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David Price

Collective Intelligence in Organizations: Tools and Studies - 3 views

    A new generation of Collective Intelligence (CI) technologies, adopted by public and private sector organizations, offers "the capacity of human collectives to engage in intellectual cooperation in order to create, innovate and invent".
    Uh... collective intelligence in organizations sounds a bit creepy, like "We are the Borg".
Alberto Cottica

Big data and development organizations: What happens when you move from theory to practice? « Voices from Eurasia - 0 views

    After Masters of Networks, UNDP and INRIA work out a network analysis of World Bank contractors.
david osimo

JMIR--Crowdsourced Health Research Studies: An Important Emerging Complement to Clinical Trials in the Public Health Research Ecosystem | Swan | Journal of Medical Internet Research - 0 views

    Results: Participatory health is a growing area with individuals using health social networks, crowdsourced studies, smartphone health applications, and personal health records to achieve positive outcomes for a variety of health conditions. PatientsLikeMe and 23andMe are the leading operators of researcher-organized, crowdsourced health research studies. These operators have published findings in the areas of disease research, drug response, user experience in crowdsourced studies, and genetic association. Quantified Self, Genomera, and DIYgenomics are communities of participant-organized health research studies where individuals conduct self-experimentation and group studies. Crowdsourced health research studies have a diversity of intended outcomes and levels of scientific rigor.s
Igor Mayer

Paying Only for Success: Gamification in Government and Public Policy - Knowledge@Wharton - 0 views

    In a government bureaucracy, any innovation can take years to come to fruition. But that can change, says Tom Kalil, deputy director for policy for the Office of Science and Technology Policy at the White House. Kalil recently participated in a two-day conference at Wharton titled, "For the Win: Serious Gamification," which looked at the application of gaming techniques in business, education, government and other scenarios. Before the conference, Kalil spoke with Kevin Werbach, a conference organizer and a professor of legal studies and business ethics at Wharton, about why gamification has become a hot topic at the White House.
Igor Mayer

Play the City - Play the City - 0 views

    We help cities, housing corporations and cultural organizations make interactive and collaborative plans with multiple stakeholders.
    Nice example of how games can be used for urban planning.
david osimo

The filter bubble - 0 views

    Eli Pariser explores how ideas move in the networked economy. As the board president of, he pioneered many practices of online organizing. Now, Pariser is focused on the social and political impact of the personalized web, examining the role that filters - both cognitive and software-based - have in shaping what information spreads, which he refers to as the Filter Bubble .
Francesco Mureddu

Quick-Nets Project - 1 views

    QuickNets is a collaboration among the U.S. Federal Government and many non-governmental organizations. Our purpose is to set up communication (cell phones, text messaging, and Internet) as quickly as possible in the wake of a natural or man-made disaster. QuickNets also provides local and global websites that allow collaboration and crowdsourcing.
Pietro Terna

Home | Applied Solutions - 0 views

    Clean economy via a non profit organization of local governments.
Francesco Mureddu

Forio Online Simulations - Solutions - 2 views

    Organizations like World Bank and the CDC have discovered how easy it is to design policies, create customized policy models, facilitate decision-making, build stakeholder consensus and share insights with simulations by Forio.
David Price

De Argumentenfabriek - 0 views

    De Argumentenfabriek helps organizations think clearly and make better decisions via transparent and structured mapping of complex issues.
David Price

Faktencheck: Organ Donar Cards - 0 views

    An excellent example of collaborative argument mapping using MindMeister by Ralf Grötker's DebattenProfis team.
David Price

Mattermap - 3 views

    A mattermap is a diagram of a news story, discussion or event. Our software helps journalists to collect and organize citations and sources around a central question.
david osimo

smartvote - 0 views

    smartvote is a so-called online voting advice application (VAA). Based on a comprehensive questionnaire on political issues it compares the political positions of voters with those of political parties and candidates. Voters receive a voting advise in form of a position-matching. smartvote exists since 2003. Developper and operater is the non profit organization Politools. During the electoral campaign of the 2011 national elections smartvote was used more than 1.2 million times.
Phil Archer

W3C Directory of Linked Data Suppliers and Deployments - 0 views

    A growing directory of Linked Data people and resources, created and maintained by 3roundstones on behalf of the W3C Government Linked Data Working Group
David Price

Crowdsourcing breakthrough treatments for blood infections - 1 views

    "Online game Foldit adds puzzle to investigate proteins to aid sepsis treatment... Gamers solving a previous Foldit puzzle remodeled an important reaction in organic synthesis in three weeks-a solution that evaded scientists for years."
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