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Tom julick

What s Your Kids Play Now - 0 views

    Formula 1 RC cars, vintage RC cars, concept RC cars, mini/micro RC cars are today s kids playing toys. If your kids don t have them, maybe it t the time you should think of getting one for them. They are toy grade RC cars which are easy to control while cause no danger to the players. If you prefer playing or racing indoors or have limited space to play, there are small but fast car models. Popular models are the 1/18 Mini and the 1/52 micro models with stunning details like running with head light, the rotor sound like a real engine, or the Mini Cooper model with detailed interior, as well as high realistic outlooks.
Professional Learning Board

Wi-Fi Detector T-Shirt - 0 views

    Yes that's correct this is a Wi-Fi Detector t-shirt. Way too cool for the geek in your life (or, the geek you are).
Heather Hurley

Museum Box Homepage - 0 views

    his site provides the tools for you to build up an argument or description of an event, person or historical period by placing items in a virtual box.T
Jeff Johnson

O'Reilly Network -- What Is a Wiki (and How to Use One for Your Projects) - 0 views

  • A wiki is a website where users can add, remove, and edit every page using a web browser. It's so terrifically easy for people to jump in and revise pages that wikis are becoming known as the tool of choice for large, multiple-participant projects. In this Article: Wikis Work for Big Projects Choosing a Wiki Advantages to Using a Wiki Disadvantages to Using a Wiki Using a Wiki Somewhere, in a dimly lit classroom, a library bench, or in a home study, some lucky so-and-so is writing an essay from beginning to end with no notes. This splendid individual is able to craft entire sections without forgetting by the end what the section was intended to include at the beginning, and can weave a carefully paced argument with thoughts and references collected over a period of months, all perfectly recollected. Neither of your authors is this person. Instead, we need help, and that help comes in the shape of a wiki. A wiki is a website where every page can be edited in a web browser, by whomever happens to be reading it. It's so terrifically easy for people to jump in and revise pages that wikis are becoming known as the tool of choice for large, multiple-participant projects. This tutorial is about how to effectively use a wiki to keep notes and share ideas amongst a group of people, and how to organize that wiki to avoid lost thoughts and encourage serendipity.
Cerese Godfrey

Cerese's Conversations - Cerese Godfrey [CereseG] on Plurk - 0 views

shared by Cerese Godfrey on 26 Sep 09 - Cached
  • cfox2saysalong the bottom there is a plurk lottery where
  • g_teachasksGingerTPLC to check her PPsKathsaysgood evening all. Just got home from Baker class. 24 students in class this evening. Lots of questio
  • CereseGhatesto think of going to work the rest of this year. I am so tire of this upheavals!!...111/11StacysaysSo, if you're 15 and you cry, you can get through to the male judges?...51/11Stacysaysshould I shovel now or wait until tomorrow?...12g_teachsaysdownloaded a chess app for my iPod4bknittlewonderswhich of my plurk pals will be heading to EduCon....2McTeach Seriously, I absolutely hate leaving a meeting feeling that angry at how MY time is of no value to administrators!...1elainejsaysday was mtgs from start to now. Yikes! Need to go to the groc then home to take something for my throat....Godtessshareshave you seen My Blackberry is not Working? ...3Amy Cordova I am tired!1/11Stacysayscheck it out: contracts negotiated, proposals written - now wait on 6 boards to approve or deny, 15 others are onboard!...9angiemc99askswhen something has to go in your day...what do you drop? (Due to lack of time)
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • via Pinterest
Jeff Johnson

Crickweb | Flash Page - 0 views

    Free to use interactive resources for Primary schools covering Literacy, Numeracy, Science, History, Geography, R.E., D.T., French and Spanish
Michael Wacker

21 Things for the 21st Century Educator - Home - 17 views

    The purpose of this course is to provide "Just in Time" training through an online interface for K-12 educators based on the National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS-T). These standards are the basic technology skills every educator should possess. In the process, educators will develop their own skills and discover what students need in order to meet the NETS for Students, as well as the new MMC Online Experience requirement. Participants who fulfill all of the requirements have the opportunity to earn SBCEU's. To learn more about the session, look under the tab "The 21 Things". We hope you take advantage of this unique opportunity.
Professional Learning Board

Cool Teacher Resource - 20 views

    The Kerpoof Studio website is owned and operated by the Walt Disney Company and true to form is super fun. According to this cool, free teacher resource, educators and students can discover things while being creative in the following ways: Make artwork (even if you aren't good at drawing!) Make an animated movie (really! it's easy!) Earn Koins which you can trade for fun things in the Kerpoof Store Make a printed card, t-shirt, or mug Tell a story Make a drawing Vote on the movies, stories, and drawings that other people have made
Justin Reeve

QR Code Generator: QR Stuff Free Online QR Code Creator And Encoder For T-Shirts, Busin... - 8 views

shared by Justin Reeve on 28 Nov 12 - Cached
    A cool way to generate QR codes for different sites.
Tiffanie Wick

Make your meetings memorable - 13 views

    A free meeting, screen sharing app with audio.  Sends everyone a copy of the shared documents and audio recording.
Lisa Winebrenner

sqrt(1-(abs(x)-1)^2), arccos(1-abs(x))-pi - Google Search - 13 views

    Graph for sqrt(​1-​(abs(​x)-​1)^​2), arccos(​1-​abs(​x))-​π
Lisa Winebrenner

ISTE Standards ‎(Things to Learn With)‎ - 0 views

    ISTE Standards - lessons aligned with ISTE NETS for students and teachers
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