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How To Do Social Bookmarking For SEO - 0 views

    How To Do Social Bookmarking For SEO Social Bookmarking What is social bookmarking
Eric G. Young

All My Faves - Vote for the Best Sites of 2012 - 0 views

  • is a homepage provider with which some of you may be familiar. The site organizes and curates website links into visually-oriented categories - encompassing everything from craft sites to webcam chat sites. It then displays them on a nicely pre-configured - or, if you wish, user-configured - ayout. I can tell you AMF makes an excellent, easy to use homepage - particularly if you are a visual person and need to be able to "see" your bookmarks rather than just have a list or collection of folders. I also like the great diversity of categories the site provides in organizing websites, and have found many sites and resources using AMF that I would not otherwise have found - including many helpful educational sites, writing sites and so on. That's why I think AMF is a potentially "cool tool for educators" to consider. In addition to this system, AMF provides "Weekly Faves." These are generally 10 weekly "faves" - i.e., new websites of particular interest. There is also at least one mobile app "fave." At the end of the year, users are invited to vote on further curated list of runner-ups if you will for the best new sites/services of the year. The voting for this year's "best of" ends today, so if you want to vote on the runner ups listed, go to the link I provided and cast your "likes" as votes. Once winners are announced, I will list them here.
Keith Chapman

Life is Short. Synopit. - 0 views

    makes an instant summary of the page that you bookmark.
Learning Today

Learning to Keep Track of Your Resources! - 0 views

    school, tool, technology, resources, bookmarking
Allison Burrell

searchzooka :: never type the same search twice - 1 views

    SEARCHzooka provides a one-stop organizing/bookmarking tool for all your advanced Internet searches. By saving your commonly-used searches, you can save time and effort by launching searches at the click of a button rather than typing and retyping the same searches.
izz aty

Using Diigo in the Classroom - Student Learning with Diigo - 0 views

  • Diigo is a powerful information capturing, storing, recalling and sharing tool. Here are just a few of the possibilities with Diigo
  • Personal Student Bookmarks
  • Extended Learning
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Bookmark Lists
  • Professional Development
  • Research 
Sean Quenzer

35 ways to use Twiducate for deeper learning. « taitcoles - 0 views

  • 18. Wordle Twiducate. The ‘print’ option enables you to upload all posts written in the class (also available for the ‘chat’ option), simply cut and paste this into Wordle and you will have a keyword cloud. This could be used for presentations, display, plenaries or starters. Put the word cloud up at the start of a lesson and ask the class “what do you think these students were writing about?”
  • 19. Student Twiducate Questions. Encourage your students to ask YOU questions. Perhaps you could set this up as a piece of homework, ask them to comment on a part of the lesson they perhaps they didn’t fully understand, or ask them to decide what they want to learn next lesson. By viewing posts before lessons you can plan directly for the specific needs of your class.
  • 26. Parent Page. This neat idea could be another way to communicate to parents about the fantastic and engaging learning that their children are doing in your lessons. You could write a brief synopsis of what students are learning in lessons, or to deepen learning ask each student in turn to add to the page; “Sarah, would you like to write three sentences to everyone’s parents about what we’ve learnt today?”
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • 29. Bookmark your presentations. Bookmark the PowerPoint, Prezi presentations that you have used in class. As well as the students having the opportunity to re read it etc, you could also ask them to produce a slide for the presentation as homework etc.
  • 34. Planning for teacher. Use the print option to view what you students have been chatting about, it may be very surprising. If they were all chatting about a certain concept, perhaps you will need to cover it again in another lesson in another way.
  • 35. Wordle it! Again using the print option in Twiducate, cut and paste the chat into Wordle and create a word cloud. This could be used for presentations, display, plenaries or starters. Put the word cloud up at the start of a lesson and ask the class “can you remeber what we were chatting about last lesson?”
  • For the more reluctant students, this allows students to discuss ideas BEFORE they post. Like any class dynamics some students will not be as comfortable as others in saying “but Sir! I don’t get it!”. Allow them to use this tool to ask other students about their learning.
HB Arif

Getting Started with Chrome extension - Diigo help - 0 views

  • Use the “Save” option to bookmark a page. Bookmarking saves a link to the page in your online Diigo library, allowing you to easily access it later.
  • Highlighting can also be accomplished from the context pop-up. After the Chrome extension is installed, whenever you select text on a webpage, the context pop-up will appear, allowing you to accomplish text-related annotation. Highlight Pop-up Menu – After you highlight some text, position your mouse cursor over it and the highlight pop-up menu will appear. The highlight pop-up menu allows you to add notes to, share, or delete the highlight.
  • Sticky Note Click the middle icon on the annotation toolbar to add a sticky note to the page. With a sticky note, you can write your thoughts anywhere on a web page.
naoto yamaguchi

50 Web 2.0 Sites for Schools - 18 views

50 Web 2.0 Sites for Schools 1 19pencils-Discover Resources. Help Your Students. Save Time. (Description) 19pencils (Content Summary) Search through millions of resources for stu...

Caroline Jouneau-Sion

Symbaloo - 17 views

    Une page d'accueil configurable qu'on peut partager avec ses amis, ses collègues ou sa classe. // A nice homepage on wich you can add tools, bookmarks and widgets for you, and share it with friends or students.
yasin kocak

Free Educational Videos - 0 views

    I found this Websites is very useful, you can find so much different kind of videos. It is an awesome Websites. Because visual is very important those days. Just look at the Google, Yahoo searching engineers, who is most popular searching web tool around the world, they put the images in second place. Visually is very important for all people especially for teachers, students and parents. I think if something is very popular and useful, we can find so many useful videos on this Websites.
naoto yamaguchi

Diigo - 0 views

    Social bookmarking for teachers where they can create free student accounts.
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