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David McGavock

Twitter Literacy (I refuse to make up a Twittery name for it) : Howard Rheingold : City... - 2 views

  • It's about knowing how and knowing who and knowing who knows who knows what.
  • use of media to be productive and to foster authentic interpersonal connection, rather than waste of time and attention on phony, banal, alienated pseudo-communication. Know-how is where the difference lies.
  • successful use of Twitter means knowing how to tune the network of people you follow, and how to feed the network of people who follow you.
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  • Twitter is one of a growing breed of part-technological, part-social communication media that require some skills to use productively.
  • The difference between seeing Twitter as a waste of time or as a powerful new community amplifier depends entirely on how you look at it - on knowing how to look at it.
  • My reasons: Openness - anyone can join, and anyone can follow anyone else
  • Immediacy - it is a rolling present. You won't get the sense of Twitter if you just check in once a week. You need to hang out for minutes and hours, every day, to get in the groove.
  • I don't have to listen to noise, but filtering it out requires attention. You are responsible for whoever else's babble you are going to direct into your awareness.
  • Reciprocity - people give and ask freely for information they need
  • A channel to multiple publics - I'm a communicator and have a following that I want to grow and feed. I can get the word out about a new book or vlog post in seconds - and each of the people who follow me might also feed my memes to their own networks.
  • Asymmetry - very interesting, because nobody sees the same sample of the Twitter population. Few people follow exactly the same people who follow them.
  • A way to meet new people - it happens every day. Connecting with people who share interests has been the most powerful social driver of the Internet since day one. I follow people I don't know otherwise but who share enthusiasm
  • A window on what is happening in multiple worlds
  • Community-forming - Twitter is not a community, but it's an ecology in which communities can emerge.
  • A platform for mass collaboration:
  • Searchability - the ability to follow searches for phrases like "swine flu" or "Howard Rheingold" in real time provides a kind of ambient information radar on topics that interest me.
  • successful use of Twitter comes down to tuning and feeding.
  • If it isn't fun, it won't be useful. If you don't put out, you don't get back. But you have to spend some time tuning and feeding if Twitter is going to be more than an idle amusement to you
  • Twitter is a flow, not a queue like your email inbox, to be sampled judiciously is only one part of the attention literacy
  • My students who learn about the presentation of self and construction of identity in the psychology and sociology literature see the theories they are reading come to life on the Twitter
    "Twitter Literacy (I refuse to make up a Twittery name for it) Post-Oprah and apres-Ashton, Twittermania is definitely sliding down the backlash slope of the hype cycle. It's not just the predictable wave of naysaying after the predictable waves of sliced-breadism and bandwagon-chasing. We're beginning to see some data. Nielsen, the same people who do TV ratings, recently noted that more than 60% of new Twitter users fail to return the following month. To me, this represents a perfect example of a media literacy issue: Twitter is one of a growing breed of part-technological, part-social communication media that require some skills to use productively. Sure, Twitter is banal and trivial, full of self-promotion and outright spam. So is the Internet. The difference between seeing Twitter as a waste of time or as a powerful new community amplifier depends entirely on how you look at it - on knowing how to look at it. "
    Using twitter effectively is a critical thinking skill. Howard describes this in detail.
David McGavock

A Speculative Post on the Idea of Algorithmic Authority « Clay Shirky - 1 views

  • people trust new classes of aggregators and filters, whether Google or Twitter or Wikipedia
  • algorithmic authority
  • do I have certification from an institution that will vouch for my knowledge of Eastern Europe?
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  • The social characteristic of deciding who to trust is a key feature of authority
  • information that can’t be evaluated independently
  • information that is correct by definition
  • authorities making untestable propositions
  • Why would you feel less silly getting the same wrong information from Britannica than from me? Because Britannica is an authoritative source.
  • Like everything social, this is not a problem with a solution, just a dilemma with various equilibrium states, each of which in turn has characteristic disadvantages.)
    • David McGavock
      "Not a problem with a solution" - there's something very freeing about that idea. So often we try and fix nature and our social "states" but they are too dynamic for a fix.
  • Algorithmic authority
  • it takes in material from multiple sources, which sources themselves are not universally vetted for their trustworthiness, and it combines those sources in a way that doesn’t rely on any human manager to sign off on the results before they are published.
  • just an information tool.
  • people come to trust it.
  • produces good results
  • people become aware not just of their own trust but of the trust of others:
  • his is the transition to algorithmic authority.
  • spectrum of authority
  • Good enough to settle a bar bet
  • Evidence to include in a dissertation defense
  • he criticism that Wikipedia, say, is not an “authoritative source” is an attempt to end the debate by hiding the fact that authority is a social agreement,
    "Algorithmic authority is the decision to regard as authoritative an unmanaged process of extracting value from diverse, untrustworthy sources, without any human standing beside the result saying "Trust this because you trust me." This model of authority differs from personal or institutional authority, and has, I think, three critical characteristics. "
Philippe Scheimann

Engelbart: Augmenting Human Intellect (1962) - 0 views

  • y "augmenting human intellect" we mean increasing the capability of a man to approach a complex problem situation, to gain comprehension to suit his particular needs, and to derive solutions to problems.
David McGavock

"Alone Together": An MIT Professor's New Book Urges Us to Unplug | Fast Company - 0 views

  • I think there are ways in which we're constantly communicating and yet not making enough good connections, in a way that's to our detriment, to the detriment of our families and to our business organizations
  • We're not necessarily putting our investment in the ties that bind; we're putting our investment in the ties that preoccupy.
  • t's just something we need to learn to use when most appropriate, powerful, and in our best interest.
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  • if you don't learn how to be alone, you'll always be lonely, that loneliness is failed solitude.
  • capacity for generative solitude is very important for the creative process,
  • I think it's that place for hope and change and the new, and what can be different, and how things can be what they're not now. And I think we all want that.
    Her new book, Alone Together, completes a trilogy of investigations into the ways humans interact with technology. It can be, at times, a grim read. Fast Company spoke recently with Turkle about connecting, solitude, and how that compulsion to always have your BlackBerry on might actually be hurting your company's bottom line.
David McGavock

As We May Think - Magazine - The Atlantic - 1 views

  • Our ineptitude in getting at the record is largely caused by the artificiality of systems of indexing. When data of any sort are placed in storage, they are filed alphabetically or numerically, and information is found (when it is) by tracing it down from subclass to subclass. It can be in only one place, unless duplicates are used; one has to have rules as to which path will locate it, and the rules are cumbersome.
  • human mind
  • operates by association
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  • trails that are not frequently followed are prone to fade, items are not fully permanent, memory is transitory. Yet the speed of action, the intricacy of trails, the detail of mental pictures, is awe-inspiring beyond all else in nature.
  • Selection by association, rather than indexing, may yet be mechanized
  • memex is a device in which an individual stores all his books, records, and communications, and which is mechanized so that it may be consulted with exceeding speed and flexibility. It is an enlarged intimate supplement to his memory.
  • "memex"
  • It affords an immediate step, however, to associative indexing, the basic idea of which is a provision whereby any item may be caused at will to select immediately and automatically another.
  • It is exactly as though the physical items had been gathered together from widely separated sources and bound together to form a new book
  • And his trails do not fade.
  • photographs the whole trail out, and passes it to his friend for insertion in his own memex, there to be linked into the more general trail.
  • Wholly new forms of encyclopedias will appear, ready made with a mesh of associative trails running through them, ready to be dropped into the memex and there amplified.
    All of this sounds a lot like social bookmarking - Diigo, Delicious, others.
David McGavock

TheBrain :: Writing and Creative Projects - 6 views

    "Writing and Creative Projects - Visualize Characters, Events and Ideas. Create a digital thinking space for where all your ideas come to life. Whether it's your next company whitepaper or epic novel, aggregating all your inspirations in a way that captures your vision will take any writing project to new heights."
David McGavock

Howard Rheingold's Public Sphere in Internet Age Widget - howardrheingold's posterous - 3 views

    "Howard Rheingold's Public Sphere in Internet Age Widget" Howard opens my eyes to the political and historical influence of information and technology. In this he reflects on how technology might change interactions, information, organizing and public influence.
Peter Pappas

A Taxonomy of Reflection: Critical Thinking For Students, Teachers, and Principals - 5 views

    In an effort to help schools become more reflective learning environments, I've developed this "Taxonomy of Reflection." - modeled on Bloom's approach. It's posted in four installments: 1. A Taxonomy of Reflection 2. The Reflective Student 3. The Reflective Teacher 4. The Reflective Principal I also have developed a Prezi version of the Taxonomy
David McGavock

Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice - 2 views

  • Beginning in the mid-1970s, the decline of U.S. workplace productivity, rising unemployment, losses in market share to Japan and Germany, and swift technological changes led corporate and civic leaders to locate reasons for poor economic performance. Within a few years, these policy elites “educationalized” the problem by pointing to low SAT test scores and high school graduates unprepared for the workplace. Schools got blamed for U.S. slipping competitiveness.
    • David McGavock
      School Failure or Social Failure. Interesting that people identify a problem (poor economic performance) and assign a cause (school failure).
  • Missing in all of the talk and mandates aimed at improving teacher quality are the traditional moral obligations of teaching the young be they preschoolers or graduate students….
  • Intellectual attentiveness means concentrating on what students know, feel, and think about the content and skills to be learned–the technical side of teaching–but then go on to deepen their understanding of the world and their capacity to continue learning.
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  • Moral attentiveness means to concentrate on helping students grow as persons in grace and sensitivity, becoming more rather than less thoughtful about ideas, becoming more rather than less respectful of others’ views, and becoming more rather than less responsible for reducing social injustice. Questions of what is fair, right, and just arise constantly in classrooms; students learn moral sensibilities from how their teachers answer those questions….
  • If a professor, for example, only calls on the brightest, most verbal students in the class, snipes at students’ answers that call into question the professor’s statements, and provides few comments on students’ written work, students learn about fairness, independent inquiry, and the moral character of their professor.
  • In teaching we display our views of knowledge and learning, we advertise our ideas, how we reason, and how we struggle with moral choices whether we intend to or not.
  • Technical competence, as important as it is in teaching, is insufficient to make a whole teacher or a complete student
  • approach life and the classroom with humility.
  • what troubles me is the cramped image of teaching that has emerged from these reforms. The constricted picture is one where the teacher is a technically competent supplier of information and skills. It is an incomplete image of teaching.
    control turning around failing schools? Hardly. Michael Bloomberg and Joel Klein continue to run the New York City schools. Boston and Chicago mayors will still have their appointees overseeing schools. Business and civic leaders' faith that mayoral control is the key to "real" reform may be tarnished somewhat by D.C., Detroit, and Baltimore but it continues to entrance venture fund entrepreneurs and policy wonks inside the Beltway. Other mayors will learn from Fenty's loss that voters can turn on you if you fail to heed your community and give your
David McGavock

Sherry Turkle - 0 views

    "Sherry Turkle is Abby Rockefeller Mauzé Professor of the Social Studies of Science and Technology in the Program in Science, Technology, and Society at MIT and the founder (2001) and current director of the MIT Initiative on Technology and Self. Professor Turkle received a joint doctorate in sociology and personality psychology from Harvard University and is a licensed clinical psychologist. Professor Turkle is the author of Psychoanalytic Politics: Jacques Lacan and Freud's French Revolution (Basic Books, 1978; MIT Press paper, 1981; second revised edition, Guilford Press, 1992); The Second Self: Computers and the Human Spirit (Simon and Schuster, 1984; Touchstone paper, 1985; second revised edition, MIT Press, 2005); Life on the Screen: Identity in the Age of the Internet (Simon and Schuster, 1995; Touchstone paper, 1997); and Simulation and Its Discontents (MIT Press, 2009). She is the editor of three books about things and thinking, all published by the MIT Press: Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (2007); Falling for Science: Objects in Mind (2008); and The Inner History of Devices (2008). "
David McGavock

Shelly Terrell: Global Netweaver, Curator, PLN Builder | DMLcentral - 1 views

  • PLNs -- which she calls "passionate learning networks" and defines simply as "the people you choose to connect with and learn from."
  • Shelly has a list of resources for educators who want to use Skype and videoskype to go global with their classrooms.
  • "I get them to start with blogs, show them how to participate by commenting. They see how the conversation evolves. After they get comfortable, I encourage them to begin looking at other tools. Like our students, teachers evolve at different paces...You have to participate to build community.
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  • Asking for help is important -- just as we teach our students every day. It opens a conversation. Be willing to listen. Be willing to let the conversation take you where it's going to take you, because often it takes you to a completely different place than you originally imagined.”
    When I started using social media in the classroom, I looked for and began to learn from more experienced educators. First, I read and then tried to comment usefully on their blog posts and tweets. When I began to understand who knew what in the world of social media in education, I narrowed my focus to the most knowledgeable and adventurous among them. I paid attention to the people the savviest social media educators paid attention to. I added and subtracted voices from my attention network, listened and followed, then commented and opened conversations. When I found something I thought would interest the friends and strangers I was learning from, I passed along my own learning through my blogs and Twitterstream. I asked questions, asked for help, and eventually started providing answers and assistance to those who seemed to know less than I. The teachers I had been learning from had a name for what I was doing -- "growing a personal learning network." So I started looking for and learning from people who talked about HOW to grow a "PLN" as the enthusiasts called them. Learning innovator Will Richardson led me to Shelly Terrell, who genuinely lives out her "collaborate for change" maxim.
    Personal Learning Networks can be important in helping you find authorities in a field. A collection of professionals, a network of enthusiasts on a subject, can provide checks on opinion and fact.
David McGavock

Critical Reading - 1 views

  • Critical reading means thinking carefully about an author’s claims, rather than accepting these claims at face value. It requires several skills: ·        identifying the claims or arguments of a text; ·        evaluating the logic of these arguments; ·        determining whether the author has presented sufficient and valid evidence in support of these arguments; and ·        considering alternative evidence and arguments that might challenge the author’s claims. Why bother?  Because if you don’t read critically, you may miss the main arguments of the text, or – worse – your opinions may be influenced by bogus arguments.
  • 1.       Claims:  What are the main claims or arguments in the text?  What is the author’s main point? 2.      Logic:  How does the author reach these conclusions?  What are the steps in the author’s reasoning or logic?  Is this logic sound? 3.      Evidence:  What evidence does the author present to support the argument(s)?  Does the author offer enough evidence?  Is this evidence convincing?  Can you think of any counter-evidence that would challenge the author’s claims? 4.      Assumptions:  Does the author rely on hidden assumptions?  If so, are these assumptions correct? 5.      alternative arguments:  Can you think of alternative arguments that the author has not considered?
    "Critical reading means thinking carefully about an author's claims, rather than accepting these claims at face value. It requires several skills: · identifying the claims or arguments of a text; · evaluating the logic of these arguments; · determining whether the author has presented sufficient and valid evidence in support of these arguments; and · considering alternative evidence and arguments that might challenge the author's claims. Why bother? Because if you don't read critically, you may miss the main arguments of the text, or - worse - your opinions may be influenced by bogus arguments."
    When you are reading for understanding, here are some questions to ask. They will help you weigh the arguments and check for validity.
    How does this apply to Internet searches? We are looking for authority. What are the practices we should adopt to navigate the network world?
David McGavock

A People's History of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 2 views

    "A People's History of the United States - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A People's History of the United States Author Howard Zinn Country United States Publisher Harper & Row; HarperCollins Publication date 1980 (1st edition); 2003 (most recent edition) Pages 729 pp (2003 edition) ISBN see Current editions section A People's History of the United States is a 1980 non-fiction book by late American historian and political scientist Howard Zinn. In the book, Zinn seeks to present American history through the eyes of the common people rather than political and economic elites. A People's History has become a major success and was a runner-up in 1980 for the National Book Award. It has been adopted for reading in some high schools and colleges across the United States and has been frequently revised, with the most recent edition covering events through 2005. In 2003, Zinn was awarded the Prix des Amis du Monde Diplomatique for the French version of this book, Une histoire populaire des Etats-Unis.[1] Over one million copies have been sold."
    Howard Zinn writes history from an alternative perspective - an important and essential skill if we intend to think critically.
David McGavock

Trouble with Rubrics - 2 views

  • Any form of assessment that encourages students to keep asking, “How am I doing?” is likely to change how they look at themselves and at what they’re learning, usually for the worse.
  • It matters whether the objective is to (1) rank kids against one another, (2) provide an extrinsic inducement for them to try harder, or (3) offer feedback that will help them become more adept at, and excited about, what they’re doing. 
    "The Trouble with Rubrics" By Alfie Kohn Once upon a time I vaguely thought of assessment in dichotomous terms: The old approach, which consisted mostly of letter grades, was crude and uninformative, while the new approach, which included things like portfolios and rubrics, was detailed and authentic. Only much later did I look more carefully at the individual floats rolling by in the alternative assessment parade -- and stop cheering."
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    Distinction between paying attention to the creation vs paying attention to someone else's judgement of creation
    Another key thought - the goal; help students become more adept and excited about what they are doing.
    Alfie Kohn presses us to think more critically about how and why we assess students. What does it do for learning.
David McGavock

Videatives | What is a Videative? - 6 views

    "Videatives come to you in five ways Streaming Video, Instant Downloads, CDs, eCourses, Bi-weekly Blog The word videative [vid´-é-ã-tive] refers to the combination of text and video segments to create an integrated viewing experience (video + narrative = videative). The text explains the video and the video exemplifies the text. Use videatives to see how children think, to see how to support their learning, and to see how to prepare environments that engage children in rich problem solving. Use videatives to add authenticity to your lectures or clarity to your training sessions. Share videatives with parents to help them understand the value of play and the subtle ways a teacher can help children reflect on their own experiences."
David McGavock

Semantic Web In Action - Faviki | - 1 views

    "10 March 2010 2 Comments Semantic Web In Action - Faviki The bookmark is at its very core a placeholder. Whereas a single bookmark will suffice for a cozy read by the fireplace, bookmarking on the Web proves to be another matter entirely. Social bookmarking sites like Delicious and StumbleUpon allow users to tag their bookmarks, essentially leaving a digital breadcrumb. Tagging enables users to search through their own previously saved bookmarks, those of friends in their networks, and the collective group of social bookmarking Faviki users, to find content related to their keyword interest. Still, how do I know that other users share my own naming conventions (Semantic.Web vs. Semantic_Web vs. Semantic-Web) or perception of content meaning (" dough" as in a slang term for money or a baking ingredient for making pizza) when they tag their bookmarks? Enter Faviki, a semantic social bookmarking service."
    The semantic web may further our ability to make connections with information and knowledge on the web. In the hands of a skillful person this could help us be more discriminating and detailed in our conclusions.
David McGavock

Critical Thinking Challenge: Join the Wikileaks Debate - 1 views

    "Critical Thinking Challenge: Join the WikiLeaks Debate By Breanne Harris on December 9, 2010 First question: Were you scared to click on this leak? According to a State Official speaking to students at Columbia University, you should be! An email sent to students from the University of Career Services center, said you should avoid linking to or commenting on anything regarding WikiLeaks if you ever plan to apply for a job in the federal government. The WikiLeaks scandal continues to dominate headlines and create a great opportunity for a critical thinking debate. Much like our Open Debate on TSA Policies, we'd like to open a debate on this issues surrounding the WikiLeaks issue."
Bill Bell

More search help : Google search basics - Web Search Help - 0 views

    • Bill Bell
      AROUND(n) - infix proximity operator (undocumented)
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