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Remark K-12 Education - 13 views

    Whether you are scanning paper tests and forms or collecting data online, Remark products provide you with the tools you need to get your results quickly.
    Inksaver offers the lowest prices on toner cartridges and ink cartridges in South Africa Depending on your HP printer, it may integrate printheads within the printer or a part of the printer cartridge. Type 1: Cartridges with integrated printheads Integrated printer cartridges have a printhead integrated into them, and this design incorporates the printhead (nozzle plate) into the cartridge's side. If you are having trouble with a particularly streaky cartridge, replacing it with a brand-new cartridge will typically fix your print quality issue since every time you return one of these printer cartridges, you are also replacing the printhead. The Deskjet 1112 and the ENVY 7855 are two less expensive Deskjet and ENVY printer types that frequently use HP's integrated printer cartridges.

Authentic Assessment Toolbox Home Page - 13 views

    A how-to text on creating authentic tasks, rubrics and standards for measuring and improving student learning.

Taking data to new depths [Nancy Love] - 0 views

  • While collaborative inquiry is appropriate for any content area, it is particularly relevant for mathematics and science because the process mirrors for the adults what students experience in our best mathematics and science classrooms. Data teams investigate not scientific phenomena or mathematics problems, but how to improve teaching and learning. They raise questions, examine student learning and other data, test their hypotheses, and share findings with their colleagues.
  • Typically, one or two teachers, one administrator, and one NSF project staff member become data facilitators for a school. They then convene school-based data teams to focus on improving mathematics and science. Sometimes team members are from the mathematics or science department or are existing grade-level teams. Other times, the team is schoolwide.
  • If data facilitators have only one source of data on student learning, they collect additional data such as local assessments or common grade-level and course assessments for the next data facilitator session. The process emphasizes triangulating data, using three different sources of student learning data before identifying the student learning problem. By triangulating, data facilitators guide data teams to test hunches with other data instead of drawing conclusions from a single measure.
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  • In their data facilitator workshops, data facilitators use the "go visual" principle, first developed by nonverbal communications expert Michael Grinder (1997). Grinder revealed the power of large, visually vibrant and color-coded displays of data in fostering group ownership and engagement. Data facilitators work with the team on one data report at a time to avoid overload and confusion. For each report, they create a colorful newsprint-sized graph displaying the results and post it on their "data wall." Then they record their observations and inferences on additional pieces of newsprint that they post under their chart. As they work with additional data, they add more graphs and more observations and inferences to their data wall.
    There's a ton of data being collected. The trick is to know how to use it effectively.

Assessment FOR Learning: What a Difference A Word Makes [pdf] - 7 views

    Article by Rick Stiggins.

Using the CST Analyzer - 0 views

    A Breeze Presentation created by CTAP4 and RSDSS to help users understand how to use the free CST Analyzer tool with student test data.

ISTE Classroom Observation Tool - 2 views

    The ISTE Classroom Observation Tool (ICOT®) is a FREE online tool that provides a set of questions to guide classroom observations of a number of key components of technology integration.
    1. TEACHERS can use ICOT to learn from colleagues.

Using Classroom Data to Improve Student Achievement - 0 views

    Simple strategies & tools to make sense of your student achievement data from Dennis Fox. The site includes downloadable workshop handouts.

Leading the Charge for Real-Time Data - 2 views

    Well before the idea of using data to manage schools gained prominence on the national stage, Oklahoma's Western Heights school district had made the ideal of real-time, data-driven decisionmaking a reality. Back in 2001, Superintendent Joe Kitchens was already being spotlighted for his focus on creating a longitudinal-data system that would give teachers in the 3,400-student district the ability to make quick decisions to improve student learning, while reducing the time spent compiling reports.

Art of Teaching - Assessing Learning - 8 views

    Assessment is most often associated with grading, but there are in fact several other purposes for assessment which are just as (if not more) important to teaching and learning.

Remark OMR (Optical Mark Recognition) and Web Survey Software for survey scanning, test... - 3 views

    Flagship product, Remark Office OMR®, is the leading scanning software for collecting and analyzing data from plain-paper OMR (optical mark recognition) forms, using any common image scanner. You have the flexibility to create and print your own OMR (or "bubble") forms, and scan them with your TWAIN compatible image scanner.

Student Grouping in a PLC - 2 views

    There is a significant difference between differentiated instruction and differentiated curriculum. Tracking is dedicated to the later. Differentiated instruction is not just clustering all students with similar learning needs into one group and providing them with different curriculum, but rather it requires giving students who are struggling to learn the essentials more time, more support, and new learning experiences with different strategies and different structures such as small-group instruction and individual tutoring.

10 Things You Always Wanted To Know About Data-Driven Decision Making - 0 views

  • 1. If you're not using data to make decisions, you're flying blind.
  • 2. This is all about a process, not a specific technology.
  • 4. You will be spending more money, not less.
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  • 5. Data-driven decision making does not save time.
  • The first year is all about setting goals in the community and district. Year two is about roll-out and implementation, and it's not until years three or four that you can really see the effects,"
  • 3. Get ready to feel threatened.
  • 6. Your data's cleanliness is next to Godliness.
  • 7. Don't shoot first and ask questions later.
  • 9. NLCB is just the beginning of your journey.
  • 8. A good D3M solution is one you can afford to change.
  • 10. Word of warning: D3M is highly addictive.
    Everyone's talking about D3M. Use this guide to help prevent all that data from driving you nuts.

The Benefits of Teacher Collaboration [PLC's] - 0 views

  • Researcher Ken Futernick (2007), after surveying 2,000 current and former teachers in California,concluded that teachers felt greater personal satisfaction when they believed in their own efficacy, were involved in decision making, and established strong collegial relationships.
  • School leaders who foster collaboration among novice and veteran teachers can improve teacher retention and teacher satisfaction, according to studies conducted by Susan Kardos and Susan Moore Johnson.
  • n Tennessee, school performance coaches receive specialized training to facilitate improvements in low-performing schools and districts. Helping teachers collaborate in meaningful ways is part of the work.
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  • The researchers suggest that school leaders foster a sense of shared responsibility, engage veteran teachers in the induction of new teachers and in their own professional growth, and earmark resources to support collaborative planning, mentoring, and classroom observations.
  • To determine the relationship between teacher collaboration and student achievement, the researchers used reading and math achievement scores for 2,536 fourth-graders, controlling for school context and student characteristics such as prior achievement. They found a positive relationship between teacher collaboration and differences among schools in mathematics and reading achievement.
    Teacher collaboration and professional learning communities are frequently mentioned in articles and reports on school improvement. Schools and teachers benefit in a variety of ways when teachers work together. A small but growing body of evidence suggests a positive relationship between teacher collaboration and student achievement.

Teachers Talking Together: The Power of Professional Community - 0 views

  • A school that is also a professional learning community recognizes that work with students and adults is on-going and embodies the values of continual growth, risk-taking and trust.
  • Now that we had a structure around which to build our professional community, we could explore what that community could do. We found that it allowed us to do several distinct things: as well as developing a shared accountability system, we could diagnose our students’ weaknesses, as well as the gaps in our own teaching; we learned to critique one another’s practice; and we found ways to get to know our students beyond the classroom.
  • As we scored student work together, and team-taught in writing seminar, we also identified skills that we needed to further develop as teachers.
    Many friendships and emotional connections arise among teachers. These are important, but they do not substitute for necessary professional support and growth. Teachers must have structured time to share, write, and talk about their teaching and their students. Otherwise, teaching is a solitary activity, all too often leading to unsatisfactory results for both teachers and students. A school with a healthy professional learning community will maintain a razor-sharp focus on student achievement; its faculty will feel a common ownership and responsibility for that achievement; and its students will achieve success.

Data Wise: A Step-by-Step Guide to Using Assessment Results to Improve Teaching and Lea... - 0 views

  • The scenarios that illustrate each chapter come from two case studies, one based on a K-8th grade scenario and the other a 9th-12th grade setting. Data Wise grounds its discussion in examples from those contexts, keeping the material accessible and focused on realistic problems and solutions. Data Wise's process depends on collaboration and full faculty participation. With a sympathetic understanding of the inevitable limits on staff time, the authors discuss the best ways to structure collaborative faculty time and include three protocols to involve faculty and staff in gaining insight from data.
    Demystify that data! A powerful asset to data driven inquiry and improvement, Data Wise comes out of a work group of Boston Public School leaders and Harvard Graduate School of Education faculty and doctoral students and is informed by the development of a data system now used by all Boston Public Schools. Data Wise guides schools and school systems through the growth of comprehensive data systems that encompass classroom work samples as well as standardized tests.

Continuous Improvement: It Takes More Than Test Scores [Bernhardt] - 0 views

  • Schools in our country hear that data makes the difference in improving student achievement. Not all schools, however, have felt the positive impact from what they believe is data-driven decision making. The most common reason: Most school districts in this country believe they are being data-driven when they have analyzed the dickens out of their state assessment results.
    Continuous Improvement: It takes more than test scores. Analyzing state assessment results is only the beginning of effective data-driven decision making. There is no question that the passage of No Child Left Behind in 2001 has impacted schools in at least two ways: First and foremost, NCLB has made the use of data to improve student achievement imperative; and second, NCLB has increased the need for continuous improvement processes within schools. Summative data just the beginning

Seven Steps to Creating a Data Driven Decision Making Culture - 0 views

  • In this post I hope to share the essence of some of the main ideas communicated in the speech. The format is: words from the slide followed by a short narrative on the core message of the slide. Hope you find it useful.
  • The biggest challenge in our current environment is that it is trivial to implement a tool, it takes five minutes. But tools are limiting and can just give us data. What compounds the challenge is that we all have this deep tendency to make decisions that come from who we are influenced from our life experiences. Based on my humble experience of the last few years here are seven common sense recommendations for creating a data driven company culture……
  • # 6 Reporting is not Analysis
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  • # 7 Go for the bottom-line (outcomes)
  • # 5 Depersonalize decision making
  • # 4 Proactive insights rather than reactive
  • # 3 Empower your analysts
  • # 2 Solve for the Trinity
  • # 1: Got Process?
    The title of this presentation at the Washington DC Emetrics summit was: Creating a Data Driven Web Decision Making Culture - Lessons, Tips, Insights from a Practitioner. Although meant for corporations, the advice applies just as well to academic institutions. The goal here was to share tips and insights that might help companies move from just having lots and lots of data to creating cultures where decisions are made not on gut-feel, or the proverbial seat of the pants, but rather based on data.
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