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Kari Salomon

Moving Image Archive: Over a MILLION free digital movies, films and videos- downloadabl... - 12 views This is an incredible resource for many different types of media. The Archive's Moving Images library is chock full of free movies, films, and videos. This librar...

Animation & Cartoons Arts & Music Community Video Computers & Technology Cultural & Academic Films Ephemeral Films Movies News & Public Affairs Prelinger Archives social studies Copyright Free Educational high school middle school science free Spiritualit

started by Kari Salomon on 28 Jun 13 no follow-up yet
George Bradford

DE Tools Of The Trade - 3 views

    Originally shared by Julia Hollins on 15 Jul 13. The original post was removed and this one shared instead, due to technical issue with the original post. Webtools and resources for online educators. Digital images and video were the first two forms of this communication and have played an integral part of human interaction. The ease of creating and capturing digital imagery has enabled proliferation, making our interactions with online learning sources largely visual. With that being said, the content to express ideas through music, visuals or other forms of art has contributed to the proliferation of online repositories (Chang, Smith, Beigi, & Benitez, 1997). Visual imagery and information is assessed and evaluated according to multiple forms (e.g., still images, video, sequences, computer graphics, animations and stereoscopic images), which extend to multi-view devices and 3D videos. This was one of the reasons why the following websites were selected for this discussion and evaluation (Chang, Smith, Beigi, & Benitez, 1997).
Randy Robbins

Vimeo - 1 views Vimeo is to video what Flickr is to images. This site is an online community for film makers, both professional and amateur. The site is free to use, both...

copyright-free free video high school

started by Randy Robbins on 05 Jul 13 no follow-up yet
Brandon Thompson

Construction of the Cell Membrane - 1 views

  • Construction of the Cell Membrane
  • Description: "The student will study the structure of the cell membrane by constructing it using the correct molecules." Learning object relevant to health sciences students studying nutrition, biochemistry and pharmacology
    MERLOT which stands for "Multimedia Educational Resources for Learning and Online Teaching" is repository site that contains images, video, as well as audio. The site contains information suitable for all grade levels k-12, however the resources being looked at or 9-12 Science resources. MERLOT is an established community of resources that offers a variety of resources to its members. User can browse for material across many different subject matters. They can also create a collection of resources to use with learning exercises to practice or teach concepts. MERLOT also provides its user with the opportunity to meet and collaborate with expert's virtually form all over.
Lorin Heaton

American Rhetoric - - 2 views

This site functions as a repository for text, audio, and video speeches from present and historical eras. The information presented would be helpful in both the k-12 and higher education environme...

copyright-free historical_speeches movie_speech_clips higher_education_audio_resources k-12_audio_resources transcribed_speeches American_rhetoric communications public_speaking history

started by Lorin Heaton on 28 Mar 14 no follow-up yet

USFWS National Digital Library - 0 views

    The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's National Digital Library provides a collection of images, historical artifacts, audio clips, publications, and videos. Unless marked for private use, most of the collection is in the public domain. Instead of providing artifacts entirely based on the variety of fish and wildlife in the U.S., the website mainly focuses on artifacts on the services provided by the department. The artifacts that are based on the fish and wildlife would make excellent items to include in science classes of all ages. The artifacts based on the services provided would be better suited for high school social studies classes or any type of community involvement subject. The collection is huge, with a lot of information that is too "specialized" (documents outlining conservation plans of specific complexes), users of the site should use the search function over the browse function.
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