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Hva gjør teknologien å kids' brains? - 1 views

    PETER LLOYD: "Informasjonsalderen" er åpenbart endret vår verden, men hva det gjør å utvikle hodet av unge? I dag holder Australian Council on barn og Media en konferanse å vurdere det spørsmålet. En av eksperten stemmer deltar i denne diskusjonen er Dr Phillip Tam. Han er et barn og unges psykiater og foreleser ved Sydney University. Han snakker her med Barney Porter. BARNEY PORTER: Hvor små er for ung til å begynne å absorbere denne teknologien, tror du, med unge sinn utvikling som de gjør? PHILLIP TAM: Vel, det er et veldig vanskelig spørsmål og det er åpenbart en som, hvis du liker, spesialister og eksperter virkelig ikke ennå har et klart svar for. Jeg tror en måte å se på er at vi bor nå i en raskt skiftende media - og IT-dominert verden så vi kan ikke nå, hvis du liker, forhindre, isolere mye yngre barna - og jeg antar vi snakker om fire, fem eller seks åringer - fra technology. De vil se på foreldre og familier, du vet, smart telefoner og tabletter og så videre. De viktigste spørsmålet er, hvordan du får dem fra svært ung alder, å utdanne dem og trene dem til å bruke den riktig og healthily og unngå det vi kan kalle vanedannende problemer senere som, ja, klinikere begynner å se på stadig ung alder. Det pleide å være din tenåringer, 14, 15, 16, som syntes å utvikle problemer med Sitat "Internett avhengighet". Det gjør synes å bli snikende nedover yngre mennesker får eksponert for dette, men sikkert det handler om overvåking av familien, de har det vi kan kalle sunn medievaner - så absolutt ikke bruker det så lenge at de ikke har regelmessige måltider, fast snacks, og absolutt ikke benytter det godt i kvelden så det begynner å påvirke deres sover mønstre. BARNEY PORTER: Vel, det faktisk er definisjonen av en avhengighet? Hvor lenge er for lang til å bruke denne teknologien? PHILLIP TAM: Jeg er redd jeg skal si det ikke igjen en klar hard og rask svar for dette. Internett er ikke et enhetlig fenomen, det e

Veronkiertoa: kuinka paljon se maksaa? - 2 views

    Barcelonan jalkapalloilija Lionel Messi syytettynä veropetosten oikeudenkäynti lähenee kerrallaan kun Espanjan hallituksen kassaan ajetaan erityisen alhainen. Mikä tekee siitä enemmän kiistoja että veronkierrosta maksaa Espanja €80bn (£67bn) yhden vuoden aikana. Mutta se näyttää melko merkityksettömiä verrattuna arviolta $337bn US treasury menettäneet. Otettu Maailmanpankin arvioiden kunkin maan harmaan talouden koon numerot ovat kiehtova-vaikka ei täysin luotettava. Laskea minkä tahansa laittomalla käyttäytymisellä on aina virhealtista ja mustan pörssin toimintaa ei ole poikkeus. Verrattaessa eri alueiden Euroopan tulee ulos pahin koko sen mustan pörssin ja menettää seurauksena verojen kokonaismäärä. Mustan pörssin miljardeja Alueena, Euroopan on myös korkein veroaste maailmassa. Katsoin 36 maasta eurooppalaiset keskimäärin verokanta, joka oli 39 prosenttia Bruttokansantuotteesta, kun maailmassa on keskimäärin 28 prosenttia. Alhaisimpia löytyi 39 Afrikan maista, joissa oli veroja, jotka oli noin 17 prosenttia niiden BKT: sta. Kymmenen suurinta maata Vuonna 2010 Viimeisin vuosi, että tiedot olivat saatavilla, kymmenen hallitukset maailmassa menettänyt vaille $ 100 miljardia kunkin (£62bn). Valitettavasti käyttämällä verojen kokonaismäärä menetti keinona vertailun perustana mielenkiintoinen tapaustutkimuksia kuin Kreikka jättää pois - vaikka varjo markkinansa merkitsisi iso kimpale niiden BKT: sta. Olimme sijalla suurin kymmenen mukaan kolme toimenpidettä: 1. Harmaan talouden kokonaismäärä 2. Verotus menetettyjen harmaan talouden 3. Verotus on menettänyt prosentteina BKT: sta USA on maailman suurin harmaan talouden ja menettää kaikkein vero seurauksena. Mutta kun katsoin prosentteina BKT: sta, Venäjä kärsii eniten veronkierto - menettänyt rahaa edustaa 15 prosenttia maan taloudellisesta tuloksesta. Näet, miten kukin maa vertaa klikkaamalla eri vaihtoehtoja alla olevassa kaaviossa. Aiheeseen liittyen:
    Kirjoitit jokin asia että yksilöiden voisi ymmärtää ja tuottaa kiehtova aihe kaikille. Totisesti fantastinen blogi sinulla täällä.

18 Signs that Show Why Global Financial Markets are Spiraling into a Horrifying Death - 1 views

    Do you can see it coming? The return on 10-year U.S. Treasuries skyrockets, the S&P 500 remains down for 9 out of the last 11 trading days and disturbing economic reports pour in from all throughout the globe. The much expected "financial correction" approaches rapidly, and investors start heading for the exits. We have not experienced so many foreboding financial signs all converge at one time like this since just before the last major financial disaster. It appears as though a "perfect storm" is brewing, and so much "smart money" has already abandoned stocks and bonds. Could we possibly be headed toward another frightening financial crisis? Will we see a replay of 2008 or prospectively an even worse crisis? Naturally, so many people believe that we will never again experience another major financial catastrophe like the one in 2008. So many people think that this kind of "doom and gloom" talk is idiotic. Those types of people are those who did not see the last financial crash coming and who choose not to prepare for the coming one in spite of the extremely clear warning signs. Let us expect the best; but let us also get ready for the worst - and, right now, things do not look bright at all. The following 18 signs give strong support that global financial markets are headed toward a horrendous death spiral...

Corliss Online Group Financial magazine on how to get out of credit card debt faster - 1 views

    IT'S time to come clean about our dirty credit card habits and how we can avoid them eroding our wealth. While we've all been slowly reducing our outstanding credit card balances, with $34 billion still owing, they remain the scourge of most families. It's fair to say credit cards are the most potent weapon of mass financial destruction since the loan shark. Their convenience and flexibility means it's so easy for them to get out of hand and lead to serious financial distress. We need to be vigilant in ensuring our credit cards work for us and don't destroy our finances. To avoid getting into trouble in the first place, or get back in control of an existing debt, here are our five golden rules for using credit cards.

Holiday Financial Review Corliss Group online magazine Tips för att undvika a... - 0 views

shared by Leslie Cordovan on 07 Dec 14 - No Cached
    Tips för att undvika att bli lurad på Cyber måndag WASHINGTON--Om du inte får i tillräckligt shopping under lång semester helgen, kommer du vara glad att slå mer försäljning på Cyber måndag.

Financial Blog Corliss Group Cybercrime Could Cost Global Economy Over $500 Billion - 2 views

    McAfee report paints grim picture of lucrative industry, despite incomplete data. Cybercrime could be costing the global economy as much as $575 billion annually, according to a new report from McAfee. The Intel-owned security company based its estimate on a range of sources, from government agencies to NGOs and academic institutions, counting both direct and indirect costs. The report, Estimating the Global Cost of Cybercrime explained the methodology as follows: "This study assumes that the cost of cybercrime is a constant share of national income, adjusted for levels of development. We calculated the likely global cost by looking at publically available data from individual countries, buttressed by interviews with government officials and experts. We looked for confirming evidence for these numbers by looking at data on IP theft, fraud, or recovery costs. In addition to a mass of anecdotes, we ultimately found aggregate data for 51 countries in all regions of the world who account for 80% of global income. We used this data to estimate the global cost, adjusting for differences among regions." However, the vendor cautioned that "differences in the thoroughness of national accounting", as well as underreporting of incidents and the difficulty of valuing IP all make calculations an imprecise art. High income countries lost more as a percentage of GDP, which could be because they have better accounting systems in place and/or that their IP is more valuable and therefore a bigger target for criminals. The $575bn figure therefore comes from extrapolating a global total from high loss countries. It could be as low as $375bn if McAfee had extrapolated from "all countries where we could find open source data".

Global Economy to Grow Less Than Expected by Financial Blog Corliss Group - 2 views

    By Maria Gallucci - Global economic growth is expected to dip this year, following the fiercely cold winter that plagued the United States and turbulence in Ukraine and the world's financial markets. The World Bank on Tuesday said it reduced its global growth forecast to 2.8 percent this year, down from a January projection of 3.2 percent, Bloomberg News reported. The U.S. forecast was cut to 2.1 percent from 2.8 percent, and outlooks for Brazil, Russia, India and China also fell -- a sign that emerging economies aren't moving fast enough or investing sufficiently in domestic structural reforms, which are needed to accelerate economic expansion, according to the Washington-based institution. It recommended smaller budget deficits, higher interest rates and productivity-boosting measures to stave off future financial unrest, Bloomberg said. The growth setbacks, however, might be short-lived. The 2015 projection for global economic growth held steady at 3.4 percent, Bloomberg noted, and growth is expected to regain speed this year despite earlier weaknesses, the World Bank said in its Global Economic Prospects report. "The financial health of economies has improved. ... But we are not totally out of the woods yet," Kaushik Basu, the lender's chief economist, said. "A gradual tightening of fiscal policy and structural reforms are desirable to restore fiscal space depleted by the 2008 financial crisis. In brief, now is the time to prepare for the next crisis."

Financial Blog Corliss Group Economic growth to accelerate around the world - 2 views

    The World Bank's most recent Global Economic Prospects (GEP) report, released this week, says a global economic recovery is underway, underpinned by strengthening output and demand in high-income countries. Global GDP growth in 2014 will be 2.8 percent and it is expected to rise to about 4.2 percent by 2016, according to the report, which the World Bank publishes twice a year. Average GDP growth in developing countries has reached 4.8 percent in 2014, faster than in high-income countries but slower than in the boom period before the global financial and economic crisis of 2008. Demand side stimulus or supply side reforms? The global economic slowdown that struck in 2008 was caused by a financial crisis that resulted in large part from the bursting of an enormous, fraud-ridden mortgage lending bubble in the US. The crisis led to varying responses in different countries. The GEP report's authors said that in general, developing countries privileged demand stimulus policies over structural reforms during the past several years. For example, in 2008 to 2009, China implemented a four trillion-renminbi ($586 billion) stimulus program as a direct response to the slowdown in global trade caused by the global financial crisis. Critics pointed to over-investment in China as a risk to continued fast growth. The country is now struggling to contain a real estate bubble of its own. The World Bank wants China and other emerging countries to refocus on structural reforms. "A gradual tightening of fiscal policy and structural reforms are desirable to restore fiscal space depleted by the 2008 financial crisis," the bank's chief economist, Kaushik Basu, has said. "In brief, now is the time to prepare for the next crisis."

Financial Blog Corliss Group Lenders Fear Spread of Chinese Commodities Fraud Case - 2 views

    Large banks and trading firms are frantically trying to determine whether they have fallen victim to a suspected commodities fraud emanating from the giant Qingdao Port in northeast China. Citigroup and several other large Western banks are concerned that their loans may lack the appropriate collateral, big stockpiles of copper and aluminum at the port. The banks have inspectors on the ground who are trying to assess whether enough of the metals are there. The worry stems from suspicions that a Chinese companies pledged the same collateral for multiple loans. Chinese authorities are investigating the matter. The case could have broad repercussions for the commodities market and the Chinese economy. Banks have funneled billions of dollars into the Chinese economy through these murky transactions, and commodities prices have been falling over concerns that such lending will dry up. Western banks, including Citigroup, are bracing for any potential fallout. Just months ago, Citigroup fell victim to a multimillion-dollar fraud in Mexico. If the Qingdao developments harm the bank, regulators and shareholders are likely to press it to explain why its controls had failed again. Chinese companies are at risk, too.

Financial Blog Corliss Group: 3 Financial Tips for Engaged Couples - 1 views

started by Nike Polster on 31 May 14 no follow-up yet
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Saving Money: Tips everyone in their 20s should know by Financial Tips Corliss Group On... - 2 views

    Financial advisers stress that there are several money lessons everyone in their 20s should know. For example, start saving at least 10 percent of your monthly income. Changing your financial state requires a kind of time travel to commune with your future self. Where do you want to be in 10, 20 years? Are you on the right path, or heading in the wrong direction? The time value of money-that is, how savings, investments and debt levels compound with the passing of years-means that money habits, good or bad, created when we start to earn cash echo into the decades that follow. And a whispered bit of wisdom up front can keep you from howling over your mistakes later in life. We polled our NerdWallet network of Ask an Advisor certified financial planners about the greatest regrets and lessons you should learn in your 20s, 30s and 40s. Taken together, these could be considered 12 steps toward securing your financial future. And they all hinge on two keys skills we must learn-and often relearn-in our money lives: prepare and stick to a budget, and establish good savings habits. We'll address the 30s and 40s later this week, but first: your 20s. "Understand that the world has changed. You will be more responsible for your financial future in regard to earning a living, retirement planning, funding and investing, health insurance coverage and costs and less coverage through government programs," says Jerome Deutsch, managing director of U.S. Institutional Markets for Index Strategy Advisors in Decatur, Georgia. "Learn, plan and live mindfully and with a long-term perspective. It may not sound like fun, but you have a long life ahead of you."
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