Ok, so I like this link because it emphasizes one often ignored point about "powerpoint" and similar softwares ... they're PRESENTATION tools, not online tools per se. I am rather surprised to find that many faculty are still loading publisher or home-grown Face-2-Face slide presentations into online courses and calling it engaging content... no, clipart is NOT engaging!
This ZaidLearn article is a good primer for anyone preparing a F2F presentation that is not intended for Web distribution... opinion alert! Seems we should respect these as two different mediums!
Sometimes very K-12 in focus, the Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education (CITE) journal never fails to inspire with well written articles across a variety of topics interesting to educators generally.
Perhaps it is because I just spent three days in a vortex of design in Moodle after having lived in the WebCT/Blackboard Vista 4 world for a while that I feel some affinity for this article's premise. Perhaps. Still, the issue of a forced pedagogy in the 'CMS/LMS' is a reality and I wonder... just how do faculty go beyond surviving and reach "thriving" in eLearning who have no web design or learning design "skill"? Well, something to consider.
Described as a resource for "adult educators in Colorado who wish to integrate technology into instruction". CCCOnline's very own Leecy Wise is editor for this newsletter. I find it a great refresher of skills and inspiration to try new things.
Lisa has been teaching online since 2002 and designing online learning since the 1990s. Connect with me on LinkedIn at - http://www.linkedin.com/in/kuriousmind