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ISIS Is Not a Terrorist Group - 0 views

    The United States has long been fighting the terrorist group known as Al Qaeda, which has given them the blue print on how to deal with terrorism abroad. Isis is not a terrorist organization which is why the United States along with other countries is having a very hard time dealing with the group of people who terrorize the middle east.

Online Activism to Real-World Activism: Social Media's Role in the Egyptian Revolution ... - 0 views

    • sheldonmer
      This article is statistically strong with lots of factoids about the Egyptian Revolution and more specifically its ties to social media. It says that social media has three downfalls in the Egyptians revolution. These 3 things being, "enabling passive "activism," romanticizing the revolution, and failing to provide structure for a cohesive plan with leaders". This article discusses the idea of anonymous activism and what role it actually plays for uprisings. They also talk about how "perverting activism" was popular when starting the revolution. This was when people would post shocking images and videos of the carnage from protests being shut down by police. This would get everyone's attention, but would not carry the revolution itself. 
    There was a huge increase in number of internet usage in Egypt. The internet was a main pathway to join the revolution, but it also causes passive activism and most won't leave their houses to revolt.

Kuwait joins Gulf allies in banning travel to Lebanon - 1 views

    Kuwait and Qatar joining GCC to cut relationship with Lebanon and Prevented their people from traveling there. all is that happened when the GCC felt that HUZBALLAH militia taking the country's control.

Education caught in the crossfire of conflict | #ChildrenofSyria - 0 views

  • he attack on Al Hayat Primary School in Qaboun, eastern Damascus in November 2014 killed 11 children and injured many more.
  • But the Qaboun assault was just one of at least 68 attacks on schools across Syria between January and December 2014 alone
  • round 1 in 5 – have been damaged, destroyed, or are currently sheltering internally displaced people according to data gathered by UNICEF
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • nside Syria, two million children and adolescents are currently out of school.
  • “We simply cannot allow an entire generation of children and adolescents to be lost to ignorance, exploitation, despair and radicalisation.”
  • International humanitarian law, which declares that schools be respected as zones of peace and safe havens for children, has counted for little. The long-term consequences for children – and their place in the Syria of the future – can only be guessed at.
  • utside Syria, more than 50 per cent (600,000) of Syrian refugee children and adolescents are out of school, and this number continues to grow.
  • The campaigns include distribution of teaching and learning materials as well as school bags with stationary. Similar campaigns have been rolled out in countries hosting refugees.
  • When I go to the refugee camps and see the smiling faces of children, then I think we should not give up in the face of difficulties,
  • ublic schools receiving Syrian children are overstretched. Non-formal education spaces cannot absorb large numbers of students.
  • achers are not well equipped to work with stress, overcrowding and difference. Syrian children and adolescents are receiving multiple and dispersed forms of curricula and content that are not adapted to their capacity and needs and that come with enormous challenges in certification and accreditation.
    This article also talks about the problems Syrian children face regarding education. International laws about "schools remain out of conflict" has gone ignored for a long time. Public Schools are overstretched in neighboring countries due to extra children in schools. The most interesting part of this article is the video which goes into more details about the growth of education in the last four years. 

Iraq divisions undermine battle against IS - BBC News - 0 views

  • More than in any other country, Iraq's future is intimately bound up with the fate of self-styled Islamic State (IS).
  • Territory that was lost in a day or two is taking many months to claw painfully back.
  • But even if initially successful, such an ambitious project, indeed, any further moves to oust IS, could go badly wrong if the foundations are not sound
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • The IS fighters were able to lodge so easily in the Sunni Arab heartlands because the people there had been largely alienated by the sectarian policies and practices of the Shia Arab-dominated Baghdad government under Nouri al-Maliki, who was finally prised out of the prime minister's office in August 2014.
  • gislation to empower the Sunnis by devolving security and financial responsibilities to the provinces has not happened.
  • Nor have measures to reverse the persecution of former members of Saddam Hussein's Baath Party, or the random arrests, detentions, and to assuage other Sunni grievances.
  • he US, who have about 3,500 military personnel training and advising Iraqi government forces on the ground, also seems to be aware that military muscle is not enough.
  • If that process continues and the militants are defeated, the way Iraq fits together - if it does - will be decided by who pushes them out, and how the resulting vacuum is filled.
  • osul is an almost wholly Sunni city with a population of about two million.
  • Some residents may still see IS - about 85% of whose fighters in Iraq are believed to be Iraqi - as their protectors against an Iranian-backed, Shia-dominated Baghdad government.
  • When the Iraqi army collapsed like a house of cards in the face of the IS eruption in June 2014, it was a motley array of hastily-assembled Shia irregulars, loosely banded into the Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilisation) that prevented the militants reaching Baghda
  • Ramadi gave a boost to the embattled Prime Minister, Haider al-Abadi.He has scant support even from his own Shia Daawa party, and is seen across the board by Sunni, Shia and Kurdish politicians as weak, hesitant, lacking in leadership and unable to stand up to the militias.But there was a down-side to the Ramadi victory too: heavy destruction, and the displacement of the entire population.
  • Nor can the formula that finally and slowly worked in Ramadi simply be applied at Mosul. It took government forces with coalition backing seven months to regain Ramadi. Mosul is 10 times bigger.
  • He omitted to mention coalition air support, which would also clearly be crucial to the campaign.Some Iraqi analysts believe outside ground forces would also be needed. US military leaders, while reticent, clearly want to up the pace and have not ruled out more boots on the ground. In the absence of serious moves towards national reconciliation, one senior government figure also saw a campaign to retake Mosul as a vital way of forging national unity.
    This article is about the Iraq divisions which undermine the Iraqi purpose of war. This is a result of an unstable foundation to build plans off of. They are trying to find foundation because they do not want to fall back into an IS state five years down the line. 

A Radical Idea to Rebuild a Shattered Libya: Restore the Monarchy - 0 views

    Libya is in the midst of complete chaos as they currently have no official government. One idea that some say could fix the situation is to restore the monarchy that ruled Libya until it was overthrown by Gadddafi. As of now, there is one distant relative, a grandnephew of the former King who stands waiting to rescue his nation if "the people demand it."

Control and crucifixions: Life in Libya under IS - BBC News - 0 views

  • segregation
  • ress codes
  • establishment of a religious police
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • from Tunisia, Iraq or Syria.
  • of retributions. We spoke to people who have been forced to leave the city, to escape Islamic State.
  • I blame regional countries for IS
  • My dad is a senior policeman and was getting threats in Sirte. Anyone who works with the police can be kidnapped or killed unless you join them
  • S was quite laid back at the start in terms of implementing their harsh interpretation of Sharia, or Islamic law. You get the feeling that they were focussing on building loyalty and allegiances from the tribal society of Sirte
  • It was only in August when Islamic codes of dress and behaviour began to be implemented more noticeably. It was also then when crucifixions and lashings began to be meted out to anyone convicted. These usually take place after Friday prayers.

Education is becoming an extremist battleground in Pakistan - The Washington Post - 0 views

  • The one year anniversary commemorations of the heinous attack on a Peshawar public school were barely over when gunmen once again went from classroom to classroom killing students and staff at a Pakistani university nearby.
  • n doing so, they are attacking the one area of Pakistani society where there is clear reason for optimism, as the growth of low-cost private schools in recent decades has given more and more young people, particularly girls, access to education.
  • aw revenge is clearly a motive as the Taliban protest against military bombings of their hideouts in the tribal areas.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • The Taliban has already been successful with this approach on other fronts. Their attacks on polio aid workers have proven effective in disrupting the country’s entire public health system
  • Together with Jishnu Das of the World Bank, we have been researching Pakistan’s education sector for nearly 20 years.
  • Girls in particular have benefited from this school boom: more are in school than ever.
  • Research shows that the education debate in Pakistan is similar to the education debate in any other country: parents grapple with a choice of schools based on the usual set of considerations: Which of the schools nearby is best? How much should we pay? Is our child getting the best quality education?
  • But education is a unique service – not only because it involves a country’s most precious resource, its children – but also because, by increasing human capital, it strengthens the state not only in the present, but in the future.
  • As we speak, many schools are announcing temporary closure of facilities in the aftermath of the latest attack

Algeria-France child trafficking trial opens in Algiers - BBC News - 0 views

  • Thirteen people have gone on trial in Algiers, accused of trafficking an unknown number of Algerian children to the French city of Saint-Etienne.
  • The security services reportedly discovered 12 "adoption certificates" at a nursery in the Algiers suburb of El-Biar written between 2005 and 2006, with nine children sent abroad for a sum of money.
    Dr. Khelife Hanouti is accused of running an illegal abortion clinic in Algeria. He is also involved in falsifying "disclaimer" documents signed by single mothers and illegally transferring children abroad. He is also involved in kidnapping twin girls and selling them to a couple in France.

Red carpet for President Sisi's convoy criticised in Egypt - BBC News - 0 views

    A red carpet for the motorcade of President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi has been the cause of much criticism. The display, while supposedly meant to "give joy to the Egyptian people," according to BBC, but audacity of the gesture has upset many.

Human Trafficking In The Middle East: Manola�s Story - 0 views

  • Presently, there are 7,000 women from Madagascar working as household help in Lebanon.
  • a military coup in Madagascar saw the percentage of poor people (those living on less than $1 a day) rise from 67% to 76%
    Manola is now only 20 years old, but a few years ago she heard about a program in Lebanon. Next thing she knew she was on a plane with 11 other girls on their way to their personal nightmare. In Lebanon, Manola was a housekeeper who was abused, raped, and beaten regularly.

Yemen's Hidden War - 0 views

    This article chronicles a reporter's trip to Yemen and summarizes the beginning of the war. They witnesses how the civil war has affected its people.

At least 28 killed by Ankara car bomb targeting military personnel | World news | The G... - 0 views

    A carbombing in the Turkish capital targeting military personnel has claimed 28 lives and injured 60 others. The perpetrators have not been identified yet.

DHS adds Somalia, Yemen and Libya to anti-terror travel list - 0 views

    What seems like an obvious move, the Obama administration and the Department of Homeland Security have added Libya, Somalia and Yemen to anti-terror list. This adds restrictions on travel to these countries and increases regulations on how people from these countries can enter the United States.

Intelligence official: ISIS to attempt US attacks in 2016 - - 0 views

    James Clapper, the director of National Intelligence, has warned that the US will face an attack by ISIL in 2016. This claim comes with the information that there are terrorist groups active in over 40 countries, and that last year "approximately five dozen" ISIL-related people were arrested in the US last year.

Egypt Under Sisi -YouTube - 0 views

    After the deposition of President Mubarak, a democratic election was held, placing Mohamed Morsi in power. Shortly after, the Egyptian people demanded the new president's deposition. Now, under the rule of General Sisi, the government has responded to any protesters with violence.

Egypt bomb kills 21 at Alexandria Coptic church - BBC News - 0 views

    President Hosni Mubarak has urged Egypt's Muslims and Christians to stand united against terrorism after a bombing outside a church in Alexandria. At least 21 people were killed and 70 hurt in the suspected suicide attack, which happened during a New Year's Eve service at the al-Qiddissin Church.

17 incredible photos of the Middle East from 2015 - 0 views

    The past year has been incredibly tumultuous for the Middle East. Political upheaval is still roiling throughout the region since the Arab Spring, and wars have continued to grind on in Yemen, Syria, Iraq, and Libya. But despite the conflict, life continues in this region where 257 million people call home.

These two ISIS battles could change everything in the Middle East - 0 views

    The number 562 is relatively meaningless to most people. But not to those who marked the 562nd anniversary of the conquest of Istanbul by the Ottoman Turks last May. Hundreds of thousands reportedly gathered in a field outside the city where a parade of jets painted the sky with red and white smoke-the colors of the Turkish flag.

Human trafficking: The modern form of slavery eating up East Africa - People & Power - 0 views

    Because there are many instances of human trafficking that go unreported, it is impossible to determine the amount of victims who have been part of human trafficking. Uganda is a major source and destination for human trafficking of men, women, and children. Kenya is another country that is a major source and destination and both of these countries are ranked as Tier 2.
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