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Brian G. Dowling

Welcome - The Global Institute on Innovation Districts (GIID) - 0 views

    A growing number of global leaders-driving both the theory and practice of innovation districts-have established The Global Institute on Innovation Districts.
Brian G. Dowling

Public Spending, by the People - 0 views

    From 2014 to 2015, more than 70,000 residents across the United States and Canada directly decided how their cities and districts should spend nearly $50 million in public funds through a process known as participatory budgeting (PB). PB is among the fastest growing forms of public engagement in local governance, having expanded to 46 communities in the U.S. and Canada in just 6 years.
Brian G. Dowling

Economic Mobility of the States: Interactive - 0 views

    Welcome to Economic Mobility of the States. This interactive tool captures the findings of the first analysis of Americans' economic mobility-their ability to move up or down the earnings ladder-on a state level. The study investigates Americans' mobility prospects during their prime working years-the 10-year span between ages 35-39 and 45-49. Our research focuses on individuals born between 1943 and 1958, with the most recent data coming from 2007 (see the Methodology to learn more). The interactive tool displays data for all 50 states and the District of Columbia, identifying where in the country Americans experience the best and worst mobility outcomes.
Brian G. Dowling

Center for Priority Based Budgeting™ - 0 views

    The Center for Priority Based Budgeting™ (CPBB), a Denver, Colorado-based, mission driven, organization established in 2010, provides technical and advisory services to assist local governments, school districts and other non-profit agencies achieve Fiscal Health and Wellness through Priority Based Budgeting. This creative and innovative process, developed by CPBB, enables communities to reassess their priorities in order to make sound, long-term funding decisions. Establishing a non-profit solidifies CPBB's mission of being a trusted advisor and a dependable, objective resource, assisting local government leaders who are seeking service excellence, transparency to their stakeholders and a strong desire to achieve the Results that are important to their community.
Brian G. Dowling

Oppsites - 0 views

    OppSites is revolutionizing economic development by creating a single platform where cities and the investment community work together to unlock economic potential. Cities can identify districts and sites, and share local knowledge about what they want to see built and where. Investors leverage this information to find underexposed real estate opportunities.
Brian G. Dowling

Creative Placemaking | NCCP - 0 views

    Creative placemaking is a new way of making communities more livable and prosperous through the arts, and making them better places for the arts. Creative placemaking is about more than public art or performing arts centers. It is about making places better for everyone. Traditional approaches to using arts as a revitalization tool tend to focus on building large institutions, districts or just 'doing projects.' Creative placemaking starts with building effective partnerships. Our approach to creative placemaking is based on six key elements: Building diverse and productive partnerships in communities and with local leadership to implement ideas. Enhancing quality of life for more people in communities Increasing economic opportunity for more stakeholders in communities Building healthier climates for creativity and cultural expression Engaging existing assets (both physical and human) as much as possible Promoting the best and distinct qualities of a place Our work is guided by the teachings of reflective practice, double-loop learning, asset-based community development, fifth level leadership, arts-based community development, communicative practice, environmental justice, and other current and cutting-edge philosophies of practice.  
Brian G. Dowling

University City District - 1 views

    University City District is a partnership of world-renowned anchor institutions, small businesses and residents that creates opportunity, improves economic vitality and quality of life in the University City area of West Philadelphia. Our primary mission is community revitalization. We work within a place-based, data-driven framework to invest in world-class public spaces, address crime and public safety, bring life to commercial corridors, connect low-income residents to careers, and promote job growth and innovation.
Brian G. Dowling

New! A People-First Transportation Toolkit - Main Street America - 0 views

    This one-stop-shop toolkit features guidance and best practices for rural downtowns and urban neighborhood commercial districts through three platforms: a downloadable handbook, a multi-part webinar series, and this online resource library, which includes a variety of new tools and links to transportation- and streets-focused resources, best practices, and research from across the country.
Brian G. Dowling

Online Survey Software | Qualtrics Survey Solutions - 0 views

    This dashboard presents program and policy changes states have made to their Unemployment Insurance (UI) programs in response to the current COVID-19 pandemic and economic situation. It includes information for all 50 states and the District of Columbia, allowing for easy comparison of program changes across states and when those changes were made.
Brian G. Dowling

Davenport Institute/Common Sense California Facebook - 0 views

    The Davenport Institute for Public Engagement and Civic Leadership supports and promotes public participation as a way of developing more creative and sustainable policy decisions, and more engaged and informed citizens. To fulfill this mission, we assume three roles as we work with California's cities, counties, school districts and civic organizations:
Brian G. Dowling

Cooltown Beta Communities - 0 views

    We help build enthusiastic communities of future owners, tenants and customers for progressive, urban real estate developments targeting creatives committed to a triple bottom line vision. We use the modern market and product development system of crowdsourcing (ie Wikipedia, YouTube, Linux), applied to the authentic placemaking principles of natural cultural districts. For a more complete description of the program, check out our visual guide to crowdsourced placemaking and economic development, Crowdsourcing Cool Places for Creatives and peruse how our clients are taking advantage of crowdsourced placemaking in the examples prominently displayed on this site.
Brian G. Dowling

The National Trust Main Street Center Facebook - 1 views

    To lead a national historic-preservation-based commercial district revitalization movement through our comprehensive Main Street Four-Point Approach®.
Brian G. Dowling - 1 views

    Over the past 30 years, the Main Street movement has transformed the way communities think about the revitalization and management of their downtowns and neighborhood commercial districts. Cities and towns across the nation have come to see that a prosperous, sustainable community is only as healthy as its core.
Brian G. Dowling

Facebook Indianapolis Cultural Trail: A Legacy of Gene & Marilyn Glick - 0 views

    The Indianapolis Cultural Trail: A Legacy of Gene & Marilyn Glick is a world-class urban bike and pedestrian path that connects neighborhoods, Cultural Districts, and entertainment amenities, and serves as hub for the central Indiana greenway system.
Brian G. Dowling

Indianapolis Cultural Trail : About - 0 views

    The Indianapolis Cultural Trail: A Legacy of Gene & Marilyn Glick is a world-class urban bike and pedestrian path that connects neighborhoods, Cultural Districts and entertainment amenities, and serves as the downtown hub for the entire central Indiana greenway system.

Brian G. Dowling

Systemic Design Toolkit - 2 views

    A few years ago, the need of tackling increasingly complex projects pushed Namahn and shiftN to collaborate on a Systemic Design toolkit. At the RSD5 symposium in Toronto (2016), the two partners presented the first version of the toolkit and assessed its fit for purpose during the conference workshop. Since then, the original authors have collaborated with Peter Jones (Systemic Design Association) and Alex Ryan (MaRS Discovery District) for continued development of the toolkit towards a mature version, ready for use.
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