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Contents contributed and discussions participated by david osimo

david osimo

Factlink - helps people find credibility in the world's information - 1 views

    Build authority on any topic, discover expertise PeopleShare what you know, contribute to people's perspective WorldCheck the credibility of the information you are reading MoneyFree information access. Period
david osimo

Open Innovation - Technology Offers and Technology Requests - 1 views

    Innoget provides a full range of services related to the acquisition, revaluation and marketing of technologies and addressing the needs of R&D and innovation. In an Open Innovation environment, innovation becomes yet another element at the service of companies which can be bought, sold or acquired stemming from the ideas, products and technologies of other organisations. Innoget is conceived with the clear aim of helping our clients in acquiring this innovation and revaluing their most innovative technologies. Services for companies looking for innovation * Intermediary Services: external knowledge searches including partner facilitation from evaluation through negotiation * Accessing technology solutions * Facilitating technology acquisition * Technology scouting Services for companies/research centers willing to commercialize innovative technologies * Technology enhancement: marketing technologies both online and direct personal contacts * Search of both commercial and technology partners
david osimo

Political Innovation - innovative conversational politics - 1 views

    The Political Innovation project is asking "why does politics still need to be done this way?" Starting with a series of 'Translation Layer' events in early 2012, we will be looking at the future of policymaking in general and think-tanks in particular.
david osimo

Blending Governance and Twitter - - 0 views

    It turns out you can govern in 140 characters. Social media is often accused of coarsening our public discourse and of making us stupid. But some innovative public leaders are taking to their keyboards and finding that the payoff is a direct and personal connection with their communities.
david osimo

Debate: Teacher-student friendships on Facebook - Debatepedia - 0 views

    Debatepedia is the Wikipedia of debates - an encyclopedia of pro and con arguments and quotes on critical issues. A project of the 501c3 non-profit International Debate Education Association (IDEA), Debatepedia utilizes the same wiki technology powering Wikipedia to centralize arguments and quotes found in editorials, op-eds, political statements, and books into comprehensive pro/con articles. This helps citizens and decision-makers better deliberate on the world's most important questions. Debatepedia is endorsed by the National Forensic League.
david osimo - overview.html - 0 views

    GATE is over 15 years old and is in active use for all types of computational task involving human language. GATE excels at text analysis of all shapes and sizes. From large corporations to small startups, from €multi-million research consortia to undergraduate projects, our user community is the largest and most diverse of any system of this type, and is spread across all but one of the continents1.
david osimo

Cohere >>> make the connection - 0 views

    "The Web is about IDEAS+PEOPLE. Cohere is a visual tool to create, connect and share Ideas. Back them up with websites. Support or challenge them. Embed them to spread virally. Discover who - literally - connects with your thinking."
david osimo

Double Document Shared Word Diagrams - 0 views

    Double Document Shared Word Diagrams compare and contrast two documents by showing both the unique and shared vocabulary and its' distribution across the two documents of interest. The two columns of squares represent the two documents. The leftmost column of word circles shows the highest frequency non-trivial words found in document 1 but not document 2. The rightmost column of word circles shows those words unique to 2 and the central column shows the words that are common to both.
david osimo

Opinion Space - 1 views

    Welcome to Opinion Space, a new approach to generating and exchanging insightful ideas about issues and policies. Click the glowing point to begin...
david osimo

twitrratr - 0 views

    Discover what people are really saying on Twitter. With Twitrratr you can distinguish negative from positive tweets surrounding a brand, product, person or topic.
david osimo

SentiStrength - sentiment strength detection in short texts - 0 views

    SentiStrength estimates the strength of positive and negative sentiment in short texts, even for informal language. It has human-level accuracy for short social web texts in English, except political texts. SentiStrength reports two sentiment strengths: -1 (not negative) to -5 (extremely negative) 1 (not positive) to 5 (extremely positive) It can also report binary (positive/negative), trinary (positive/negative/neutral) and single scale (-4 to +4) results. SentiStrength was originally developed for English and optimised for general short social web texts but can be easily configured for other languages and contexts by changing its input files - some variants are demonstrated below.
david osimo

CyberEmotions - 0 views

    The CyberEmotions consortium began in February 2009 for a period of four years. The project focuses on the role of collective emotions in creating, forming and breaking-up e-communities.
david osimo

Health Data Initiative Forum - 0 views

    HDI Forum III: The Health Datapalooza promises to bring together a diverse group of data experts, technology developers, entrepreneurs, policy makers, health care system leaders, CIOs, CTOs, and community advocates to support innovative applications of health and health care data. The Health Data Initiative (HDI), originally launched in 2010 by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as the Community Health Data Initiative, is a public-private collaboration that encourages innovators to utilize health data to develop applications to raise awareness of health and health system performance and spark community action to improve health. The Forum will feature keynote addresses, an Apps Expo, demonstrations of new, cutting-edge apps, and thought-provoking panel discussions. There will also be plenty of time for networking and one-on-one interaction. It is a great opportunity to be in on the vanguard of data applications to improve health and health care. This year's event promises to be one you do not want to miss!
    interesting case of data-intensive policy-making
david osimo

Attensity Home Page | Attensity - 1 views

    In today's hyper-connected world, social media and online customer interactions are changing the way companies do business from the outside in. Leading brands recognize that their customers are both passionate and vocal about their products and services, and they are sharing their experiences in conversations every day. Until recently, however, social monitoring tools allowed you to listen to these conversations, but lacked the sophisticated analytics capabilities needed to derive critical business insights. Attensity enables you to go beyond mere social media monitoring to: LISTEN to social customer conversations from over 75 million online sources, including the full Twitter Firehose, Facebook, blogs, communities, forums and other sources. ANALYZE those conversations for key business insights, going beyond basic sentiment to get detailed reports on customer feedback about new products, campaigns, brands, service and support, and other business drivers. RELATE that intelligence to structured data within your existing customer systems such as CRM, ERP, BI, EFM and other systems. ACT with a Playbook that allows you to take charge of emerging issues and manage the customer experience based on your own organizational structure and business processes.
david osimo

Social Media Monitoring and Engagement, Social CRM - - 0 views

    Founded in 2006, Radian6 was created with the idea that companies need to actively engage in Social Media Monitoring. Intelligence about online conversations is critical: companies need to know what's being said about their brand, industry, and competitors online. So we built a listening platform designed to help companies do just that. But listening is just the beginning. Businesses need to measure, analyze, and report on their social media efforts. They need to discover insights from their information. They need to engage. And they need the best tools to reach these targets. Radian6 provides the ability to do it all, and to incorporate all the areas that social media touches across the enterprise, including customer service, sales and lead generation, public relations, marketing, and more. Learn more about how we can help here.
    this focusses on social media analytics
david osimo

Social Media Monitoring and Analysis | Crimson Hexagon - 1 views

    Our platform empowers you to: Go far beyond simple keyword counting. Benefit from the only patent-pending social media monitoring and analysis technology. Dig deeper than measuring positive versus negative. Tap into billions of current and past online conversations. Gain actionable insights into the market's opinion of your brand and your products. Leverage a customizable, private dashboard. Know how and why your messaging is resonating (or not resonating) with your audience. Know what opinion leaders think about specific product features. Know what your customers like (and dislike) about the competition. Gain the insights necessary to make critical business decisions.
david osimo

How Clarabridge Works - 0 views

    Clarabridge provides individual departments, Global 1000 enterprises and technology and service providers with an universal view of their customers through transforming of text-based verbatim into customer experience insight. Clarabridge collects all sources of customer feedback, transforms it using Natural Language Processing (NLP), categorizes the content, performs sentiment scoring and delivers customer insights enterprise-wide though a variety of interfaces.
david osimo

Media Monitoring & Online Reputation Management Tools - 0 views

    core technology consists of: real-time content aggregation a four-step spam filtering process an accurate sentiment engine robust geo-demographic information sophisticated text analytics and language processing algorithms
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