditional thought and document women fighting back in creative ways,” explained 22-year-old Colette Ghu
  • “Because we’re both frequently in the street alone, we both experience high levels of stares daily, as well as verbal harassment,
  • sexual harassment is still taboo in Cairo
  • to walk outside or take public transportation,
  • don’t want to deal with the intimidation and anxiety.
  • the United States, Latin America, Europe, South Asia- we’ve experienced various levels of sexual harassment.
  • three people with different views of sexual harassment and their daily lives surrounding the issue,
  • three Egyptians to reveal the extent of sexual harassment in Egypt and to get a better understanding of the issue,
  • Esraa is a 25-year-old Egyptian woman
  • challenges social norms by performing in storytelling theater pieces about sexual harassment
  • participating in anti-sexual harassment protests and events.”
  • 8 out of 10 women experience sexual harassment in public transportation,
  • deters us
  • members of society open up about their own experiences and perspectives.”
  • 99 percent of women in Egypt have faced sexual harassment.
  • 2011 revolution had a big impact on the issue of sexual harassment,
  • positive and negative ways
  • unfortunately become more widespread,
  • lack of police
  • gives harassers a sense of immunity
  • more commonplace and accepted.
  • President Sisi
  • police presence in the streets has increased, and more harassers have been brought to justice
  • Egyptian women have reached their boiling point in recent years, and inspired by the revolution, they have become a lot more outspoken
  • critics of Islam often end up blaming misogyny on religion.
  • sexual harassment is not specific to one religion.
  • here remains a common misbelief in the West that Egyptian, as well as all Arab women, are oppressed.
  • women in Egypt have been able to do basically anything a man can do
  • work and have a career
  • degrees in higher education,
  • high leadership roles
  • product of the news cycle following the US invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan
  • societal pressures for women to focus on getting married and starting a family.
  • very similar to the ones women in the West
  • no way means that all Egyptian men are harassers,
  • Arab or Muslim-specific issue.
  • a worldwide problem.”
  • two meanings that it has in Arabic
  • well-mannered, cultured, respectable girl,
  • “When people blame victims of sexual harassment, they often argue that if only the girl was a ‘people’s girl’ then she wouldn’t get harassed. The name is also an ode to all the girls and women of Egypt.”
    Filmmakers are filming a film that talks about the sexual harassment issue that occurring in Egypt. Ninety-nine percent of women in Egypt have faced sexual harassment. It also shares the common misbeliefs that people believe due to American news. 

Ancient Egyptian Woman With 70 Hair Extensions Discovered in Cemetery - The Root - 0 views

  • covering up gray hair
  • seems like such a contemporary beauty regimen
  • woman buried in Egypt more than 3,000 years ago
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • r tresses laid for the weave gods
  • wasn’t the only female corpse 
  • 70 weave extensions attached to her hair.
  • Many of the other skulls Bos analyzed also had hair extensions. One skull had extensions made of gray and dark black hair suggesting multiple people donated their hair to create extensions,” the news site reports.
  • didn’t say what race she was
  • Amarna
  • “that the people in Amarna used hair extensions in their daily life”
  • from very curly black hair, to middle brown straight.”
  • simple and of three strand
  • Ancient Egyptian women were concerned with covering up their signs of aging, too. Gray hair was a no-no
    • diamond03
      Egyptian women have been concerned about their looks since the beginning of time. 
  • “In one case a woman has an orange-red color on her graying hair
  • dyed her hair, possibly with henna (a flowering plant).”
    This article talks about recent finding of Egyptian women buried with extensions. There is evidence that the women dyed their hair as well. 

How Egypt is keeping its women trapped in zombie society - Your Middle East - 0 views

  • he majority of families would rather have their daughters in an unfulfilling, even miserable marriage, convinced that she will somehow find a magical way to adapt, than see her alone
    • diamond03
      This is so sad and disturbing!
  • Female independence is looked down on,
  • true religious scholars are the first to reject any form of overt or clandestine female oppression
  • ...47 more annotations...
  • there is hope
  • intellectual women today stand in solidarity
  • woman's marital status is mutually exclusive from her value and right to lead a healthy, fulfilling life of her own.
  • suffering economy
  • women
  • society
  • spinsterhood
  • marriage in Egypt really means.
  • trapped
  • declining marriage rate in Egypt,
  • “transforming her into a commodity for the highest bidder.”
  • family to be the pillar of one's success
  • pros and cons,
  • codependence is highly favorable in the Middle Eas
  • typical Egyptian female's life, is to pursue an auspicious college degree
  • regarded as a supporter or sidekick,
  • “ archaic notion that defines a woman's value by her husband's status”
  • improve her chances of finding a proper suitor
  • lifelong purpose of securing a husband.
  • he standard sequence of events for a typical Egyptian female's life, is to pursue an auspicious college degree (to improve her chances of finding a proper suitor, and assist her future children with their studies), possibly add to her assets by acquiring a mediocre job for a year or two (under the pretext of killing time and elevating her practical wisdom), and eventually fulfill her lifelong purpose of securing a
  • ones who suffer are those who can't find a “star.”
  • pressure from three distinctive sources
  • their rights and full potential, desperately seeking approval before they reach their “expiration date.
  • “Stepford wife model”,
  • incompatible matc
  • transforming her identity, s
  • driven towards more extreme measures.
  • parents employing psychological abuse
  • subject to such scrutiny
  • generation of women
  • oblivious t
  • conforming comes naturally to a lot of women,
  • On one hand
  • (parents-peers-society
  • quoting religious commandments promoting marriage,
  • coerce their daughters
  • into submission
  • threat of eternal damnation
  • (should she fail to perform this role and still wishes to enjoy her life then she will have indeed committed sacrilege and is a covertly regarded as a disgrace regardless of any other achievement)
  • peer-pressure;
  • still under the impression that exceptions do not exist .
  • 25-40
  • “business marriages”
  • Egyptians have a problem with evolution
  • persecute anomalies
  • educated middle class that crowns the highest rate of unmarried wome
  • women can hardly take care of themselves and that is the norm.
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