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Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Copyleft - Wikipedia [Stallman, The GNU Manifesto 1995] - 0 views

    "An early use of the word "copyleft" was in Tiny Basic's distribution notice "@COPYLEFT ALL WRONGS RESERVED", however, Tiny Basic was not distributed under any form of copyleft distribution terms so the wordplay is the only similarity. The concept of copyleft was described in Richard Stallman's GNU Manifesto in 1983 where he wrote: GNU is not in the public domain. Everyone will be permitted to modify and redistribute GNU, but no distributor will be allowed to restrict its further redistribution. That is to say, proprietary modifications will not be allowed. I want to make sure that all versions of GNU remain free."
    "An early use of the word "copyleft" was in Tiny Basic's distribution notice "@COPYLEFT ALL WRONGS RESERVED", however, Tiny Basic was not distributed under any form of copyleft distribution terms so the wordplay is the only similarity. The concept of copyleft was described in Richard Stallman's GNU Manifesto in 1983 where he wrote: GNU is not in the public domain. Everyone will be permitted to modify and redistribute GNU, but no distributor will be allowed to restrict its further redistribution. That is to say, proprietary modifications will not be allowed. I want to make sure that all versions of GNU remain free."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Is it wrong to use Microsoft products on Linux? | CIO - 0 views

    "Whenever I write about Microsoft's change in attitude toward Linux, I get pushback from a segment of the Linux user community. That makes me wonder if it's really 'okay' to use Microsoft products on Linux. If not, why? "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Internet Archive Seeks to Defend Against Wrongful Copyright Takedowns - TorrentFreak [#... - 0 views

    " By Andy on March 23, 2016 C: 25 Breaking As a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software and music, the Internet Archive has a keen interest in copyright law. In a submission to the U.S. Copyright Office the Archive says since the major studios often send invalid notices, they're suggesting a change in the law to allow content to remain up while disputes are settled."
    " By Andy on March 23, 2016 C: 25 Breaking As a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software and music, the Internet Archive has a keen interest in copyright law. In a submission to the U.S. Copyright Office the Archive says since the major studios often send invalid notices, they're suggesting a change in the law to allow content to remain up while disputes are settled."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Windows 10 doesn't matter to desktop Linux | Jim Lynch - 0 views

    "January 26, 2015 by Jim Lynch 14 Comments Image credit: Well folks, it's that time again. Yes, there's another one of those silly "the linux desktop is dead" kind of articles floating around out there. As usual the article is quite wrong, and I'll tell you why in this post."
    "January 26, 2015 by Jim Lynch 14 Comments Image credit: Well folks, it's that time again. Yes, there's another one of those silly "the linux desktop is dead" kind of articles floating around out there. As usual the article is quite wrong, and I'll tell you why in this post."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Comcast took $1,775 from man, only gave it back after he contacted media | Ars Technica... - 0 views

    "Stop us if you've heard this one before: Comcast has done something wrong to one of its customers and didn't make it right until he contacted a reporter."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Chomsky: How Do We Defend Ourselves from the Corporate and Imperial Forces That Threate... - 0 views

    "We need a worldwide struggle to preserve the global commons. July 5, 2013 | With wrenching tragedies only a few miles away, and still worse catastrophes perhaps not far removed, it may seem wrong, perhaps even cruel, to shift attention to other prospects that, although abstract and uncertain, might offer a path to a better world - and not in the remote future. "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

7 Excuses For Not Using Linux -- And Why They're Wrong - Datamation [# ! 2 notes] - 0 views

    • Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.
      # ! Oh, many people complain about the lack of features that... have never used... ;)
    • Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.
      # ! ... bla, bla: essentially, is that people are misinformed... probably with the intention to keep 'em trapped in the proprietary -limiting and flippant- clutches...
    • Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.
      [... For example, you still can't fill out PDF forms...] # ! ??? wth! :( try pdfedit... :)
    [ Posted May 6, 2015 By Bruce Byfield Submit Feedback » More Articles » Every since Linux first became popular, articles have been condemning its shortcomings. Hardly a month goes by without someone explaining what Linux lacks, or how it needs a particular feature, application, or service to be usable-- and, as often as not, the complaints are misguided.]
    [ Posted May 6, 2015 By Bruce Byfield Submit Feedback » More Articles » Every since Linux first became popular, articles have been condemning its shortcomings. Hardly a month goes by without someone explaining what Linux lacks, or how it needs a particular feature, application, or service to be usable-- and, as often as not, the complaints are misguided.]
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

11 Ways To Change Your Definition Of Life And Attract Positive Energy - 0 views

    " Stress results from a wrong definition of life. For most people life stands for 'Living in Fear Everyday'."
Wildcat2030 wildcat

The Value of Nothing-Raj Patel » Blog Archive » - 1 views

    ""This is a deeply thought-provoking book about the dramatic changes we must make to save the planet from financial madness" - Naomi Klein. Opening with Oscar Wilde's observation that "nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing," Patel shows how our faith in prices as a way of valuing the world is misplaced. He reveals the hidden ecological and social costs of a hamburger (as much as $200), and asks how we came to have markets in the first place. Both the corporate capture of government and our current financial crisis, Patel argues, are a result of our democratically bankrupt political system. If part one asks how we can rebalance society and limit markets, part two answers by showing how social organizations, in America and around the globe, are finding new ways to describe the world's worth. If we don't want the market to price every aspect of our lives, we need to learn how such organizations have discovered democratic ways in which people, and not simply governments, can play a crucial role in deciding how we might share our world and its resources in common. This short, timely and inspiring book reveals that our current crisis is not simply the result of too much of the wrong kind of economics. While we need to rethink our economic model, Patel argues that the larger failure beneath the food, climate and economic crises is a political one. If economics is about choices, Patel writes, it isn't often said who gets to make them. The Value of Nothing offers a fresh and accessible way to think about economics and the choices we will all need to make in order to create a sustainable economy and society."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Winning Discussions: False Dilemma (Effective Pirating) | PirateTimes - 0 views

    "September 1, 2014 · by Andrew Reitemeyer · in Tips & Tricks Logical fallacies are techniques that people use to make an argument appear convincing even when it is wrong. Learning how to identify and refute logical fallacies is one of the best ways to win in a discussion. "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Pre-crime arrives in the UK: Better make sure your face stays off the crowdsourced watc... - 0 views

    "You can now be ushered out of a shop, even if you haven't done anything wrong yet. by Sebastian Anthony - Dec 17, 2015 1:15pm CET"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

When Authors Demand Payment For Every Copy, They Advocate Communism - TorrentFreak - 0 views

    " Rick Falkvinge on December 21, 2015 C: 114 Opinion Yes, really. There's a whole lot of confusion in the dangerous and wrong cliché that "authors must be paid" for every copy that's made. We live in a market economy for good reasons."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Social and political movements related to the P2P (participatory), open (open access to... - 5 views

    [A directory of social and political movements related to the P2P (participatory), open (open access to knowledge), and 'commons' paradigms. ...]
    This looks interesting, but when I click the link I just get a jpg image.... Is that what you intended? or is there supposed to be a webpage attached? Thanks. --Richard
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Software Piracy Hurts Linux Adoption, Research Finds - TorrentFreak [# ! Note...] - 0 views

    • Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.
      # ! No way. Piracy has nothing to do with Linux. It's just another 'biased' press #vane #try to #identify #opensource and '#crime'...
    " Ernesto on February 21, 2016 C: 24 News New research suggests that software piracy has a detrimental effect on the adoption of Linux desktop operating systems. Piracy is one of the reasons why Windows has been able to maintain its dominant market position, making open source alternatives "forgotten victims" of copyright infringement."
    " Ernesto on February 21, 2016 C: 24 News New research suggests that software piracy has a detrimental effect on the adoption of Linux desktop operating systems. Piracy is one of the reasons why Windows has been able to maintain its dominant market position, making open source alternatives "forgotten victims" of copyright infringement."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Johann Hari: Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong | TED Talk | - 0 views

    " What really causes addiction - to everything from cocaine to smart-phones? And how can we overcome it? Johann Hari has seen our current methods fail firsthand, as he has watched loved ones struggle to manage their addictions. He started to wonder why we treat addicts the way we do - and if there might be a better way. As he shares in this deeply personal talk, his questions took him around the world, and unearthed some surprising and hopeful ways of thinking about an age-old problem. "
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