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Democracy & Difference- Contesting the boundaries of difference | AAAARG.ORG - 2 views

    "The global trend toward democratization of the last two decades has been accompanied by the resurgence of various politics of "identity/difference." From nationalist and ethnic revivals in the countries of east and central Europe to the former Soviet Union, to the politics of cultural separatism in Canada, and to social movement politics in liberal western-democracies, the negotiation of identity/difference has become a challenge to democracies everywhere. This volume brings together a group of distinguished thinkers who rearticulate and reconsider the foundations of democratic theory and practice in the light of the politics of identity/difference.\nIn Part One Jürgen Habermas, Sheldon S. Wolin, Jane Mansbridge, Seyla Benhabib, Joshua Cohen, and Iris Marion Young write on democratic theory. Part Two--on equality, difference, and public representation--contains essays by Anne Phillips, Will Kymlicka, Carol C. Gould, Jean L. Cohen, and Nancy Fraser; and Part Three--on culture, identity, and democracy--by Chantal Mouffe, Bonnie Honig, Fred Dallmayr, Joan B. Landes, and Carlos A. Forment. In the last section Richard Rorty, Robert A. Dahl, Amy Gutmann, and Benjamin R. Barber write on whether democracy needs philosophical foundations.\nThis is an excellent yext for someone interested in models of the public sphere. While all the authors are proponents of the deliberative model of democracy (as opposed to, for instance, the liberal, interest-based, technocratic, communitarian, or civic-republican) many of them place their arguments in the context of other models. So, the book reads like a symposium of like-minded people, rather than like a rally of true believers.\nAlmost all of the essays are accessible to a generalist, but several really stand out (especially those by Benhabib, Fraser, and Young)."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

5 Ways to Repurpose an Old PC with Open Source Software - 0 views

    "Most small businesses refresh their desktops and laptops every three to five years, but that process brings up a thorny question: What should you do with the old equipment? Answer: learn how to repurpose old PCs and laptops."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Dale una segunda vida a tu viejo ordenador con estas distribuciones Linux - 0 views

    " ... las distribuciones Linux más ligeras. Sistemas operativos que, en contra de Windows y Mac, pueden hacer que un ordenador con hardware poco potente funcionen realmente bien, y cumpliendo tus expectativas en ofimática y navegación web, por ejemplo."
    " ... las distribuciones Linux más ligeras. Sistemas operativos que, en contra de Windows y Mac, pueden hacer que un ordenador con hardware poco potente funcionen realmente bien, y cumpliendo tus expectativas en ofimática y navegación web, por ejemplo."
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