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Todd Suomela

Open Humanities Press - 0 views

    An example of open publishing for the humanities.
    Open Humanities Press is an international open access publishing collective in critical and cultural theory. Open Humanities Press journals are fully peer reviewed, scholarly publications that have been chosen by OHP's editorial advisory board for their outstanding contribution to contemporary theory. OHP's journals are independent, published under open access licences and free of charge to readers and authors alike.
Todd Suomela

Doc Searls Weblog · Edging toward the fully licensed world - 0 views

    "By losing the free and open Internet, and free and open devices to interact with it - and even such ordinary things as physical books and music media - we reduce the full scope of both markets and civilization. But that's hard to see when the walled gardens are so rich with short-term benefits."
Todd Suomela

Open Content Alliance (OCA) - Home - 0 views

    The Open Content Alliance (OCA) represents the collaborative efforts of a group of cultural, technology, nonprofit, and governmental organizations from around the world that will help build a permanent archive of multilingual digitized text and multimedia content. The OCA was conceived by the Internet Archive and Yahoo! in early 2005 as a way to offer broad, public access to a rich panorama of world culture.
Todd Suomela

Open CRS Network - CRS Reports for the People - 0 views

    A project of the Center for Democracy & Technology through the cooperation of several organizations and collectors of CRS Reports, Open CRS provides citizens access to CRS Reports already in the public domain and encourages Congress to provide public access to all CRS Reports.
Xavier Moya

Sold a puppy. | Playable - 0 views

    "What if higher education is using MOOCs as a trope, to disorientate popular culture from the long established 'open-education' movement's agenda."
Todd Suomela

PlanetMath - 0 views

    PlanetMath is a virtual community which aims to help make mathematical knowledge more accessible. PlanetMath's content is created collaboratively: the main feature is the mathematics encyclopedia with entries written and reviewed by members. The entries are contributed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License (FDL) in order to preserve the rights of both the authors and readers in a sensible way.
Todd Suomela

History Commons - 0 views

  • The History Commons contains summaries of 10,441 events, which are published on the website in the format of dynamic timelines. These timelines can be filtered by investigative project, topic, or entity (e.g., a person, organization, or corporation). You can even generate a “scalable context” timeline for any event in the History Commons database simply by clicking the date of the timeline entry. You can search for events by using the search box at the top right-hand corner, or by browsing through the list of projects.
    The History Commons website is an experiment in open-content civic journalism. It provides a space for people to conduct grassroots-level investigations on any issue, providing the public with a useful tool to conduct oversight of government and private sector entities.
Todd Suomela - The economics of online commons - 0 views

  • The focus of many presentations was how to organize the production and distribution of new creative works in a world where free/cheap digital transmission is the norm. It turns out that many established institutions—if they are going to come to terms with the Internet—are going to have to seriously transform themselves in order to survive.
    • Todd Suomela
      Key summary of the conference in Amsterdam.
  • If you want to see the future, one of the best places to look is the freeboot innovators of the underground. They are always the ones who tried out the new ideas that later ripen into market opportunities. Think how hip-hop emerged from record-scratchers in Brooklyn basements and how the hobbyists of the Homebrew Computer Club pioneered many of the early innovations in computing.
  • The idea of “culture without property” seems just too radical and counter-intuitive for some folks to get (or they get it only too well, because it jeopardizes their established business model). But this is not actually such a radical vision. There are already all sorts of profit-making enterprises that are building business models around open, non-proprietary platforms. IBM’s embrace of GNU Linux, the open-source operating system, is one of many prominent examples. So is Flickr, the photo-sharing website.
Todd Suomela

john wilbanks' blog - Nature Network - 0 views

    Agitating for innovation through open licensing and good technology.
Fredric Markus

Protected classes: sexuality - 9 views

Fredric Markus wrote: > Now we are blessed - and cursed - with great change in these matters. The academic world has come around to an understanding that situational understandings of "normal" are...

Todd Suomela

Sunlight Foundation - Insanely Useful Websites - 0 views

    The following sites and resources are "insanely useful Web sites" for government transparency.
Todd Suomela

Public Data Sets on Amazon Web Services (AWS) - 0 views

    Public Data Sets on AWS provides a centralized repository of public data sets that can be seamlessly integrated into AWS cloud-based applications. AWS is hosting the public data sets at no charge for the community, and like all AWS services, users pay only for the compute and storage they use for their own applications.
Todd Suomela

Open Left:: Moral Politics: What Is A "Public Good"? - 0 views

    But the distinction between "common" and "public" is not one that most people in most circumstances wish to preserve. Indeed, one of the functions of democratically-grounded government is to seek to functionally eliminate that distinction for its citizenry as much as possible in terms of their day-to-day lives.
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