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Brian G. Dowling

FSG - Social Impact Consultants - 0 views

    FSG is a mission-driven consulting firm supporting leaders in creating large-scale, lasting social change. Through strategy, evaluation, and research we help many types of actors - individually and collectively - make progress against the world's toughest problems. Our teams work across all sectors by partnering with leading foundations, businesses, nonprofits, and governments in every region of the globe. We seek to reimagine social change by identifying ways to maximize the impact of existing resources, amplifying the work of others to help advance knowledge and practice, and inspiring change agents around the world to achieve greater impact.
Brian G. Dowling

Resident Learning Exchange - 1 views

    Resident-Centered Community Building - What Makes It Different? In June 2012, forty-one leaders of community building efforts came together to share strategies and discuss lessons they have learned about how to improve conditions in disadvantaged communities. While gatherings like these happen regularly, this one was unusual; it was designed by and for community residents.
Brian G. Dowling

Innosight | Innovation Strategy Firm Founded by Clayton Christensen - 0 views

    OUR PHILOSOPHY IS UNIQUE in the consulting industry. We were founded by Clayton Christensen, professor and author of the best-selling books The Innovator's Dilemma and The Innovator's Solution, but we are not a typical "guru" firm. We have developed a series of market-tested tools and techniques that enable growth through innovation, but we are not a "black box." We deliver compelling workshops and speeches, but we are not "trainers."
Brian G. Dowling

ArtsFwd - next practices for arts leaders - 0 views

    ArtsFwd is an online community of arts and culture leaders committed to doing things differently in their organizations in order to stay relevant and vital in a changing world. We engage this community by sharing stories, providing tools, and fostering dialogue that celebrates the challenges, discoveries, and achievements of those who boldly experiment in pursuit of truly adaptive strategies.
Brian G. Dowling

To Make an Impact in a World of Brutality and Strife, a Funder Embraces Systems Thinkin... - 0 views

    Systems thinking, according to HU, has two important dimensions. One is the establishment of a new paradigm that understands global issues as inherently complex, multi-dimensional, conflictive and open to outside influence and intervention. A problem like slavery, for example, may seem intractable because of the economic interests it serves; in fact, the institutional and organizational linkages-the supply chains-that comprise slavery's power structure are vulnerable. The first step in system thinking is to map those linkages to better understand how they fit together and pinpoint their likely weak points. The next step is to devise a strategy that combines public advocacy, coalition building, insider lobbying, and investigative journalism to target those linkages, forcing those implicated in slavery, wittingly or unwittingly, to reform, and weakening the larger circuit of power over time.
Brian G. Dowling

Linear to Complex - Heart of the Art - 0 views

    Once you have understood the approach and strategies of the Complex paradigm, think of where you can start making changes in your organization or business model. Where do you use the Linear paradigm, and are those actually linear systems?  Some companies like to plan how their users should interact with their products, and typically don't allow them to configure their own solutions. What if you started preparing rather than planning?
Brian G. Dowling

Planning for Complete Communities (in Delaware' - 0 views

    Purpose The Delaware Complete Communities Planning Toolbox aims to help build local government capacity to develop: complete-communities planning approaches, community-design tools, and public engagement strategies.
Brian G. Dowling

Platform Design Toolkit Videos & Adopters Webinars - Platform Design Toolkit - 0 views

    Our Videos and Webinars are a mix between conversations with #PDToolkit adopters, open AMAs with the connected community and featured talks with special guests. They cover all about platforms and ecosystems and how the strategy of the connected organization needs to change in the XXIst century.
Brian G. Dowling

Future Now - 2 views

    Future Now pushes progress toward America's Goals, with a report card on each state and innovative cost-effective strategies to impact legislators, the media, partner organizations and the public.
Brian G. Dowling

Partnership for Sustainable Communities - 2 views

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Brian G. Dowling

Thinking Tools Studio - 2 views

    "The Habits of a Systems Thinker help learners understand how systems work and how actions taken can impact results seen over time. They encompass a spectrum of strategies that foster problem-solving and encourage questioning. The Thinking Tools Studio contains a course for each of the Habits. "
Brian G. Dowling

GENNA Alliance | Regenerative Communities in North America - 0 views

    The Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) catalyzes communities for a regenerative world. GEN is a growing network of regenerative communities and initiatives that bridge cultures, countries, and continents. GEN builds bridges between policy-makers, governments, NGOs, academics, entrepreneurs, activists, community networks and ecologically-minded individuals across the globe in order to develop strategies for a global transition to resilient communities and cultures.
Brian G. Dowling

Ten Strategies for Transforming Cities and Public Spaces through Placemaking - Project ... - 1 views

    Building inclusive, healthy, functional, and productive cities is perhaps the greatest challenge facing humanity today, and there are no easy solutions. A key part of the puzzle, though, lies right at the heart of the world's urban areas: its public spaces. Here are ten ways you can help strengthen the social fabric of your community and jump-start economic development by creating and sustaining healthy public spaces.
Brian G. Dowling

How to talk about food in En-ROADS - Climate Interactive - 0 views

    "En-ROADS is great for workshops and role-playing games to enable people to explore climate solutions from changes in our energy choices to adoption of new technologies in carbon removal. Our food system plays a significant part in strategies to address climate change, because it drives energy use through moving and producing food, and can be both a source of greenhouse gas emissions and removals. This post will help you talk about the food system with audiences when you are using En-ROADS. "
Brian G. Dowling

On the Commons - 3 views

    On the Commons (OTC) is a commons movement strategy center founded in 2001. Through our efforts, we help: Build and bring visibility to the commons movement; Initiate and catalyze commons work; and, Develop and encourage commons leadership. We believe it is possible to foster a commons-based society, which refers to a shift away from our market-based system, through new, collaborative ways of working.
Brian G. Dowling

What is Smart Growth? - Smart Growth Online - 0 views

    "Smart growth" covers a range of development and conservation strategies that help protect our health and natural environment and make our communities more attractive, economically stronger, and more socially diverse.
Brian G. Dowling

The beginning of system dynamics | McKinsey & Company - 0 views

    Two threads run through the story of how I came to develop the field of system dynamics. First, everything I have ever done has converged on system dynamics. Second, at many critical moments, when opportunity knocked, I was willing to walk through the open door to what was on the other side.
Brian G. Dowling

LA County Strategic Plan for Economic Development Facebook - 0 views

    The first-ever comprehensive, collaborative, consensus Strategic Plan for Economic Development in Los Angeles County, a clear, comprehensive, collaborative strategy that guides job and business retention, expansion and attraction.
Brian G. Dowling

Mayors Challenge: Take the Mayors Challenge - 0 views

    For the purposes of the Mayors Challenge, a great idea is one that shows bold and innovative thinking, a solid strategy for implementation, and the potential to generate measurable impact not just in your city, but in other cities, too. These ideas can either be visionary, back-of-the-napkin ideas, or things you've started (or started developing) that you now will take to completely new levels. The Mayors Challenge aims to encourage you to take an idea and make it bigger, better, and more impactful - to innovate! If you're looking for an award for something you've already done, this challenge is not for you.
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