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Brian G. Dowling

Open Streets Project | Opening Streets to People, Sharing Resources, Transforming Communities - 0 views

    The Open Streets Project is a collaboration between the Alliance for Biking & Walking and The Street Plans Collaborative. The goal of the project is to share information about open streets and increase the number, size, and frequency of initiatives occurring across North America.
Brian G. Dowling

PlaceSpeak - Claim your place. Speak your mind. - 1 views

    Why should I get involved? Because you care about your community. PlaceSpeak transforms the way people interact with local decision-makers. For the first time, it will be possible to genuinely communicate based on where you live. What about my Privacy? Only you can see your profile. You alone control your public visibility settings. To others, you are a green dot on a map. When you connect with a topic, you confirm that you live within the relevant local area. PlaceSpeak is not funded by advertising and we will never sell or disclose your information.
Brian G. Dowling

Project for Public Spaces - Placemaking for Communities - 0 views

    • Brian G. Dowling
      Creating public spaces helps to create community. Related wiki page
    Project for Public Spaces (PPS) is a nonprofit planning, design and educational organization dedicated to helping people create and sustain public spaces that build stronger communities. Our pioneering Placemaking approach helps citizens transform their public spaces into vital places that highlight local assets, spur rejuvenation and serve common needs.
Brian G. Dowling

Project for Public Spaces Facebook - 0 views

    • Brian G. Dowling
      Warning don't Like this page go to the unannotated page. Related wiki page 
    Facebook for Project for Public Spaces (PPS) a nonprofit planning, design and educational organization dedicated to helping people create and sustain public spaces that build stronger communities. Our pioneering Placemaking approach helps citizens transform their public spaces into vital places that highlight local assets, spur rejuvenation and serve common needs.
Brian G. Dowling

Code for America Facebook Page - 0 views

    Code for America helps city governments become more transparent, connected and efficient by connecting the talents of cutting-edge web developers with people who deliver city services and want to embrace the transformative power of the web.
Brian G. Dowling - 1 views

    Over the past 30 years, the Main Street movement has transformed the way communities think about the revitalization and management of their downtowns and neighborhood commercial districts. Cities and towns across the nation have come to see that a prosperous, sustainable community is only as healthy as its core.
Brian G. Dowling

Sirolli Institute Enterprise Facilitation Economic Development - 0 views

    The Sirolli Institute is a Social Enterprise that consults and trains in the field of Local Economic Development and Corporate Social Responsibility. We believe that the future of every community lies in capturing the talent, energy and imagination of its people hence we specialize in responsive approaches to Local Development that grow the community from within, transforming passionate people into successful entrepreneurs.
Brian G. Dowling - Justin Baird: Battle of Big Thinking - 0 views

    • Brian G. Dowling
      Issues or problems to be solved versus governance and democracy.  The later interferes with the former. Argues that the power of individual people is uncovered.  Democracy is not seen as perfect just better than all the other ways. In a true democracy all funding would come from the people as a whole.  Democracy has we know it is inadequate.  It is slow, biased, inaccurate and expensive. Talks about pushing democracy to the original ideological principles but which one's Greek, English, American and whose version?  Is Leaving politicians in office even if we collectively want to change the system right now OK? Can we pick and choose policies instead of being forced into all or nothing?  Can we hold more elections (while at the same time pointing out increasing costs) Points out problem with technical issues (chads) which supposedly go away.  No fail-ability and instantaneous results based it seems on the same infrastructure that brings about social opinion online.  Landmark events Obama's election. Given the right catalyst democracy thrives through the power of the individual.  Individuals of like minds come together to create change.  A collective consciousness that bubbles up from each individual in the group.  This consciousness governs the way the group behaves. Complex Adaptive Theory how simple elements self organize into super organisms. Civilization or at least what is deemed to be civilization by two researchers without the use of reason. 
    • Brian G. Dowling
      Tries to make a case of similarity between the evolution of termites as a super organism and humans as a super organism seeking equivalence between ant colonies and human nations that only obstacle being language.  Really actually the same thing.   The super organism is more competent than the individual parts.  Argues for transformation by humans into a super global organism.  This global organism created is competing with nations. Held by ideas rather than genetics of insects. Cites Darwin both philosophically and photographically.  We are supposedly going to a better place because of technological evolution than we are now. Radical Inclusion supposed maturity in technology allow for problems to be brought up that are effecting this super organism and improve its self regulation.  Radical Inclusion is a vehicle for shifting the consciousness of this super organism we are a part of. Breaks down barriers of geography, language and politics. 
    • Brian G. Dowling
       Ideas can spread but does not mean they are good ideas. Top rated content. Claiming that  changes in Egypt were due to wanting to connect online rather than a local wish to change the government. Fast Unbiased Accurate and Inexpensive. Voting is available from anywhere to where though to whom. Stops bias supposedly supposedly more accountable but somebody is in control of the accounting.  Allows global votes so everyone can vote on the Secretary General of the UN rather than the nations. Brings up technical issues such as authentication or access to the internet. Come back is to compare this endeavor with putting a man on the moon. Done we are told with less computing power than with a regular cell phone. Then just implementation issues. Finishes up with From the very beginning we have loved one another and lived in the company of one another and through giving up much we have live strong to become the greatest power on earth. Love and ingenuity allowed the weakest of us to collectively triumph through it all villages become cities become states become super organism. Still waiting for it to mature though. Radical Inclusive Democracy is a step catalyst seems like genetic engineering. Online UN voting platform for COP15.  At that point focus was bringing accountability to advocacy. COP15 was a cop out is beside the point. Does Radical Inclusion permit responses to crisises against humanity will it allow harnessing the power of individuals of global change at speed. And do what is right for us all. 
    Google version of the digital revolution. Far from being a bad thing, he argues that the potential for creativity, the ability to connect and communicate and the ability to have ones voice heard is driving fundamental societal change. So, is the digital revolution leading us to a more democratic, more environmentally and socially conscious future? And better business models?
Brian G. Dowling

About the Journal | Murmurations: Journal of Transformative Systemic Practice - 0 views

    Murmurations showcases innovative and leading-edge professional and research practice and methodology. The journal treats writing and visual media as opportunities for dialogue, as forms of relational practice, as a form of reflexive inquiry where the writer, artist or film maker holds the audience in mind. 
Brian G. Dowling

Doughnut Economics Cambridge | A tool for transformative action - 0 views

    We seek to promote an economy based on doughnut principles in Cambridge. We will facilitate its introduction by empowering individuals and organisations with the knowledge and tools they need to co-create a more socially and ecologically just city.
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