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Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Translating good documentation beats starting over from scratch | - 0 views

    "Writing documentation can have a way of getting into your blood, so that you think about it quite a bit, play with some ideas, start various new ideas that may not come to much, and it seems that what you're looking for as much as anything is a task that takes hold of you and develops its own energy to keep you going until you finish."
    "Writing documentation can have a way of getting into your blood, so that you think about it quite a bit, play with some ideas, start various new ideas that may not come to much, and it seems that what you're looking for as much as anything is a task that takes hold of you and develops its own energy to keep you going until you finish."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

WebTorrent Desktop - 0 views

    "Whether it's video from the Internet Archive, music from Creative Commons, or audiobooks from Librivox, you can play it right away. You don't have to wait for it to finish downloading. WebTorrent - network of peers WebTorrent Desktop connects to both BitTorrent and WebTorrent peers. It can talk to peers running Transmission or uTorrent, and it can also talk to web pages like"
    "Whether it's video from the Internet Archive, music from Creative Commons, or audiobooks from Librivox, you can play it right away. You don't have to wait for it to finish downloading. WebTorrent - network of peers WebTorrent Desktop connects to both BitTorrent and WebTorrent peers. It can talk to peers running Transmission or uTorrent, and it can also talk to web pages like"
Wildcat2030 wildcat

Findings - Jaron Lanier Is Rethinking the Open Nature of the Internet - - 11 views

    "When does the wisdom of crowds give way to the meanness of mobs? In the 1990s, Jaron Lanier was one of the digital pioneers hailing the wonderful possibilities that would be realized once the Internet allowed musicians, artists, scientists and engineers around the world to instantly share their work. Now, like a lot of us, he is having second thoughts. Mr. Lanier, a musician and avant-garde computer scientist - he popularized the term "virtual reality" - wonders if the Web's structure and ideology are fostering nasty group dynamics and mediocre collaborations. His new book, "You Are Not a Gadget," is a manifesto against "hive thinking" and "digital Maoism," by which he means the glorification of open-source software, free information and collective work at the expense of individual creativity."
  • ...4 more comments...
    This paragraph - "To save those endangered species, Mr. Lanier proposes rethinking the Web's ideology, revising its software structure and introducing innovations like a universal system of micropayments. (To debate reforms, go to Tierney Lab at" from this article is exactly how I imagine moving our project forward. But, who knows how to do it?
    I have some ideas Jack, but it's not finished, let's finish it together
    Sounds good ...
    We can flesh it out when I visit :-) over some wine, I think I have to do that soon.
    Still 30-below! lol
    it's a balmy -11 now, breaking out the beach shorts tomorrow
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Surprise! Microsoft Ending Free Upgrades to Windows 10 | FOSS Force - 0 views

    "Christine Hall Microsoft announced on Thursday that the end-of-life is coming soon to its free upgrade-to-Windows 10 scheme. Afterwards, the operating system won't be cheap."
    "Christine Hall Microsoft announced on Thursday that the end-of-life is coming soon to its free upgrade-to-Windows 10 scheme. Afterwards, the operating system won't be cheap."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Fear not, humanity - Saint Elon has finished part two of his world-saving 'master plan'... - 0 views

    "Sustainability and sharing isn't just some 'silly, hippy thing,' says Musk"
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