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Brian G. Dowling - 1 views

    Over the past 30 years, the Main Street movement has transformed the way communities think about the revitalization and management of their downtowns and neighborhood commercial districts. Cities and towns across the nation have come to see that a prosperous, sustainable community is only as healthy as its core.
Brian G. Dowling

Facebook Indianapolis Cultural Trail: A Legacy of Gene & Marilyn Glick - 0 views

    The Indianapolis Cultural Trail: A Legacy of Gene & Marilyn Glick is a world-class urban bike and pedestrian path that connects neighborhoods, Cultural Districts, and entertainment amenities, and serves as hub for the central Indiana greenway system.
Brian G. Dowling

Indianapolis Cultural Trail : About - 0 views

    The Indianapolis Cultural Trail: A Legacy of Gene & Marilyn Glick is a world-class urban bike and pedestrian path that connects neighborhoods, Cultural Districts and entertainment amenities, and serves as the downtown hub for the entire central Indiana greenway system.

Brian G. Dowling

Cultural Strategies Initiative Facebook - 0 views

    It's time for the arts to get the respect and the resources they deserve. It is becomingly increasingly obvious that the arts make major contributions to the quality of life of our communities and societies, but it is also clear to us that arts have a major role in helping us discover those innovative ways of operating and being with each other that will allow us to build a truly sustainable future.
Brian G. Dowling

Partnership for Sustainable Communities - 2 views

    Link broken
Brian G. Dowling

Building for Sustainability - 0 views

    Chicago Community Loan Fund (CCLF) was originally conceived as a bridge between people who wanted to put their money to work "in their own backyard" and nonprofit organizations that serve low-wealth families and communities who need those dollars most. The mission of the Chicago Community Loan Fund is to provide flexible, affordable and responsible financing and technical assistance for community stabilization and development efforts and initiatives that benefit low- to moderate-income neighborhoods, families and individuals throughout metropolitan Chicago.
Brian G. Dowling

Introducing CIVIC SQUARE - CIVIC SQUARE - 0 views

    "A bold approach to visioning, building and investing in civic infrastructure for neighbourhoods of the future. "
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